Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011


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Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

How to Speed Up Mozilla Firefox?

How to Speed Up Mozilla Firefox?

How to Speed Up Slow internet Connections?

Mozilla Firefox Speed Up Tricks.

How to Speed Up Mozilla Firefox?

1. Open Mozilla Firefox and Install This.

2. Copy and Paste in your Address bar This link.

3. Enter.

4. After install this software and Restart Mozilla Firefox.

5. Finish.

Open Mozilla Firefox and Show any Error. install Firebug Software.

Download Now

Watch This Video

Kamis, 10 November 2011

How to Grow Twitter Followers

How to Grow Twitter Followers?

Want to learn the fastest way to get more Twitter followers? Take a look at this tips which will show you how to get more Twitter followers with ease!

When you look at the profile of a member of twitter, if you see the rate Following/Followers = min / MAX, you'll probably think that: this person is a Guru!? They have a very small number of Following but Followers is very large number. This brings the benefits to you, everyone will think that, you are an expert in your field, and many people listen to your tweets and follow you. You can do that with the services that I will introduce below:

Get Mass Twitter Followers with I think all of you know about social networking. Yes, finally i think that social networking is really fun. But, the most important for use, bloggers or webmasters, is free massive traffic that we can get from social networking like from Twitter. But how to drive mass traffic from them? Simply. You must have a lot of followers on Twitter.

Ok, now it’s time to talking about What is it? is a free discovery tool and community-building platform that helps users to grow their Twitter audience by getting people to follow you in exchange for seeds.

Services to exchange Points to Followers: Get More Twitter Followers day by day


All you must understand is how you can get more Twitter followers than you have. How do you do that quickly? Simple! You buy them. But wait a minute, you cand Use Twiends to Get More Twitter Followers For Free!

It's a free twitter app that can be used to build your twitter followers. The service is completely free to use (unless you buy credits) and works effectively allowing users to still follow you even if you run out of credits to hand out. is a site to grow your Twitter followers by getting people to follow you in exchange for credits. (get More credits – get More Twitter Followers). You can choose the amount of credits you offer for a follow and these can be bought or earned for competing various tasks, such as following someone, signing up for their mailing list, or simply blogging about it. Advertise yourself on twiends and thousands of people will follow you. You can even highlight yourself to people with common interests in your country. So what are you waiting for ?? Join, now.

How does twiends work?

Twiends provides introductions to people looking for friends and followers. We use a fair seed system to create the incentive for you to check someone out. When you follow someone you earn seeds from them, and vica versa when they follow you. You can decide how many seeds you want to offer per follow, and when you run out you remain on the list so people can still follow you if they like. We focusing on making the introduction, and you focus on deciding who you want to be friends with in the long run. We are not a "get followers fast" site or a follower train. You get to choose who you friend and they get to do the same. In saying that though, you will find that a lot people will follow you because you are on the site. Our focus is community building.

What is a seed?

You offer seeds to others as an incentive for them to follow you. They can then use the seeds to do the same. It is purely a mechanism for encouraging people to check each other out, and it works. You can change how many seeds you offer people in the settings page. Different people will offer varying levels of seeds depending on their personal choice.

Enjoy! Hope this will help you to gain More Twitter Followers fast and free.

Note: Please remember to be responsible, see twitter's rules on aggressive following and churning before Get More Twitter Followers daily! Twitter account may be suspended permanently if violate these terms of service.

Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

How to Log on to PC If You Forgot Windows 7 Password

Windows Password could help people protect their important data that is stored in their computer. But many people are forgetful and easy to forget their password. So what should you do to log on to PC when you forgot Windows 7 password? show you 3 solutions.

Method 1
: Reset Windows 7 Password with Password Reset Disk

A strong password can be easily forgotten or lost, creating a password reset disk is necessary. If you forget Windows 7 password, you can use the password reset disk to reset the password. With it, you can easily reset your Windows 7 password and log on to your PC in a minute.

Creating a password reset disk in case of forgetting password is necessary. But there are still many people forget to create one in advance. So it is highly recommend that creating a password reset disk when you create your logon password.

Method 2: Reset Windows 7 Password with Third-party tool

In addition to reset Windows 7 password with password reset disk, you can also reset the forgotten password with third-party Windows password reset software. Windows password reset software allows you to reset forgotten Windows 7 password by creating a bootable CD/DVD or USB flash drive. Here we suggest Rekeysoft Windows Password Recovery.

Rekeysoft Windows Password Recovery is professional Windows password reset tool. It provides you fast and secure way to reset forgotten password in any versions of Windows, including Windows 7/Vista/XP etc. You only need to create a bootable CD/DVD or USB flash drive.

Method 3: Re-install Windows 7 Operating System

If you cannot log on to computer with the methods above, you can re-install Windows 7. It is the last choice for you. Insert the Windows 7 installation disc into your computer and restart it. Once the computer is running, follow the onscreen instructions to re-install Windows 7.

The methods above are effective for you when you forgot windows 7 password. And they can be also useful when you forgot Windows password of Windows Vista and Windows XP. You can choose one of them when you lost of forgot Windows 7 password.

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

How to Convert Web Traffic into Dollars

The following paragraphs summarize the work of traffic Experts who are completely familiar with all the aspects of traffic. Heed their advice to avoid any traffic surprises.

Do you have a website which pulls in large number of visitors Everyday? You can actually benefit yourself with the traffic and earn a great, residual income if you give a little more effort. Here are some of the greatest ways you can convert those traffic into mountainous cash:

1. Sell a product/service Of course, to earn money you need to sell a product or service to your visitors. It is the best way to profit from your own product. Usually, an E-book or software works the best - they can be downloaded right away, no shipping included, no handling to be done. You earn 100% of the profits without any investments to be taken before that.

Other than that, selling your own product allows you to set your own Price.

2. Opt-In list It is very crucial that you try to convert Every visitor of yours to a subscriber of your mailing list. The most important asset that an Internet marketer has is his or her list of subscribers. They define whether you will go far in the online business venture.

