Minggu, 30 Juni 2013

Menampilkan Widget Tertentu Di Halaman Tertentu

Menampilkan Widget Tertentu Di Halaman Tertentu - Ketika kita sedang menuju blog seseorang, terlihat tampilan widget blog tersebut kadang ganti-ganti. Misalnya, di halaman depan Wigdet A, di halalaman lainnya Widget A tidak muncul. Ada apa gerangan....

Menampilkan Widget Tertentu Di Halaman Tertentu

Sebenarnya, ada beberapa cara yang dilakukan oleh blogger untuk melakukan hal tersebut. Maksudnya Menampilkan Widget Tertentu Di Halaman Tertentu. Mau tahu?

Beginilah caranya secara umum (tips ini tujuannya adalah mempercantik tampilan blog).

1. Menampilkan widget hanya di halaman depan saja (homepage)

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>

2. Menampilkan di semua halaman kecuali homepage.

<b:if cond='data:blog.url != data:blog.homepageUrl'>

3. Menampilkan widget hanya di halaman Archive saja.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;archive&quot;'>

4. Menampilkan widget di semua halaman kecuali halaman archive.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;archive&quot;'>

5. Menampilkan widget hanya di halaman posting.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>

6. Menampilkan widget di semua halaman, kecuali halaman posting.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>

7. Menampilkan widget hanya di postingan tertentu saja.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;alamat-postingan&quot;'>

8. Menampilkan widget selain di postingan tertentu.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;alamat-postingan&quot;'>

9. Menampilkan widget hanya di halaman staticpages.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;static_page&quot;'>

10. Menampilkan widget di semua halaman, kecuali halaman staticpages.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;static_page&quot;'>

Catatan : Tanda Titik - titik di atas adalah kode widget yang harus di tempatkan

Sebagai Contoh perhatikan di bawah ini.
Coba anda menuju Dunia Sarah. Di halaman depan Widget Fan Facebook tidak muncul. Lalu di halaman kedua ketika klik sebuah artikel, maka Widget Fan Facebook muncul. Untuk melakukan hal itu silahkan coba ikuti langkah berikut.

Menampilkan Widget Tertentu Di Halaman Tertentu
1. Tentunya anda harus buka akun blog anda sendiri.
2. Masuklah ke Elemen Template. Lalu klik Edit HTML
3. Carilah widget yang anda sembunyikan (sebelumnya anda sudah memasang widget di dalam blog anda).
4. Misalnya Widget Fan Facebook. Silahkan cari tulisan "Fan Facebook" (gunakan Ctrl + F untuk mencari secara cepat)
5. Setelah ketemu, maka akan muncul kode persis seperti dibawah ini.
<b:widget id='HTML4' locked='false' title='Fan Facebook' type='HTML'> <b:includable id='main'><!-- only display title if it's non-empty --><b:if cond='data:title != &quot;&quot;'><h2 class='title'><data:title/></h2></b:if><div class='widget-content'><data:content/></div><b:include name='quickedit'/> </b:includable> </b:widget>
6. Selanjutnya tambahkan kode

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>

sebelum kode

<!-- only display title if it's non-empty -->

7. Setelah ditambahkan lalu masukkan kode </b:if> sebelum kode


8. Maka hasilnya akan persis seperti di bawah ini.
<b:widget id='HTML4' locked='false' title='Fan Facebook' type='HTML'> <b:includable id='main'><b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><!-- only display title if it's non-empty --><b:if cond='data:title != &quot;&quot;'><h2 class='title'><data:title/></h2></b:if><div class='widget-content'><data:content/></div><b:include name='quickedit'/></b:if> </b:includable> </b:widget>
9. Selesai. Simpan Template blog anda.

Catatan : Huruf yang berwarna biru adalah Kode yang ditambahkan. Ingat satuhal, penempatannya jangan salah yah. Harus pas. Kalao gak pas, maka eror. Untuk mengantisipasinya, sebaiknya sebelum memulai langkahlangkah di atas, Simpan Template Blog anda terlebih dahulu.

Okay sudah yah... Bos kira sudah cukup dulu mengenai Menampilkan Widget Tertentu Di Halaman Tertentu. Semoga bisa dipergunakan sebaik mungkin. Salam blogger semoga bermanfaat dan selamat mencoba.

Cara Membuat Read More Otomatis Tanpa Javascript

Cara Membuat Read More Otomatis Tanpa Javascript - Ketika membuat blog baru, biasanya tampilan blog masih biasa-biasa saja. Artinya kita masih menggunakan tampilan blog yang diberikan oleh Blogger sendiri. Seiring dengan waktu, muncul kebosanan dan ingin menggantinya dengan yang lain. Ada yang menggunakan template yang dinamis, atau mengutak-atik tampilan blog sesuai keinginan.

