Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

Promote Your Site For Free

Most ways to get free traffic to your website. Although, autosurf programs are easier and faster way to do it, they do not send targeted visitors to your site. In this post I will explain free resources to get free traffic to your website.

Web Directory Submission

Submitting your site in free directories is one of the easiest way to get traffic. Free directory submission may not get you a lot of traffic but it will certainly increase your rank in search engines. For free directories search "directory" in Here are the some free submission directories that I found for you. One thing you have to keep in mind is, when you submitting your site, make sure to choose the category that suits best to your site. Just submitting to any category does not send you targeted visitors.

Search Engine Submission

There are many websites offers free web submission. However, I prefer submitting my site manually. You can do this free at yahoo, google, jayde, and alexa. If you want to use web submission services then I strongly recommend WEB CEO. Web CEO comes free and provides great functionalities such as URL submission to more than 200 search engines, link exchange, keyword analyses and many more.

Link Exchange

Link exchange is another way to get free traffic to your website. However, you need to be selective, when it comes to choose the sites for link exchange. If you exchange links with similar sites to yours, that would help your page ranking. Also try to put your links in high ranking websites as it also helps your search engine ranking. Just be nice to the webmaster and ask for link exchange. In most cases they will say no but don't give up. (If you be nice I can exchange link with you as well).

Emails ( NOT SPAM )

One of the best ways to get free traffic is emails. Just let your friends know about your website. Use your website URL as your signature in all your mails. Also you can ask your friends to do the same for you. Every ones a while send newsletters to your friends about your website and ask them to forward this to their contacts. You will be surprised how much traffic you will get from this. Also I have to mention this DO NOT SPAM.

Forums and Groups

There are lots of discussion forums and groups available that discuss about various topics. You can become members to these forums. Post regular comments to these forum by using your URL as your signature. Just don't send your URL as it will look really unprofessional and you will end up excluded. Talk about whatever the group or forum is about. BECOME A REGULAR.

Create blogs that links to your website. You can easily set up a blog for free. Google, yahoo, msn are provides free blog hosting services.

Clean Your MotherBoard

How to Clean your Case, now is the time to do so. Look at the blades of the fan in the back of the computer. Also look at any vents. Is there clusters of dust there? Is there grime caked on to it? If so, the inside needs to be cleaned. If the fan blades are clean but it has been several years since you have cleaned the motherboard or if the computer is around cigarette smoke, it probably should be cleaned anyway. Dust and particles in the air can build up on the circuitry of the motherboard and cause it to heat up and/or corrode.

The first thing that you need to do is unplug your computer. Then open up the case to get access to the motherboard. Cases open differently. If you don't know how to open your case, look on the back of your computer along the edge for some screws. These screws may hold on side panels or an upside down U shaped panel that covers the sides and top. Removing the screws will allow you to take off the cover. Other cases have the screws on the front of the computer. To get access to these screws, you must first remove the front panel by pressing a hidden latch. The cover is there to give easy access to the inside of your computer, so if you look hard enough, you should be able to figure out how to remove it.

Remember that if you touch anything on the motherboard, you should be grounded by either touching the metal frame of the computer with your other hand or by wearing a special grounding device.

The goal of cleaning the motherboard is to remove all dust and debris from the motherboard and all components inside of the case. This can be done using one of three methods.

The preferred method is to use a can of compressed air to blow it out. Always hold the can in an up-right position to prevent the propellent chemicals which can damage or corrode components from coming out. Dust and dirt should be blown away from the motherboard and out of the case.

Another way to remove dust is to use a vacuum. The common advice is to only use a battery operated vacuum because an AC powered vacuum causes static and static can ruin the motherboard. I have used an AC powered vacuum (before I knew that it was not recommended) to clean my motherboard many times and it has never caused any problems, but I may have just been lucky. When using the vacuum, keep the nozzle a couple of inches away from the motherboard or any other components so that it does not come in contact with them and so that any small parts are not sucked into the vacuum.

If you do not have a can of compressed air or a vacuum, you can use a dry cloth and brush to clean the motherboard. Be careful not to dislodge or break anything using this method.

While cleaning the motherboard, be careful not to unplug any cables or connections or to dislodge any loose components, such as, jumpers.

Methodically clean the whole inside of the case going over all of the motherboard from one end to the other and all other components. Don't forget to clean the fans and heat sinks. Do not open up the power supply box or stick anything in it beyond the fan. If you do, you could get a shocking surprise and ruin your computer.