With an opt-in list, there are tons and tons of ways you can profit greater in the future. You can make previous customers purchase again from you, making them your repeating customers that is of course, if they are in your mailing list and you can urge them to Buy again.

Building a closer relationship with your own subscriber will be the best thing you can do. By having your subscribers 'trust' you, you can endorse many other useful products to your subscribers and the chances that they will buy from you will be High because they trust you.

3. Viral Marketing You can provide a free product or bonus to be listed on your site to be downloaded by your visitors. Usually it'll be an E-book where people can read from and learn useful information. In this bonus, you include give away rights and urge readers to give it away to anyone they want to. This way, you increase your own publicity and branding.

In the future, you will receive great benefits as when you are known, people will trust you more and this profits you. Between a product let's say a tooth brush from a beggar and a doctor, who will you prefer to purchase from? Unless the beggar offers something special, it is hardly that you will purchase the tooth brush from him.

How can you put a limit on learning more? The next section may contain that one little bit of wisdom that changes everything.

4. Pay-per-click In this case, you don't pay for every click but earn instead. There are many advertising programs that give you a percentage of the bidding on a certain keyword. The famous ones are Google Adsense, Chitika, Yahoo Publisher Network and Kontera.

When people click on the ads shown from either of these advertising programs, you will earn a small portion of money. Nevertheless, if you have high traffic to your site - these programs alone can generate your residual income.

5. Offer an advertising space Usually websites which brings in very high traffic will sell a small portion of space on their web page. You can charge a minimum of $300 for advertising someone's ad a single month on advertising fee if your web page is pulling more than 2000 visitors a day.

Other than that, you can also create exit pop-ups that advertise other websites as well. By doing this, you don't clutter your website with too many ads and you can earn a better reputation from your visitors.

6. Affiliate marketing If you don't have your own product for sale, you can sell other's products instead and receive a commission on every sale. With affiliate marketing, you have an unlimited source of products to sell and you don't need to go through any problems after your sales.

No customer service, you don't need to issue any refunds, just let the owner do everything else for you after each sale. If you have a mailing list, you can endorse many other products and earn very great profits from your subscribers.

7. Pay-per-lead Instead of earning money from every click your visitors clicked on, you are paid if you get your visitors to subscribe into other's mailing list. Nevertheless, it is not necessary that you just get visitors to become other's subscribers.

There are a lot of bigger companies like Apple and HP which holds survey every few months. By referring your visitors to them in order to complete a survey, you can also earn great profits from it.

Applied correctly, you can make a huge fortune on the Internet and build a steady online Business taking over the place of your day job. Take some time to put effort in either of these strategies, because it can make your day bright. When word gets around about your command of traffic facts, others who need to know about traffic will start to actively seek you out.

How to Increase Traffic in Your Website

When starting up your web site there are several things that you need to take into consideration. Chief amongst them is the ability to achieve the traffic level that you need for Success. Traffic is what will allow you to get your products and services presented to the public.

You need to realize that not every visitor to your website will be a customer. Your Goal is to get as many visitors as you can so that you can increase the branding and front of mind awareness to as many potential future clients as possible. Along the way your numbers of actual customer conversions will increase.

By emphasizing brand awareness the recognition you achieve will make the difference in how your Visitors and future customers perceive your products and services.

Advertising on the internet is the best way to get traffic to your website to help you achieve your branding goals. You need to get as many people to visit as possible each and Every day. To do this you need to have your website listed and promoted in as many relevant places as possible. Be prepared to invest the time or resources it takes to accomplish this. If you want to keep tighter control over the process and the outcome you may want to do as much of this yourself as you can.

Once you get that traffic to your site you want to have a site set up that will turn them into customers. This is vitally important. You need to make a Great first impression on potential customers with a professional website. You don't just want them to visit, you want them to return.

A couple good methods for accomplishing this are keeping the site organized with information readily and easily available. The site should do more than just Display what you are by doing it in a way that is pleasing to customers and makes them want to return. It should make them want to tell people about you in a positive light. Give visitors a reason to listen to what you have to say on your site.

Visitors to your site will form impressions quickly and that is where you need to make a favorable first impression. If you lose them at this point they will probably be lost forever. If you get their attention with a well designed site that has content relevant to the traffics interest you may get a customer that returns repeatedly. Repeat customers and traffic is what will make your online Business successful.

Make the content and layout of your site easy to quickly digest and follow. There should not be any mistakes there to turn your traffic away. It is very important for you to understand how unprofessional a website Looks that is filled with design, spelling or grammatical mistakes appears to your visitors. The first impression you make will either turn your visitor away forever or keep them returning again and again.

Promoting your website is an ongoing effort that has no end. It takes constant adjustments and research, so don't give up and make a consistent and concerted effort.

other Tips Promote Your Site For Free and Email Marketing.

How to Make Email Marketing Work For You

Have you ever received one of those forwarded emails that relates a nice story or some inspiring pictures and then lays on a guilt trip if you don't immediately send that email to a million other people in your sphere of influence, Complete with the same guilt ridden message? Some of these messages even indicate dire consequences or simple bad luck of the recipient somehow breaks the chain in this email link. I'm never certain who exactly monitors this situation and how they know to exact consequences dire or otherwise.

If you're like most computer users you have developed a low tolerance level for this type of email. In fact, if observation is true many of these Emails are immediately deleted without even looking at the 'inspiring' material within. Alas the chain is broken and beyond the scope of repair.

For some web users there is a heightened sense of frustration because the sender of this material simply uses these methods to attempt to communicate with the recipient. There are no original words and no questions about the family or job. All the recipient sees is an Email that indicates the sender only cared enough to send junk mail.

This mentality contributes to making email marketing so hard for online businesses. If it weren't bad enough that spammers already abuse the system enough now the average Email user is sending junk mail to family and friends and honestly believe they are positively connecting with the recipient.

Is it any wonder that those receiving Email would almost rather click the delete button on an email they don't recognize than to open spam?

Some web users have gotten to the point where they will only review Emails that are not forwards and from individuals they already know. Junk mail and the potential for viruses make delete our favorite key.