Cara Membuat Read More Otomatis Tanpa Javascript

Cara Membuat Read More Otomatis Tanpa Javascript
Read More atau baca Selanjutnya dibuat agar tampilan blog terlihat lebih rapi dan elegan. Tujuannya agar tampilan bloh ketika pertama kali dibuka bisa terlihat banyak cuplikan artikel. (Baca disini Cara mempercantik Blog). Dengan begitu, pengunjung bisa melihat cuplikan-cuplikan yang ada di dalam blog kita dan memilihnya satu persatu. Perlu diketahui, bahwa cara membuat read more dibedakan menjadi dua, yaitu read more otomatis dan manual.

Read More cara menual, dengan memanfaatkan Insert Jump Break pada posting blog, dimana setiap kali ingin posting artikel baru, kita akan mengklik icon / fasilitas Insert Jump Break. Cara ini pastinya kita harus melakukannya setiap menulis artikel (bila lupa maka read more tidak muncul) --> Baca Disini selengkapnya mengenai Membuat Read More Cara Manual.

Sementara Cara Membuat Read More Otomatis ada dua juga, yaitu dengan menggunakan Javascript dan Tanpa Javascript. Read More Otomatis dengan menggunakan Javascript biasanya memanfaatkan pihak ketiga tempat penyimpanan data script. Seperti .JS dan lain-lain. Info yang Bos Tutorial himpun, bahwa menggunakan cara ini, Google sendiri tidak menyukainya. Bisa jadi alasannya banyak. Oh iya, apabila anda menggunakan template yang dinamis, biasanya sudang menggunakan cara ini. So... tidak usah lagi anda menggantinya dengan yang baru. (abaikan saja tulisan ini).

Cara Membuat Read More Otomatis Tanpa Javascript inilah yang akan kita paparkan disini. Cara ini tidak menggunakan situs pihak ketiga, karena langsung masuk ke script HTML blog kita. Menggunakan cara ini ada manfaatnya, dimana template blog anda akan menjadi lebih SEO Friendly dan ringan. Cara atau trik ini kita akan memanfaatkan kode yang digunakan oleh tampilan mobile blogspot, yaitu post snippet. Oleh karena itu, dalam script HTML blog kita, dilakukan penambahan kode. Ikuti beberapa langkah di bawah ini.

Langkah / Cara Membuat Read More Otomatis Tanpa Javascript
1. Bukalah Akun Blog anda yang sebenarnya (jangan blog orang lain) bila anda memiliki banyak blog dalam satu akun, silahkan pilih salah satu blog saja.
2. Pilih Elemen Template, kemudian lanjutkan dengan klik Edit HTML
3. Lalu cari kode ]]></b:skin>, untuk mempermudah silahkan menggunakan ctrl+f
4. Copy / salin kode di bawah ini dan letakkan tepat di atas kode ]]></b:skin>


5. Jangan beranjak dulu, masih seoutar edit HTML.
6. Cari kode <data:post.body/> apabila sudah ketemu silahkan Copy kode di bawah ini.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;static_page&quot;'>
<b:if cond='data:post.thumbnailUrl'>
<img class='post-thumbnail' expr:alt='data:post.title' expr:src='data:post.thumbnailUrl' width='72px' height='72px'/>
<div class='jump-link'>
<a expr:href='data:post.url' expr:title='data:post.title'><data:post.jumpText/></a>

7. Setelah di copy, gantilah kode <data:post.body/> dengan kode yang barusan di copy.
8. Selesai. Simpan template blog anda.
9. Lihat hasilnya.

Demikianlah Cara Membuat Read More Otomatis Tanpa Javascript, apabila anda sudah menggunakan Template yang dinamis, abaikan saja ini. Semoga bermanfaat yah. Selamat mencoba. Salam blogger.

Kamis, 27 Juni 2013

Five Easy Ways to Fight Spam Unknown Uncommon People.

Spam, spam and spam! If you heard it right up because your blood is certainly very annoyed when discovered filled with spam email. And the nightmare is sometimes spam comes with a harmful virus or worm. Minimizing the amount of spam into the inbox is one important way to get rid of the spammers.

