Minggu, 04 September 2011

Part Time Internet Marketing with A Full Time Approach

The deluge of people wanting to make money on the internet has exploded in the past few years. It's getting to the point where anyone that has a computer has heard of or has been tempted by such income. From affiliate marketing to playing around on e-bay, "wanna-be" Internet marketers and online business entrepreneurs are abundant.

This explosion has in part, been fueled by entrepreneurs that have "day jobs." Internet marketing and online business, "on the side" is commonplace with today's "day job" work force. The online business explosion is also due to the myriad of opportunities available, the tools available and all of the knowledge right at our mouse tips. Another driver is the whole notion of continuous learning. These same entrepreneurs from all walks of life realize that learning the internet, learning marketing, learning about the tools and information at hand is a continuous learning experience. That is, if they want to be a player and do things right. New methods, new tools, new information are emerging daily. Staying on top of the latest trends is just as important as learning a fundamental base.

Internet marketing and having an online business can be done part time and appear as if it is full time. These part-timers can have that full-time business, "on the side." In the virtual world, the behind the scenes operations are numerous and by definition do not have to be viewed as part time. The key is to use a full time, automated system that pays the proper amount of attention to prospects and customers.

The number one reason people don't buy immediately from an online business or website is that they don't see value right away. Sometimes value is there but the casual browser misses it. What is needed is an automatic system that can contact the browser again and again to communicate the marketing message, its benefits and most importantly its ultimate value. This automatic system gives the marketer the full time attention necessary to sell online. One way to do this is with an autoresponder system.

An autoresponder is best described as a "fax on demand system for e-mail." It is an automatic email sender that sends your marketing and sales message to those expressing interest in what you offer. The exciting part is that it can continuously send follow up emails to the prospects as frequently as you designate. If the autoresponder is framed properly, your chances of getting an order increase with each message and/or each contact to a prospect. This is known as a sequential autoresponder and is the basis of all automatic full time Internet marketing systems.

Once you get attention, interest and desire from your browser and they take the action to sign up for something, you then respond to their request with more attention, on a regular, full time basis.

A good autoresponder is worth its weight in gold. Many times you will be thankful for email being sent on your behalf because you don't have to take the time to send manually. The autoresponder sends it but makes you appear as if you were paying full time attention to your customers.

Another automatic step of internet marketing offering full time attention is the one step autoresponder. "Send a blank e-mail to (xxxx@xxxx.com) to receive a free special report on (a subject designated by you)." This comes in real handy in an e-zine for instance. You can shorten the ezine articles, (which internet browsers and readers prefer) by stating, "…for the rest of this article send a blank email to xxxx2@xxx.com." This is a time message autoresponder. Your reader gets the article in his or her email box and you get notified of someone with a particular interest (not to mention permission to market to subsequently).

We could spend all of our time here just on this one powerful, automatic, full time weapon, the autoresponder, but there are other parts to your automatic, full time, attention giving, marketing system.

1. Pop Up Windows - one strategy that utilizes automation is the exit pop up box. Be creative in the message to try and snag a person that has already decided to leave your site. Use a free offer or reduced price or a bribe to get the browser to take one more look, one more consideration and maybe even a purchase. After all when the browser is leaving, you have lost the sale. Pop Up boxes try one more time to snag their interest. Any sale from a last ditch effort is like a bonus to you. They were leaving anyway so be creative.

2. Free e-course - a variation of autoresponder emails, sent out on regular intervals can be called or marketed as an e-course. Remember, getting an interested party's email address is gold in the world of internet marketing. These interested parties are more likely to buy from you, now or later, as you market to them over and over.

3. Check out http://www.Aweber.com for a recommended autoresponder. They offer Unlimited autoresponders, follow ups, email broadcasts, and even offer a free test drive. Some web hosting services and shopping cart systems also offer autoresponders.

4. Autoresponders, e-courses, follow up messages and pop up boxes can be set up to:

1. Offer a free subscription to your ezine.

2. Offer a sample or trial

3. Convert prospects to paying clients

4. Create loyal fans

5. Offer free special reports positioning you as an expert

6. Giving something of value away for free to keep interest

All of the above systems are your automated sales force. Because you do all the work preparing and setting up, once they are unleashed, they do all the work for you, automatically, 24/7. You go to your day job knowing your automatic sales force is hard at work.