If I might offer a suggestion for those who participate in Email marketing, make sure you name your business and the primary purpose of the email in the subject line. You may think that you need to make your email subject line extremely creative, but the more straightforward the subject the greater the possibility the email will be reviewed. You don't want your recipients to have doubts about what is in the email.

I would also suggest that you remain completely focused on the primary purpose of the Email and offer as many quality reasons as possible for your recipient to not only review the email, but also drop by the site and take a look around.

Email marketing can be a daunting task because there are so many variables that make this type of marketing harder than it really should be. Spammers created some of these problems and others were created by well meaning individuals who substituted junk mail for meaningful and personal Emails.

Try to make each Email marketing attempt just another attempt at redeeming email marketing as an honest way to reach out to customers and prospects in a cost effective and personally directed way.

How to increase Google adsense Profits From Your Website

Adsense is Really Making waves and Making its presence felt especially on the affiliate industry. The result of this is that most of the weak affiliate merchants have disappeared. Likewise ad networks are beginning to lose their customers due to Google's Adsense.

If you are a web site owner and you're losing more rather gaining using affiliate programs that you are advertising then I guess it's high time that you consider shifting to adsense marketing and start earning which is what you should be doing in the first place.

The best thing about Google is that the adsense that they will put on your site are carefully chosen to match the content on your pages, which is good since your web visitors have a much better chance of clicking on them since they are related to the information that they have search on your site.

Another benefit that you derived from this is that it enhances further the usefulness of your site since other related information that are not found on your site is conveniently supplied by Google through its adsense. This is actually just one of adsense trick.

With Google's adsense you will no longer have to waste time and effort in choosing various types of ads for the different pages of your site. Google has made everything easy as well as convenient for you. There are no difficult codes to deal with all you get are ads that are carefully chosen to match every contents found on your site.

This will provide you with lots of time to do other important things like creating better and quality contents since most of the search engines considered contents as one of their basis in choosing the sites where they are to put their ads.

Another great thing about Google adsense is that even if you have already existing affiliate links on your site your site will still be allowed to add adsense ads. This means that you will be able to still earn from adsense ads. Plus you may even customize the adsense so that it will appear as part of your web page. You use Google's custom palette for such an endeavor.

The rationale behind matching the adsense to the theme of your site is that most of the web visitors today are used to clicking on a link that is blue. By having your Google adsense to match the theme of your web page will make it looks like a part or portion of your content. This adsense trick is ideal since it will make the web visitors to click on it thinking that it's just a link to another page of the web site.

Aside from that you will also be able to filter out those URLs that do not meet your guidelines. You may also block your competitor from advertising on your site. Bear in mind that the fact still remains that adsense is somewhat competing for some space on web sites that all other revenue generating ads are sharing.

With adsense on your web page together with your content people will definitely flock on your site sicne yo have everything that they need. In the long run having an adsense on your site will both benefit you in terms of increase in revenue as well as increase in your web site's hits.

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

How to My Computer Shutdown at a Certain Time

Computer Shutdown at a Certain Time.

Generally, While Watching Movies, Downloading or Reading an eBook, I fall asleep. This must also be a case with many of you, Watching Movies on your Laptop and then lying asleep the Next Minute, with only ghosts left to watching your boring movie.

Many Download junkies also queue files for overnight downloading. And in places where an uninterrupted supply of electricity is not present, these poor download junks have to wake up early to switch off their PCs and avoid data corruption.

How to My Computer Set a Timer for Automatic Shutdown?

Setting up a timer for automatic shutdown is no big deal, in fact many people would already know about it, but if you don’t, read on.

There is no software to install and no tweaks to be made. An automatic shutdown is inbuilt into Windows and ready to be explored. Let’s check out how we can set a timer for automatic shutdown.

How to Set a Timer for Automatic Shutdown?

For example that you want to Shutdown your computer at 1:00 AM.

Then go to Start Menu and click on RUN then type "at 01:00 shutdown -s" and Press Enter.

Now your Computer Automatic Shutdown at 1:00 AM.

And other -s, -l, -t, -c, -f, -r Meaning.
Shuts down the PC.

Logs off the current user.

-t nn
Indicates the duration of delay, in seconds, before performing the action.

-c "Type your message in text"
Displays a message in the System Shutdown window. A maximum of 127 characters can be used. The message must be enclosed in quotation marks.

Forces any running applications to shut down.

Reboots the PC.

at 01:00 shutdown -s -t 50 -c "Bye Bye"

How to Deactivate Set a Timer for Automatic Shutdown?

You Set Time After ohh.. My Work is Long Time Running Not Finish at a Set Time. How to Deactivate Shutdown Mode.

To Deactivate this Mode go to RUN Again and Type "shutdown -a" and Press Enter.

Minggu, 04 September 2011

Part Time Internet Marketing with A Full Time Approach

The deluge of people wanting to make money on the internet has exploded in the past few years. It's getting to the point where anyone that has a computer has heard of or has been tempted by such income. From affiliate marketing to playing around on e-bay, "wanna-be" Internet marketers and online business entrepreneurs are abundant.

This explosion has in part, been fueled by entrepreneurs that have "day jobs." Internet marketing and online business, "on the side" is commonplace with today's "day job" work force. The online business explosion is also due to the myriad of opportunities available, the tools available and all of the knowledge right at our mouse tips. Another driver is the whole notion of continuous learning. These same entrepreneurs from all walks of life realize that learning the internet, learning marketing, learning about the tools and information at hand is a continuous learning experience. That is, if they want to be a player and do things right. New methods, new tools, new information are emerging daily. Staying on top of the latest trends is just as important as learning a fundamental base.

Internet marketing and having an online business can be done part time and appear as if it is full time. These part-timers can have that full-time business, "on the side." In the virtual world, the behind the scenes operations are numerous and by definition do not have to be viewed as part time. The key is to use a full time, automated system that pays the proper amount of attention to prospects and customers.

The number one reason people don't buy immediately from an online business or website is that they don't see value right away. Sometimes value is there but the casual browser misses it. What is needed is an automatic system that can contact the browser again and again to communicate the marketing message, its benefits and most importantly its ultimate value. This automatic system gives the marketer the full time attention necessary to sell online. One way to do this is with an autoresponder system.