5 Cara Mudah Melawan Spam
There are several common ways to fight spam, such as using software or spam filters rely on anti-spam plugin for email client. But not only it can be done, there are also some tips for fighting spam are rarely known. Here are 5 easy ways against spam that is often missed people:

Do not do Unsubscribe To Spam
If you want to stop the work of spammers are always disturbing, never once did unsubscribe to spam. Because by doing so instead will provide clues to the spammer that the email is still active in the state. So if you do the work of spammers will unsubscribe rampant. Then how exactly? The most appropriate way is to never respond at all. So when you do not respond to spam, the spammers would think if your email is not used for a while. That way he will not attack you with spam email again.

Reveals Never-mail address
Never even you reveal the actual email address on forums, social media sites, websites, blogs, etc.. Because if you're expressing a real email address, so you can be a victim of spammers.
Another way is to edit your email address so that bots can not identify and capture your email. The trick is to replace the "@" to "at" or ". Com" to "dot com". Let's say you budi@gmail.com email, write it with favor at gmail dot com.
You can also use a picture that reads your email address. This would complicate the usual bot doing scrapping email address for spam.

Reporting Spam
To stop the disturbances of spammers would not hurt if you use a site that can make spam reporting service. Simply spam spam reporting service to the site, then your site will be reported to the hosting of email being used by spammers, and the hosting company will immediately stop spammers.
Examples of sites that SpamCop spam reporting, which will report spammers to Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and sometimes to his webhost. To use it simply register and send a report to them.

Use Multiple Email Accounts
Another alternative way is to create multiple email accounts. One particular email is used for work purposes, and to communicate, while the other can email you used to sign up the newsletter, purchase products online, and utilities "vulnerable spam" other.
So now you have your primary email address is only used for personal and work email, and certainly with a more minimal amount of spam.

Disable HTML in Email
Technological advances make the spammers use HTML and JavaScript on any spam. Content will be mengarahkah you to a page that advertised. The bad news is that spam can contain malware or a malicious virus.
Almost all email services or email client has the option to disable HTML. In doing so, it will prevent unauthorized installation or activation programs through what is on HTML content.

This PancakeBot, Pancake Maker Machine Made of LEGO.

Who is not familiar with a plastic blocks that can be made into a variety of forms. Yup very true, LEGO is a plaything or a chunk of plastic pieces which is very famous in this world are very familiar with children and adolescents, both male and female.

LEGO PancakeBot, Inovasi Lezat Sebuah Mesin Pembuat Pancake
LEGO PancakeBot, Inovasi Lezat Sebuah Mesin Pembuat Pancake

LEGO began in a wooden craft in Denmark in 1916, is now a game that a lot of inspiring and proven to increase creativity by playing LEGO requires imagination and thinking power of the players.

And the following is a form of innovation that is very interesting and tasty of course, is a genius by the name of Miguel Valenzuela, an American living in Hokksund, Norway is making a PancakeBot, which is a simple pancake making machine that is mostly made of LEGO blocks and some engine enhancements.

As I quoted through Makezine, Miguel said that he was inspired by their two daughters and the device takes about nine months to be completed perfectly. And now Miguel has just launched a campaign on Indiegogo PancakeBot his inventions and bring them to an event at the 2013 Maker Faire Bay Area in May.

These dogs are trained for Driving Car.

Dogs can indeed be trained to do some kind of activity which helps the owner everyday like for example taking an object and of course as a playmate.

But an animal foundation is now able to prove that dogs can be smarter again with a special training. Now they managed to train a stray dog ​​to take the vehicle out of the cart to start the car.
Inilah Anjing yang Dilatih untuk Mengendarai Mobil
A group of people who are in animal welfare (Auckland SPCA) is trying to teach the dog to drive and show the extent to which the limit animal intelligence. Other than that, it's done nothing else is to encourage more people to adopt stray dogs.

Initially the dogs were trained to run a dog cart but it only took 8 weeks to be able to run these wooden carts. After that three dogs were selected from seven groups and each day they used to be trained on how to drive mechanism.