The easiest, fastest and most cost effective way to increase your online business is to increase your follow up efforts. Anything set up automatically to do this is the answer. Anything set up to offer full time attention is also the answer; all while you are at your day job.

Learn How To Diagnose Power Supply Problems

The Power Supply convert's your regular household current into low DC voltage used by the computer. When this component fails,there is simply no activity going on wih your computer. Remember to do the easy troubleshooting first. Inspect the Power Supply for any damage. Double-Check all connections.

Learning how to check your power supply and how to replace it when needed can be a life saver if you're a computer buff or in business with the trusted PC. Don't take for granted the simple pleasure of turning on your PC and everything works just fine.

We turned on one of our computers recently and in about one hour,it just re-booted itself. And it continued doing so about 10 times a day until we found out the power supply was the culprit. Things to look for when your power supply is going bad or just dies on you are the following.


Here you must first check the wall outlet for power by connecting another device such as a radio or lamp to be sure power is present. If the computer is connected through a surge protector, check it as well.

If the wall out has power, check the power cable going to the PC to see if AC voltage is making its way to the system unit. Do this with the use of a multimeter.

If there is power,you will have to open the PC and check for power from the power supply to the motherboard.

When using a multimeter to check voltage,be sure you have a good ground for the black lead of the multimeter.


One main problem you may face with an ailing Power Supply is that it may re-boot the computer without any warning. All information is lost and it seems as though this happens at the worst possible time.

Booting errors when the computer first start's up is another indicator of this component going on the blink.


When the power supply begins to fail, you may receive power at one device and not another. For example, the Hard Drive may receive power but the CDROM Drive has nothing at all.

Another headache with would cause re-booting is the intermittent power going to the drives or the motherboard itself. Follow the steps below to check your power supply should you experience some of the above problems.


If the wall outlet, and the power cord are good, make sure the connection at the motherboard is secure. Then you may have to face the fact that the power supply itself is bad. If you have a Multimeter you can test the power supply output before purchasing a new one. Simply follow these steps.

Turn off the PC, but do not unplug it,open the system unit. Set the multimeter to read DC volts in the next range higher than 12 volts. Locate a power connector similair to the hard drive, or cdrom drive connector that is unused and turn on the PC.

You can also unplug a drive connector and use it as well. Turn on the PC and insert the BLACK probe into the power connector on one of the BLACK wires.Touch the RED probe to the YELLOW wire on the power connector.

The multimeter reading should be +12 volts Now touch the RED probe to the RED wire and the reading should be +5 volts.If no readings or different readings occured, you'll have to replace the power supply. If the readings were correct, you should check the P8 or P9 connectors at the motherboard. These connectors may also be named P4 and P5. To check these connectors, perform the following...

Insert the BLACK probe into P8 at one of the BLACK wires. Insert the RED probe into the P8 connector at the RED wire. The reading on the multimeter should be +5 volts

Check the power going to the Motherboard connections by inserting the RED probe into P8 at the YELLOW wire and you should get +12 volts.Leave the BLACK wire touching the black wire at the P8 connector.Check the BLUE wire and the reading should be a -12 volts.

Now move the BLACK probe to the BLACK wire on the P9 connector. Test the WHITE wire by inserting the RED probe and the reading should be -5 volts. Check the RED wires on the P9 connector and you should get +5 volts on each red wire. You won't get exactly 5 or 12 volts but the readings will be very close, such as 5.02 volts.

If the Power Supply is a couple of volts off, in either direction, such as when the RED wire should be reading -5 volts but it reads -8 volts, or if there are no readings, replace the power supply.

DO NOT remove the power supply from the system unit case when performing these tests. DO NOT perform these tests if you do not feel comfortable. Be sure to remove any and all electrical static build-up from your clothes and body BEFORE touching any parts inside the system unit.And NEVER open the power supply case for any reason, since high voltage may be present.