An autoresponder is best described as a "fax on demand system for e-mail." It is an automatic email sender that sends your marketing and sales message to those expressing interest in what you offer. The exciting part is that it can continuously send follow up emails to the prospects as frequently as you designate. If the autoresponder is framed properly, your chances of getting an order increase with each message and/or each contact to a prospect. This is known as a sequential autoresponder and is the basis of all automatic full time Internet marketing systems.

Once you get attention, interest and desire from your browser and they take the action to sign up for something, you then respond to their request with more attention, on a regular, full time basis.

A good autoresponder is worth its weight in gold. Many times you will be thankful for email being sent on your behalf because you don't have to take the time to send manually. The autoresponder sends it but makes you appear as if you were paying full time attention to your customers.

Another automatic step of internet marketing offering full time attention is the one step autoresponder. "Send a blank e-mail to ( to receive a free special report on (a subject designated by you)." This comes in real handy in an e-zine for instance. You can shorten the ezine articles, (which internet browsers and readers prefer) by stating, "…for the rest of this article send a blank email to" This is a time message autoresponder. Your reader gets the article in his or her email box and you get notified of someone with a particular interest (not to mention permission to market to subsequently).

We could spend all of our time here just on this one powerful, automatic, full time weapon, the autoresponder, but there are other parts to your automatic, full time, attention giving, marketing system.

1. Pop Up Windows - one strategy that utilizes automation is the exit pop up box. Be creative in the message to try and snag a person that has already decided to leave your site. Use a free offer or reduced price or a bribe to get the browser to take one more look, one more consideration and maybe even a purchase. After all when the browser is leaving, you have lost the sale. Pop Up boxes try one more time to snag their interest. Any sale from a last ditch effort is like a bonus to you. They were leaving anyway so be creative.

2. Free e-course - a variation of autoresponder emails, sent out on regular intervals can be called or marketed as an e-course. Remember, getting an interested party's email address is gold in the world of internet marketing. These interested parties are more likely to buy from you, now or later, as you market to them over and over.

3. Check out for a recommended autoresponder. They offer Unlimited autoresponders, follow ups, email broadcasts, and even offer a free test drive. Some web hosting services and shopping cart systems also offer autoresponders.

4. Autoresponders, e-courses, follow up messages and pop up boxes can be set up to:

1. Offer a free subscription to your ezine.

2. Offer a sample or trial

3. Convert prospects to paying clients

4. Create loyal fans

5. Offer free special reports positioning you as an expert

6. Giving something of value away for free to keep interest

All of the above systems are your automated sales force. Because you do all the work preparing and setting up, once they are unleashed, they do all the work for you, automatically, 24/7. You go to your day job knowing your automatic sales force is hard at work.

The easiest, fastest and most cost effective way to increase your online business is to increase your follow up efforts. Anything set up automatically to do this is the answer. Anything set up to offer full time attention is also the answer; all while you are at your day job.

Learn How To Diagnose Power Supply Problems

The Power Supply convert's your regular household current into low DC voltage used by the computer. When this component fails,there is simply no activity going on wih your computer. Remember to do the easy troubleshooting first. Inspect the Power Supply for any damage. Double-Check all connections.

Learning how to check your power supply and how to replace it when needed can be a life saver if you're a computer buff or in business with the trusted PC. Don't take for granted the simple pleasure of turning on your PC and everything works just fine.

We turned on one of our computers recently and in about one hour,it just re-booted itself. And it continued doing so about 10 times a day until we found out the power supply was the culprit. Things to look for when your power supply is going bad or just dies on you are the following.


Here you must first check the wall outlet for power by connecting another device such as a radio or lamp to be sure power is present. If the computer is connected through a surge protector, check it as well.

If the wall out has power, check the power cable going to the PC to see if AC voltage is making its way to the system unit. Do this with the use of a multimeter.

If there is power,you will have to open the PC and check for power from the power supply to the motherboard.

When using a multimeter to check voltage,be sure you have a good ground for the black lead of the multimeter.


One main problem you may face with an ailing Power Supply is that it may re-boot the computer without any warning. All information is lost and it seems as though this happens at the worst possible time.

Booting errors when the computer first start's up is another indicator of this component going on the blink.


When the power supply begins to fail, you may receive power at one device and not another. For example, the Hard Drive may receive power but the CDROM Drive has nothing at all.

Another headache with would cause re-booting is the intermittent power going to the drives or the motherboard itself. Follow the steps below to check your power supply should you experience some of the above problems.


If the wall outlet, and the power cord are good, make sure the connection at the motherboard is secure. Then you may have to face the fact that the power supply itself is bad. If you have a Multimeter you can test the power supply output before purchasing a new one. Simply follow these steps.

Turn off the PC, but do not unplug it,open the system unit. Set the multimeter to read DC volts in the next range higher than 12 volts. Locate a power connector similair to the hard drive, or cdrom drive connector that is unused and turn on the PC.

You can also unplug a drive connector and use it as well. Turn on the PC and insert the BLACK probe into the power connector on one of the BLACK wires.Touch the RED probe to the YELLOW wire on the power connector.

The multimeter reading should be +12 volts Now touch the RED probe to the RED wire and the reading should be +5 volts.If no readings or different readings occured, you'll have to replace the power supply. If the readings were correct, you should check the P8 or P9 connectors at the motherboard. These connectors may also be named P4 and P5. To check these connectors, perform the following...

Insert the BLACK probe into P8 at one of the BLACK wires. Insert the RED probe into the P8 connector at the RED wire. The reading on the multimeter should be +5 volts

Check the power going to the Motherboard connections by inserting the RED probe into P8 at the YELLOW wire and you should get +12 volts.Leave the BLACK wire touching the black wire at the P8 connector.Check the BLUE wire and the reading should be a -12 volts.

Now move the BLACK probe to the BLACK wire on the P9 connector. Test the WHITE wire by inserting the RED probe and the reading should be -5 volts. Check the RED wires on the P9 connector and you should get +5 volts on each red wire. You won't get exactly 5 or 12 volts but the readings will be very close, such as 5.02 volts.