If your computer does not work when you put it back together, something was obviously dislodged during the cleaning. Open the case back up and push all connections and cards into their slots. Look for anything that may have become disconnected.

Cleaning the motherboard is probably the most dangerous form of cleaning but it is necessary to prevent an early death of your computer.

Improving Web Site Security

Hackers are devising new attacks and new ways to slip past security measures every day. One of their favorite kind targets is a Web site. Three quarters of all attacks on Web sites are designed to hamper the forms, log-in pages, shopping carts on online shops and other Web content. Since the design of Web applications make them accessible at anytime from anywhere, it is important that a Web site has protection that works well all the time. This not only protects important consumer details such as credit card numbers; it also protects the Web site itself.

Even the best firewalls, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and other protective measures will not enough to guard Web applications against every attack. It is infinitely more difficult for security professionals to figure out what new and innovative trick will be used to bypass security than it is for the hackers to find that trick

It can seem as if there is no solution to this problem. What is needed is a program that can check Web applications and further improve the security. That program is Acunetix WVS. It deals specifically with SQL Injection and other vulnerabilities like XSS. It helps to secure Web sites from harsh attacks, checks for scripting in cross-sites, and strengthens the authentication pages and passwords. It also audits shopping carts in an effort to prevent attacks. With the security audit reports peace of mind can finally be gained.

CRLF injection, directory traversal, code execution and file inclusion attacks are other ways to cripple a Web site's security. Authentication as well as input validation attacks are also likely.

The Google Hacking Database (GHDB) can identify important data like the logon pages, network information and so on and so forth that might be vulnerable, making it an important tool to improving Web site security. With the Acunetix, the queries wedged in the Google Hacking Database will be launched long before something goes wrong.

Acunetix gives suggestions on how to correct any problems through its report generator that will create quick reports and data to zero in any vulnerabilities that might exist.

It is necessary to reconstruct HTTPs and analyze them for cross-site scripting and SQL injection to ensure better security. Also important is HTTP fuzzer to validate the input and test the overall performance of the Web site.

It’s vital that passwords be configured and protected. Input configuration should utilize HTML form fillers as a matter of course. This allows testing how certain occasions and different inputs influence how the site behaves.

Important things to consider:

1. Is the Web site ready and prepared for a dictionary attack?

2. Support from other technologies such as PHP, CGI and ASP.

3. Search directories for weak permissions

4. Detect errors in pages as early as possible

5. Re-auditing all changes in the Web site to check for new vulnerabilities

dotDefender 2.1 is one of the programs that can protect and secure. It takes care of spammer bots, attacks, probes, SQL injections, hijackings, pronounced tampering and even proxy takeovers.

It can be a daunting task to improving Web site security, but is absolutely critical to do so. By following a few simple steps and using programs tailored to assist in the task everything will work efficiently and effectively.

Upgrade Laptop RAM

This tips is set up in two parts, one part about RAM overview and a second part about RAM upgrade. If you are curious on how the RAM works, you will find a detail summary that should give you all the information that you need to know about RAM, organization and speed. If you just want to read the how to upgrade section, move on directly to part two Upgrade your laptop ram in 5 minutes or less.

1 – RAM Overview

There are two big categories of random access memories:

Dynamic memories (DRAM, Dynamic Random Access Module), not very costly. They are in most cases used for the central memory of the computer

Static memories (SRAM, Static Random Access Module), quick and expensive. SRAM is notably used for cache memories of the processor

Functioning of the random access memory

The random access memory is constituted of hundred of thousand small condensers storing charges. When it is loaded, the logical state of the condenser is equal to 1, otherwise it belongs to 0, what means that every condenser represents one bit of memory.

Given that condensers off-load, it is always necessary to recharge them in a space of regular time called cycle of refreshment. Memory DRAM requires cycles of refreshment for instance (Ns) is about 15 nanoseconds.

Every condenser is coupled with a transistor allowing to "recover « or to change the state of the condenser. These transistors are lined up in form of matrix, that is they achieve a hut memory (so called memory) by a line and a column.

So, for a memory of type DRAM, the time of access is of 60 nanoseconds (35ns of delay of cycle and 25 ns of time of latency). On a computer, the time of cycle corresponds contrary to the frequency of the clock, for instance for a computer pulsated in 200 MHz, the time of cycle is 5 ns (1 / (200*106)).