If the Power Supply is a couple of volts off, in either direction, such as when the RED wire should be reading -5 volts but it reads -8 volts, or if there are no readings, replace the power supply.

DO NOT remove the power supply from the system unit case when performing these tests. DO NOT perform these tests if you do not feel comfortable. Be sure to remove any and all electrical static build-up from your clothes and body BEFORE touching any parts inside the system unit.And NEVER open the power supply case for any reason, since high voltage may be present.

Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011

The Seven Golden Rules Of Data Backups

The Seven Golden Rules Of Data Backups

Backups of company data are carried out for two main reasons. The first is to cater for those times when a document is inadvertently deleted or damaged and you wish to recover the original document; the second is as part of a disaster recovery plan in case something catastrophic happens to your computers (e.g., victims of a fire or theft).

Backups cost time, money and effort to implement, and they are of no value right up until the time you need them. This means they tend to be given a low priority, but ultimately they may easily represent the difference between your business surviving and failing. In this TipSheet, we look at the most common mistakes businesses make with backups.

1. Backup often

Re-entering data is tedious and frustrating. Backing up your company data once a week means that the most you should ever have to re-input is one week's worth Backing up your company data once a day means the most you should ever have to re-input is one day's worth. Frequent backups lessen the impact of data loss.

2. Don't keep any volatile data on desktop PCs

In many organisations, documents are kept on the hard drive of desktop PCs. It is unlikely that this is backed up regularly, if at all. A PC can easily be replaced: last week's quotations may not be so easy to replace. In particular, check that email is not stored on the local hard drive (this is very common in small to medium size businesses). All documents, spreadsheets, email, etc should be kept on a central server, which is in turn backed up regularly.

3. Automate the backup process

Backups are tedious to do. At 6:30pm, most people would prefer to set off home or join colleagues in the bar rather than stay in the office to find the correct tape and start a backup. Automating tedious tasks means they get done.

4. Monitor the backup process

While automating backups is a good idea, do check that they are running correctly. Make sure new files are being backed up; make sure the files of new users are being backed up. A quick check once a week could avert a much more serious problem later.

5. Keep backups offsite

If your business premises suffer a fire or flood, it is likely that backup media will be lost as well. Fireproof safes only protect media for a given time, typically one hour - if you use one, check the manufacturer's specification. If you always keep your backup tape in the server then when it is stolen the thief will probably throw the tape away. It's worth nothing to him, but it could represent bankruptcy to you.

6. Produce a "backup recovery" manual

A major disaster is not the time to try to remember how to recover data from your backup media. Have an idiot-proof, step-by-step procedure written - with a copy stored off-site - detailing how to reinstate your company data.

7. Test the recovery procedure periodically

Without warning, give the backup recovery manual to a member of staff and see how long it takes them to recover data. Many organisations never do this! No one involved with creating the manual or the backups themselves should be involved in the test. The results of the test should be analysed and the manual updated accordingly. A recovery test should be carried out at least twice a year. This proves both that the backups themselves are usable, and that your organisation understands how to use them if necessary.

How to Protect Your Computer and Your Business

How to Protect Your Computer and Your Business?

We all take the computer for granted. I mean, all we have to do is switch it on and it's ready to go. But did you ever stop to think what would happen if your computer suddenly crashed? And that is the only computer you have to work on!

What will happen to your work and your business for the next few days or weeks?

Do you have the original or a copy of all your programs?

Do you have the setup configurations, Eg for your ISP?. You will need this to re-install some programs.

Do you have a copy of your email address book? Your email list or address book is vital to your business.

Do you remember all your passwords - for retrieving email, connecting to your ISP, membership sites, etc?

So what can you do to ensure that your computer will run as well as you'd expect, and continue working when your computer is down? Here's a few simple tips:

1. Is your computer protected from viruses? Install an anti-virus software such as Norton AntiVirus or McAfee, and make sure to get regular updates. New viruses are coming out more often these days so you need to have updates regularly. Anything more than 3 months old needs to be updated today.

You can do an online virus scan at:

2. Install a firewall. Anytime your computer is connected to the Internet without a firewall, it is operating under an "open door" policy to intruders. Hackers can get in, take what they want, and even leave open a "back door" so they can turn your computer into a "zombie" and use it to attack other computers, distribute porn and spam.

Your bank account and credit card information, passwords, documents and personal files can be stolen while you're busy surfing. Don't let that happen!

You can download a personal firewall from here: or from

3. Make regular backups of your important files. Keep a record of all vital information, such as passwords, system configurations, etc. in a file and also print a copy of this and keep in a safe place. Make a duplicate and keep at another location.

If your computer does not come with a zip drive or CDRW drive, it would be a good idea to invest in one. Zip drives and CDRW drives are inexpensive and can be easily installed. The cost of a blank CD for example is less than $1.00 and can store up to 650MB of data.

If you lost some files or your hard disk crashed you can easily retrieve them from the backups. And if your computer is down for repair, you can take that backup CD and work from another machine.

4. Remove all unwanted files on your hard disk. You can safely remove files in your temporary internet folder. In Internet Explorer, select Tools -> Internet options - > Delete Files.

5. Increase your systems performance by defragmenting your hard disk regularly. As applications and files are saved and deleted they gradually cause your hard disk to fragment. By defragmenting your hard disk you can optimise the performance of your computer. Defragmenting may also save wear and tear on your hard disk and extend its lifespan.

Do this today.

Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011

Choosing The Best Printers For Laptops

Printing technology has changed drastically in the past few years. There is a lot of stiff competition among printers as new products are being introduced in the market every often. With many manufacturers out there, finding good quality printers for laptops has been made easy. The problem is that there is an influx of low quality products out there. These products are offered at low cost to attract more consumers.

The good thing is that improvement of printing features has also increased its production. What is more, these copiers are available to consumers worldwide. Portable printer is much tougher today than previous technologies. Reason is that they are much classier and combine several features to ensure they perform faster. There are many types of portable printer to choose from in the market nowadays.

Portable printer is available in a number of options. The most commonly used are wireless printer, laser printer and the wired printer. Wireless printer is one of the cheapest and it embraces USB infra-red technology to transfer data from computer to printer. The USB is connected to the printer through a tiny port on the side of the laptop or computer. USB is a very tiny device and lightweight, something that makes it easily portable. Such features are quite appealing nowadays.

This printer presents fast service and comes at an affordable price to consumers. Laser petite printer is the fastest of all the copiers. This technology is much more precise and has proven to be effective compared to other technologies in use. With quick printing qualities, user can print quite a number of papers in few seconds without problem. Laser petite printer is available in wireless technology nowadays.

Portable laser printer that uses wireless technology is relatively more expensive than other types of printers. Manufacturers combine these two features to give individuals more reason to use them. One benefit of using combined features is that the prints produced are quality. Wireless laser printer is very popular today since they allow users to enjoy a multitude of features at a cheaper cost.

Portable printer is available in computer shops, retail shops and also in many electronic shops. Individuals can also choose to purchase them from internet stores. The cheapest option is to buy them from manufacturer exhibition rooms. Purchasing them from internet shops and showrooms allows individuals to save on cost.

Internet shops are the best option for consumers looking to save a few dollars. Most internet stores purchase their products directly from manufacturers. Therefore individuals purchasing these products can be assured from buying quality products. Reason why internet stores are preferred is that they allow users to pay using their credit cards. For genuineness purposes, individuals should ensure they get warranty for the products they purchase.

If considering purchasing printers for laptops, take time researching. Do not make hasty decision about it. This is a huge investment because it will be used to produce important documents. Visit several stores, compare and contrast services before making final decision.

How to Watch Satellite TV on PC

In today’s digital world, technology has continued to grow and advance. This is what adds a new dimension to the world of entertainment. Technology has its major impact on the world of entertainment. Watch TV online right on your personal computer or laptop which has made it quite easier over the recent years. Free TV online is a reality which has brought a new wave to the world of entertainment.

This is recognized as a PC or computer TV card, in short PCTV card. Here are two types obtainable in the market for sale. One requires you to really install it within your PC while the extra can be just plugged into the USB port of the PC. With most people acquiring the high speed internet connection over broadband, individuals have been given the option to entertain themselves while in workstations or in leisure. Just imagine, you don't need any wiring, no hardware installation to get started with free TV channels online

The PCTV card uses your PC infrastructure to decode the satellite TV signals consequently that you can create to watch satellite TV on computer. With the help of the easy and simple downloading instructions, you can easily start with the free entertainment. The satellite TV signals are basically termed as Free-To-Air or FTA TV signals. Satellite TV stations show their TV programs via FTA which are unencrypted for public viewing, if you have broadband connection, you just need to follow the easy to download instructions which will just takes minutes to get you started with the satellite TV over PC.

Though, in order to watch satellite TV on computer, please take note of the PC hardware and OS necessities and compatibility of these cards with your PC. After the installation of the PCTV software in your own computer, you will get one well-organized and a user-friendly interface on the window, including various small menus as well as control buttons all around it.

The satellite television software is a lot compatible to all the Windows versions, UNIX and LINUX to list a few, it is favored that your PC is using a least Pentium II 333 MHz processor and your OS should perfectly be either Windows ME, 98, 2000 or XP. Extra peripherals that can enhance your viewing knowledge are a superior sound card, video graphics card, speakers and PC theatre scheme.

Cable TV tends to be nicely-received in built-up areas considering that it is not affected by terrains and weather. Nevertheless, in places wherever cable know-how has not arrived at, this sort of as rural areas or some suburban districts, satellite TV is their selection. In actuality, you can set up a satellite dish program to observe satellite Television on your Television from any element of the earth so it has a around the world appeal. Exactly where you can have World Wide Web entry, you can watch satellite TV on PC easily.

No monthly bills or membership fee is charged and you can work from any part of the world, while on a move, or while relaxing as long as you have the Internet access.

Visit More Info.....

Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011

10 Great Things Not To Do With Google Adsense

10 Great Things Not To Do With Google Adsense

There is no question that you can make some good money with Google AdSense, but you're setting yourself up for disaster if you make any of these Top 10 mistakes!

1. Do not use fake information when opening your Google AdSense account.

Google says that's a no-no and they will cut your account off and keep all the money you may have earned. Besides, trying to hide your true identity can cause serious problems with the I.R.S. or whoever your tax authority is.

2. Do not hack or modify Google AdSense code other than to change the parameters that Google authorizes you to change.

Any attempt to bypass Google's built-in algorithms not only poses a danger to the integrity of the network, but it threatens the financial modle that Google operates under. You're not dealing with some Mom-and-Pop company here, and Google has the legal muscle and deep enough pockets to drag you through every court in the land if you damage their business with your hacking antics.

3. Keep AdSense ads off of your registration, confirmation, and all "thank you" pages.

Don't ask me why you can't put your ads there. It makes sense to me that those would be wonderful locations. Google thinks otherwise, however, and doing so is a hanging offense according to their Terms of Service.

4. Do not display AdSense ads and a competitor's ads (like Overture's) on the same page at the same time.

That just makes plain good sense. Google doesn't demand 100% SITE loyalty from you, but they do insist that their own ads not be cluttered up by offerings from their competitors.

5. Don't "beg for clicks" or provide any incentive for clicking on your Google AdSense ads.

This is a biggie and you see this rule violated all the time. Any of the get paid to do stuff sites that put Google ads in the member's control panels are walking the plank and they don't even realize it. Even those sites with the polite little messages asking you to help keep my site running by clicking on our sponsor's ads are asking to be cut off if those happen to be Google ads.

6. Never click on the ads running on your own site, even if you are genuinely interested in the product or service and are thinking of buying it!

Nothing screams FRAUD louder than a webmaster running up his or her own click counts by happily clicking on ads fromtheir own site. The Google Gods can track this activity and it won't be long until you find yourself getting a goodbye note from their fraud team.