As a result a computer having a frequency well brought up and using memories the time of access of which is much longer than the time of cycle of the processor must perform cycles of wait to access to the memory. In the case of a computer pulsated in 200 MHz using memories of types DRAM (which the time of access is of 60ns), there are 11 cycles of wait as a cycle of transfer. The performances of the computer are of as much diminished as there are cycles

Formats of Random Access Memory (RAM)

There are numerous types of random access memories. These all come in the form of barrettes of memory attachable on the motherboard.

SIMM (Single Inline Memory Module): it is about printed circuits among which one of the faces has fleas of memory. There are two types of barrettes SIMM, according to the number of connector cables (30 or 72)

DIMM (Dual Inline Memory Modulates) are from memories 64 bits, what explains why it is not necessary to match them. Barrettes DIMM have fleas of memory on both sides of printed circuit and have also 84 connector cables on each side, what endows them with a total of 168 brooches. They have bigger dimensions than barrettes SIMM (130x25mm).

RIMM (Rambus Inline Memory Module, conscripts also RD-RAM or DRD-RAM) are from memories 64 bits developed by the society Rambus. They have 184 brooches. These barrettes have two notches of location (détrompeurs), avoiding very risk of confusion with the previous modules. Considering their well brought up speed of transfer, barrettes RIMM have a thermal film made responsible for ameliorating the clearing up of warmth. As in the case of DIMM, there are modules of smaller size, called SO RIMM (Small Outline RIMM), intended for laptop computers. Barrettes SO RIMM include only 160 brooches.

DRAM (Dynamic RAM, dynamic RAM) is the type of memo most spread at the beginning of the millennium. It is about a memory from which transistors are lined up in a matrix according to lines and of columns. A transistor, coupled with a condenser gives the information of a bit. 1 byte consisting of 8 bits, a barrette of memory 256 Mb DRAM will contain 256 therefore * 2^10 * 2^10 = 256 * on 1024 * on 1024 = 268 435 456 bytes = 268 435 456 * 8 = 2 147 483 648 bits = 2 147 483 648 transistors. A 256 Mb barrette has so in reality a capacity of 268 435 456 bytes, that is 268 Mb! These are memories from which the time of access is 60 ns. On the other hand, accesses memory are made in general on data lined up consecutively in memory. So the mode of access in gust (burst mode) allows to achieve the three successive data in the first one without time of additional latency.

DRAM FPM to speed up accesses to DRAM, there is a technology, called pagination consisting in achieving data located on the same column by changing the address of the line only, what allows to avoid the repetition of the number of column between the reading of each of the lines. They speak then about DRAM FPM (Fast Page Mode). FPM allows to acquire time of access in the order of 70 - 80 nanoseconds for a frequency of functioning that can go from 25 to 33 Mhz.

DRAM EDO (Extended Data Out, Goes out of data ameliorated sometimes also called "hyper-page") appears in 1995. The technology used with this type of memory consists in addressing the following column during the reading of the data of a column. It creates an overlapping of accesses allowing to save time on every cycle. The time of access to memory EDO is therefore about 50 - 60 nanoseconds for a frequency of functioning going 33 - 66 Mhz. So, RAM EDO, when it is used in mode gust allows to acquire cycles of form 5-2-2-2, that is a benefit of 4 cycles on the access to 4 data. As much as memory EDO did not accept the upper frequencies in 66 Mhz, it disappeared in aid of SDRAM.

SDRAM (Synchronous DRAM, translate synchronous RAM), appeared in 1997, allows a reading of data synchronized with the bus of the card-mother, contrary to memories EDO and FPM (qualified as asynchronous) having their own clock. SDRAM allows therefore to free itself from time of wait owed to synchronization with the card-mother. This one allows to acquire a cycle in mode gust of form 5-1-1-1, that is to say benefit of 3 cycles in comparison with RAM EDO. In that way SDRAM is able of working with a cadenza going until 150 Mhz, allowing him to acquire from time of access about 10 ns.

DR-SDRAM (Direct Rambus DRAM or else RDRAM) is a type of memory allowing to transfer data on a bus of 16 wide bits to a cadenza of 800Mhz, what confers on him a band passer-by of 1,6 Go / s. As SDRAM, this type of memory is synchronized with the clock of the bus to ameliorate exchanges of data.

DDR-SDRAM (Double Dated Miss SDRAM) is a memory based on technology SDRAM, allowing to double the rate of transfer of SDRAM with equal frequency. Reading or writing of data in memory am accomplished on the basis of a clock. Standard memory DRAM uses a method conscript SDR (Single Data Fails) consisting in reading or writing data in every forehead going up. DDR allows to double the frequency of reading / writings, with a clock pulsated in the same frequency, by sending data in every forehead going up, as well as in every downward forehead. Memory DDR has in general a commercial appellation of type PCXXXX where "XXXX " represent the debit side in Mb / s.

DDR2 (or DDR-II) allows to attain twice as well brought up debit sides as DDR with equal external frequency. They speak about QDR (Quadruple Dated Fail or quad-pumped) to indicate the method of reading and used writing. Memory DDR2 uses in effect two channels separated for reading and for writing, so it is able of sending or of accepting twice more data than DDR.

2 - Upgrading Your Laptop RAM
upgrading a notebook memory is a specific simple process pending that you have the right RAM and are somewhat delicate.

There are different types of RAM, and you must choose the one that is compatible with your notebook computer. Memory is also a fragile, so you need to be very cautious when installing it. You should ensure that the laptop is turned off and disconnected from any exterior power supply. No lights should be visible.

It is a lot easier to install RAM on a laptop versus a desktop PC. Access to the memory slots is via a panel generally located in the bottom of the laptop. Once you have opened this panel with a small screwdriver you can see the existing memory. you can check the exact type of memory that your Notebook currently uses, because it is usually shown on the front of the memory strips and will be evident when you open up the memory panel.

The memory strips are generally locked in with small clips on the ends of the strips. To take out existing memory, simply flip the clips and then remove the memory strips gently from their holding place. If you are simply adding memory, and there is space available, just add the new memory, gently pushing it in to ensure it is fully seated in the slots, and then push the clips to hold the new memory in place.

Once you have replaced or added your Notebook computer memory, replace the access panel, and then screw the panel back in place. Lastly, power up the notebook, When the PC starts up, it will count the memory and tell you how much RAM is loaded on your laptop.

As long as you have right memory, the whole operation should take less than 5 minutes, you can then enjoy your faster, less crash prone laptop.

Top 10 Tips Improve Windows XP Performance

Some Time Pc is very loading. use this trick after your pc is good working. Follow This 10 Step:

1.) Disable file indexing. The indexing service extracts information from documents and other files on the hard drive and creates a "searchable keyword index." As you can imagine, this process can be quite taxing on any system. The idea is that the user can search for a word, phrase, or property inside a document, should they have hundreds or thousands of documents and not know the file name of the document they want. Windows XP's built-in search functionality can still perform these kinds of searches without the Indexing service. It just takes longer. The OS has to open each file at the time of the request to help find what the user is looking for.

Most people never need this feature of search. Those who do are typically in a large corporate environment where thousands of documents are located on at least one server. But if you're a typical system builder, most of your clients are small and medium businesses. And if your clients have no need for this search feature,
I recommend disabling it.

1 double-click the My Computer icon.
2 right-click on the C: Drive, then select Properties.
3 Uncheck "Allow Indexing Service to index this disk for fast file searching." and click Apply button
4 Check at "Apply change to C:\, subfolders and files" and click OK.
If a warning or error message appears (such as "Access is denied"), click the Ignore All button.

2.) Once a month, run a disk cleanup. Here's how:

1 Double-click the My Computer icon.
2 Then right-click on the C: drive and select Properties.
3 Click the Disk Cleanup button
4 Check at Temporary files and click OK.

3.) Remove all spyware from the computer. Use free programs such as AdAware by Lavasoft or SpyBot Search & Destroy. Once these programs are installed, be sure to check for and download any updates before starting your search. Anything either program finds can be safely removed. Any free software that requires spyware to run will no longer function once the spyware portion has been removed; if your customer really wants the program even though it contains spyware, simply reinstall it. For more information on removing Spyware visit this Web Pro News page.

4.) Remove any unnecessary or unused programs from the Add/Remove Programs section of the Control Panel.

5.) Turn off any and all unnecessary animations, and disable active desktop. In fact, for optimal performance, turn off all animations.
Windows XP offers many different settings in this area. Here's how to do it:

1 Click Start button , Setting and Control Panel
2 Double click on System icon
3 Click on the Advanced tab. and Select the Settings button located under Performance.
4 Feel free to play around with the options offered here, as nothing you can change will alter the reliability of the computer - only its responsiveness.

6.) Visit Microsoft's Windows update site regularly, and download all updates labeled Critical. Download any optional updates at your discretion. You Visit How to Update My Computer?

7.) Update the customer's anti-virus software on a weekly, even daily, basis. Make sure they have only one anti-virus software package installed. Mixing anti-virus software is a sure way to spell disaster for performance and reliability.