7. No misleading labeling

Google is very specific about what text can be placed around their ads. Their Terms of Service state: Publishers may not label the ads with text other than sponsored links or advertisements. This includes any text directly above our ads that could be confused with, or attempt to be associated with Google ads.

This is to keep visitors from becoming confused and barking up Google's tree when they clicked on an ad that led to a porn site instead of the recipe site they were expecting to visit.

8. Avoid keyword spamming and other divisive tricks

You may be tempted to buy one of those generates thousands of key-word rich pages in seconds programs that are so popular these days but I'll tell you this: Their days are numbered. Google is wise to such shenanigans and they will be hot on your trail. Other prohibited gimmicks include:

Sneaky page redirects that send a visitor off to a different site then they were expecting to visit.

Multiple sites, domains, pages, etc. which have substantially duplicate content.

Hidden text or links of any type.

Excessive outbound links on any page. Google recommends no more than 100. I'd keep it way below that.

And here is a nugget of wisdom straight from Google's mouth: Do not participate in link schemes designed to increase your site's ranking or PageRank. In particular, avoid links to web spammers or "bad neighborhoods" on the web as your website may be affected adversely by those links.

9. Don't advertise anything on Google's prohibited items list.

It's a lot shorter lists than PayPal's or eBay's, but it includes a lot of the same stuff like hacking/cracking content, porn, illegal drugs, gambling sites, beer or hard alcohol (I guess wine is OK), weapons, and the other usual stuff.

10. And the 10th dumbest thing NOT to do with Google AdSense is to let the other nine things stop you from running an honest site that's designed to make the most out of this very profitable opportunity that Google offers!

Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

How to Place Facebook Chat On Firefox Sidebar

Facebook Chat On Firefox Sidebar.

Facebook Chat is cool, at least it allows you to send instant messages to online Facebook contacts. However I’m not really afan of the chat bar being at the bottom of the page, what if I’ve left Facebook but still wants to remain chatting with my Facebook contacts? If you are using Firefox, you can place the Facebook Chat at the sidebar.

Place Facebook Chat On Firefox Sidebar Follow this 3 steps:

1. Open Mozila Firefox and select Bookmarks on the top navigation. Select Organize Bookmarks.

2. Right Click on Bookmark's Toolbar and Select New Bookmark tab and enter the following:

Name: Facebook Chat
Check Mark in Load this bookmark in sidebar.

3. Launch the Firefox, Click On Bookmark and select Bookmark's toolbar and select facebook chat option. and start chatting with your Facebook contacts within Firefox.

Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011

How to Block or Remove Blogspot Follower User

How to Block or Remove Blogger Follower User?

How to Add Friend Blogapot Follower User?

Some Blogspot follower user use Adult and sexy image. If you are having blogger blog, you will have followers widget for every blog by default. In this case any visitor can become your follower. Now if you wanted to moderate it and blog any follower here are some simple steps to do this. Or else if you wish to Add the follower as friend then also check the below 8 steps.

1. Login to

. Here, for every blog of you an see followers link if it has minimum one, as you can see in bellow image my blog has 101 Followers

. Click on Followers Link for the blog for which you want to block some follower

4. It will show list of followers as shown in bellow image.

. Now click on the picture of the follower which you wanted to block

6. This will show updates and links of follower as well as link for blocking the follower.

7. Click on Block This User Link and follow the steps and the follower gets blocked from following your blog.

. If you don't want block the follower but add as a friend then click on Add as friend as shown in the above image.

Thank you....

Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011

Windows Logo Key Keyboard Shortcut for Windows 7

Windows Logo Key Keyboard Shortcut for Windows 7

Windows 7 keyboard shortcut to simplified working in windows 7
. (Only for windows logo key keyboard shortcut)

Use 30 Windows 7 keyboard shortcut.

1. Windows logo key : Open or close the Start menu.
2. Windows logo key + Pause : Display the System Properties dialog box.
3. Windows logo key + D : Display the desktop.
4. Windows logo key + M : Minimize all windows.
5. Windows logo key + Shift + M : Restore minimized windows to the desktop.
6. Windows logo key + E : Open Computer in windows explorer
7. Windows logo key + F : Search for a file or folder.
8. Ctrl + Windows logo key + F : Search for computers (if you're on a network).
9. Windows logo key + L : Lock your computer or switch users.
10. Windows logo key + R : Open the Run dialog box.
11. Windows logo key + T : Cycle through programs on the taskbar.
12. Windows logo + number :Start the program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number. If the program is already running, switch to that program.
13. Shift + Windows logo key + number : Start a new instance of the program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number.
14. Ctrl + Windows logo key + number : Switch to the last active window of the program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number.
15. Alt + Windows logo key + number : Open the Jump List for the program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number.
16. Windows logo key + Tab : Cycle through programs on the taskbar by using Aero Flip 3-D.
17. Ctrl + Windows logo key + Tab : Use the arrow keys to cycle through programs on the taskbar by using Aero Flip 3-D.
18. Ctrl + Windows logo key + B : Switch to the program that displayed a message in the notification area.
19. Windows logo key + Spacebar : Preview the desktop.
20. Windows logo key + Up Arrow : Maximize the window.
21. Windows logo key + Left Arrow : Maximize the window to the left side of the screen.
22. Windows logo key + Right Arrow : Maximize the window to the right side of the screen.
23. Windows logo key + Down Arrow : Minimize the window.
24. Windows logo key + Home : Minimize all but the active window.
25. Windows logo key + Shift+Up Arrow : Stretch the window to the top and bottom of the screen.
26. Windows logo key + Shift + Left Arrow or Right Arrow : Move a window from one monitor to another.
27. Windows logo key + P : Choose a presentation display mode.
28. Windows logo key + G : Cycle through gadgets.
29. Windows logo key + U : Open Ease of Access Center.
30. Windows logo key + X : Open Windows Mobility Center.

How to Create Partition in Windows 7?

How to Create Partition in Windows 7?