8.) Do not partition the hard drive. Windows XP's NTFS file system runs more efficiently on one large partition. The data is no safer on a separate partition, and a reformat is never necessary to reinstall an operating system. The same excuses people offer for using partitions apply to using a folder instead.

For example, instead of putting all your data on the D: drive, put it in a folder called "D drive." You'll achieve the same organizational benefits that a separate partition offers, but without the degradation in system performance. Also, your free space won't be limited by the size of the partition; instead, it will be limited by the size of the entire hard drive. This means you won't need to resize any partitions, ever. That task can be time-consuming and also can result in lost data.

9.) If the PC has a CD or DVD recorder, check the drive manufacturer's Web site for updated firmware. In some cases you'll be able to upgrade the recorder to a faster speed. Best of all, it's free.

10.) At least once a year, open the computer's cases and blow out all the dust and debris. While you're in there, check that all the fans are turning properly.

Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011

Remove MSN Messenger 3 Way

How to Remove MSN Messenger?
Follow This Staps:

1rd way:
The following method works in Windows XP Professional, but
has not been tested on a system with SP1 installed. FYI, I've seen scripts that are
similar to this, but fail miserably, automatically deleting other much-needed
components! Better to do this slow and manually!

1. Exit MSN Messenger by right-clicking the MSN icon in the notification area, and
selecting Exit.
2. Add the following registry entries, both with a DWORD value of 1:

a. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Messenger\Client\PreventRun
b. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Messenger\Client\PreventAutoRun

3. Open a command prompt by clicking Start/Run, then typing "command" and clicking OK.
4. Uninstall MSN Messenger by typing "rundll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %systemRoot%\INF\msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove"
5. Uninstall the leftover installation information file by typing
"rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection BLC.Remove 128 %systemRoot%\INF\msmsgs.inf"
6. Allow MSN Messenger to be displayed in the Add/Remove Windows Components dialog
in the future (if it pops up again!)
by typing "notepad.exe %systemRoot%\INF\sysoc.inf" and deleting the word "hide" from the
line that starts with "msmsgs=".
It MAY be possible to skip to this step directly and perform the uninstallation directly from
the Add/Remove Windows Components dialog, but that method MAY leave unwanted
components and has not been thoroughly tested.
7. Cross your fingers and reboot! You will probably get a message asking you to confirm the
removal of some leftover files. Click OK.

2th way:
There Is a way to uninstall Messenger cleanly. I don't know if these steps apply for Home version.
1. Control PanelAdd Remove Programs click on "add remove windows components" on the left hand side.
In the box that pops up...scroll down to the bottom and highlight "windows messenger" then UNcheck the box.
2. Hit next and let the uninstall complete. (it's not a very obvious un-install) When it's, done make sure you
to RESTART WINDOWS! (the messenger icon will still be in the tray if you don't!)

3th way
1. First, right click the Messenger icon in the system tray and click Exit.
2. Right click the Start button and click the Explore command to open the Windows Explorer.
3. In the Windows Explorer, expand the Program Files folder on the partition where your operating
system is installed (the partition that holds the WINDOWS directory) and right click the Messenger
folder and select Rename.
4. Rename the folder to MessengerDISABLED and press ENTER to commit the name change.
5. Restart the Computer. No more Windows Messenger

Rabu, 13 Juli 2011

Kumpulan kata kata indah Cinta

Kata-Kata Indah Cinta terbaru 2011 - Kumpulan Kata Kata Indah Cinta romantis buat kekasih serta koleksi kata kata indah mutiara cinta untuk seseorang yang terindah.

Cinta lebih mudah mekar dihati yang sedang dilanda kecewa, cinta seperti ini adalah cinta yang mengharapkan belas kasihan, oleh karena itu, bila sepi telah punah maka biasanya cinta juga akan turut terbang.

Cinta dimulai dengan

Kumpulan Kata Kata Mutiara Cinta

Kumpulan Kata Kata Mutiara Cinta 2011. Kumpulan Kata Kata Mutiara Cinta terbaru 2011, Kumpulan Kata Kata Mutiara Cinta romantis dan Kumpulan Kata Kata Mutiara Cinta buat pacar

Ketika cinta memanggilmu maka dekatilah dia walau jalannya terjal berliku, jika cinta memelukmu maka dekaplah ia walau pedang di sela-sela sayapnya melukaimu. (Kahlil Gibran)

Jatuh cinta adalah hal yang mudah,