How to create hard disk partition in Windows 7?
Follow This 15 step:

. Click Windows icon and Click Control Panel
2. Click on System and Security.
3. Click on Administrative Tools.
4. Double Click on Computer Management.
5. Click on Disk Management.
6. Left Click on partition that you want to re-size (shrink or extend).
7. Want to shrink volume of disk 0 on "C" partition, so click shrink.
8. Enter the amount of space to shrink, windows 7 already give maximum size to shrink, so we can only reduce the size.
9. Click shrink.
10. Now we have unallocated disk space to create a partition, left click on unallocated disk space and click new simple volume.
11. Wizard for creating new simple volume will appear, just click next.
12. Type size of partition we want to create, and click next.
13. Assign drive letter for partition, and click next.
14. Choose format of partition (choose NTFS), and don't forget to choose "perform a quick format" to format partition quickly, and click next.
15. Click finish to complete creating partition, and new partition already create.

I hope this tutorial can help everyone to create partition in window 7. You Confused? Feel free to ask Your feedback is always appreciated. I will try to reply to your queries as soon as time allows.

Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

How to Secure Facebook Account

Hello friends.. How to Secure Your facebook Account?
Facebook users do not read the Facebook official blog might have missed the important updates on privacy and security enhancements. Facebook latest features are added as opt-in features, which probably means that majority of Facebook members might have not turned on or enabled them yet on their accounts.

Here are the important changes and short guides to improve and fully protect the login, password, and security of your Facebook profile.

Protect and Secure Facebook Account
Some of the latest features are about Facebook login safety. That includes a very strong account password. A strong password means you have to combine letters, special characters, and numbers. Make your password at least 10 characters long. But, for safety, it is recommended to make it 15 or more characters.

Add Your Mobile Numbers
Following This steps:

1. Log in to Facebook.
2. On the top right of your screen, click on Account.
3. Select Account Settings.
4. Look your Left side Mobile Tab. Click on Mobile Tab.
5. Click on +Add a Phone Tab. ( View Image 1)
6. Open New Windows Automatic. Click on Add your phone number here ( View Image 2)
7. Open New Windows Automatic. and Type your Mobile Number in the Phone Number field. ( View Image 3)
8. Click on the Confirm button. and open New Windows.
9. Your Mobile inbox in Sent Confirm Code.
10. Type your Code in the Code field.
11. Click on the Confirm button.

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

How to Change Facebook password?

If you want to edit your password and make it a strong one, follow these steps:

1. Log in to Facebook.
2. On the top right of your screen, click on Account.
3. Select Account Settings.
4. Look for Password.
5. Click on Edit Password.
6. In the Current Password field, type your current password.
7. Type your New strong password in the New Password field.
8. Re-type your new strong password in the Confirm Password field.
9. Click on the Save Changes button.

Benefits of Secure Browsing
When you turn this feature on, your activities on Facebook becomes encrypted, this means it will be harder for anyone else to access your Facebook account without your knowledge and permission. This feature is not currently available for Facebook mobile browsing.

Login Notifications
Login Notifications feature alerts you by sending an email each time your Facebook account is accessed from a new computer or mobile device.

Follow this steps:
1. Log in to Facebook.
2. On the top right of your screen, click on Account.
3. Select Account Settings.
4. Look your Left side Security Tab. Click on Security Tab.
5. Click On Login Notifications Tab.
6. Check the box under Email and Text message.
7. Click on the Save Changes button.

Login Approvals
Login Approvals is a security feature similar to Login Notifications, but with an extra security step. With Login Approvals, each time you try to log in to your Facebook account from an unknown device such as any computer or mobile phone you haven't named and saved to your Facebook settings, you will first have to enter a security code that's been sent to your mobile phone.

To turn on your account's Secure Browsing (https), Login Notifications, and Login Approvals settings:

1. Log in to Facebook.
2. On the top right of your screen, click on Account.
3. Select Account Settings.
4. Look your Left side Security Tab. Click on Security Tab.
5. Check the box under Browse Facebook on a secure connection (https) when possible.
6. Click on the Save Changes button.

Let us know what you think about improving and upgrading your Facebook account protection by adding a comment below. submit your any problems in comment and i solve your problems.

Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

Promote Your Site For Free

Most ways to get free traffic to your website. Although, autosurf programs are easier and faster way to do it, they do not send targeted visitors to your site. In this post I will explain free resources to get free traffic to your website.

Web Directory Submission

Submitting your site in free directories is one of the easiest way to get traffic. Free directory submission may not get you a lot of traffic but it will certainly increase your rank in search engines. For free directories search "directory" in Here are the some free submission directories that I found for you. One thing you have to keep in mind is, when you submitting your site, make sure to choose the category that suits best to your site. Just submitting to any category does not send you targeted visitors.

Search Engine Submission

There are many websites offers free web submission. However, I prefer submitting my site manually. You can do this free at yahoo, google, jayde, and alexa. If you want to use web submission services then I strongly recommend WEB CEO. Web CEO comes free and provides great functionalities such as URL submission to more than 200 search engines, link exchange, keyword analyses and many more.

Link Exchange

Link exchange is another way to get free traffic to your website. However, you need to be selective, when it comes to choose the sites for link exchange. If you exchange links with similar sites to yours, that would help your page ranking. Also try to put your links in high ranking websites as it also helps your search engine ranking. Just be nice to the webmaster and ask for link exchange. In most cases they will say no but don't give up. (If you be nice I can exchange link with you as well).

Emails ( NOT SPAM )

One of the best ways to get free traffic is emails. Just let your friends know about your website. Use your website URL as your signature in all your mails. Also you can ask your friends to do the same for you. Every ones a while send newsletters to your friends about your website and ask them to forward this to their contacts. You will be surprised how much traffic you will get from this. Also I have to mention this DO NOT SPAM.

Forums and Groups

There are lots of discussion forums and groups available that discuss about various topics. You can become members to these forums. Post regular comments to these forum by using your URL as your signature. Just don't send your URL as it will look really unprofessional and you will end up excluded. Talk about whatever the group or forum is about. BECOME A REGULAR.

Create blogs that links to your website. You can easily set up a blog for free. Google, yahoo, msn are provides free blog hosting services.