Choosing Windows 32 Bit or 64 Bit

Did you just buy a computer? If you're the type who likes to do everything himself, including installing any software operating system (OS), then sure you will hit plated confusion. First of all, you need to select the first type of OS what it used to be installed into the PC. Usually confusion will be about installing Windows or Linux. If you are already beginning to use Windows, not Linux (for PC, of course, the two operating systems is the most common - surely Mac using Mac OS), then the problem is partially solved. Next problem: XP, Vista, Win 7 or Windows 8 would you install a in the PC? Of course this could also be solved by taking into account the requirements for the installation of the OS restrictions. Windows 7 and 8 require a minimum of a processor with a speed of 1 GHz, a minimum of 1 GB of RAM, and hard drive space of at least 20 GB. For lower spec computers than that, PG suggest complacency use XP. Well, the next layer of confusion is: Which do you prefer, use Windows 32 bit or 64 bit?...
[Tips Anti Galau] Memilih Windows 32 Bit atau 64 Bit
Bitbelieves it can make you upset because once installed will affect the 'cornerstone' of your PC next trip. Because if already installed the 32 bit version, then you should choose based software application and 32 bits, and vice versa. But do not worry I will give a little insight and tips to prevent you from confusion. So to you who were affected by the confusion caused by this issue, you may find the handle, as long as he continued to read this article ....
What is 32 bit and 64 bit?
Wutt? Not to know what a 32 bit and 64 bit? Okay, I'll tell you all. terms 32-bit and 64-bit refers to the way the processor handles the processing system on your PC. Processors can deal with the use of RAM per 32 bit or a 64 bit. Of course, handling 64 bit system using the RAM will be much more effective in data processing PC. That means you will have more spare RAM in the processing of data on your computer.
For you who use computers for gaming or image processing with Photoshop or even do video rendering, 64 bit system will be very helpful because it will save your RAM, as well as optimizing the performance of the software that you use to perform these activities.
Knowing whether your PC Support for 32 bit or 64 bit
Are all the processors can be directed to use both systems? Oo .. Of course not. This is all based on the basic spec your PC hardware, especially the processor. So how to tell if your PC support for 32 bit or 64 bit? It's easy! You can use 64bit software checker or Securable!
64bit Checker
64bit Checker is a software that can be used to find out if your PC Spec supports the use of 64-bit Windows OS or not. You can download the 64bit Checker from the following link:
Using it is quite simple. You can click on the 64bit checker, then you will get the following interface:

The main one of the 64 bit checker assessment lies in the bottom line which indicates that your PC support for 64bit (x64) or not.
Securable is software that displays more detailed review of how the PCs you support 64bit or not, as well as specific advice if you want to use the 64bit version of Windows.
You can get Securable in:
Once you get a securable, then you can just choose Maximum 64 bit length field to get an assessment of your hardware.

After clicking the button, then you will get advice and assessment of the specifics about your hardware compatibility with 64bit OS type.

Well, as explained by Securable above, I was advised to use a version of Windows XP or Vista 64-bit as the PC hardware will be optimized by using it.
Weaknesses and Advantages Using Windows 64bit OS
As I mentioned earlier, the use of 64-bit Windows OS will further optimize the RAM. Less RAM used with better management means you'll get your PC run more efficiently. Able to optimize the use of software 'big' like image editor (Photoshop, Corel, etc.), Video rendering, or Game.
The disadvantage is, once you install the 64-bit OS, either XP, Vista, 7 or 8, then you have to adjust a variety of software that you install. You can only install software that support 64 bit. It will be a 'minor disaster' for you are using Windows XP, so little software that is compatible with 64 bit systems for Windows XP. But you get more support when using Windows 7 or Windows 8. Almost all software for both OS's have the 64 bit version, so you will not be difficult to find compatible software.
How to Choose?
Finally we come to the part you've been waiting for from today ... that will eliminate the confusion of you to choose which OS based 32 bit or 64 bit. So here's tips to choose whether you need to install the version of OS-based 32-bit or 64 bit:
If you are a Windows XP user, I recommend not to use 64-bit OS. Especially if you're the typical person who likes to try different software. The reason is, very little in the outcome of compatible software for Windows XP 64 bit. If you're a typical person 'static' in the sense that only a little piece of software that you need, and all of them have the 64 bit version, then you deserve to try the 64bit version of Windows XP.If you are using Windows Vista, you will find a lot more software compatible with 64-bit Vista. But still it is not comparable with Windows 7 or 8. If you spec enough, then upgrade to Windows 7 is a pretty good alternative.

If you are using Windows 7 or Windows 8, then first check your hardware. Did you RAM greater than 4GB? Basically, Windows 7 64bit will be very effective to help you if you have any RAM greater than 4GB. If you are under the RAM, then Windows 7 32bit will be very effective performance support you. These tips are based on input from friends Windows 7 users who have tried various ways to optimize the performance of their OS.

Now, taking into account a variety of tips above, I believe the insight you gain about the versions of OS 32 bit and 64 bit, and you also can choose no more confusion, which one is better for you to use: 32 bits or 64 bits.

The important thing is to optimize the hardware capabilities of your preferences while you pay attention to the specific OS. If you are lovers of Windows 7, it's okay to not be in a hurry to upgrade to Windows 8 because the changes will be uncomfortable for you.

If you have a computer with a fairly low spec, then you need to adjust, and it may be based on a 32bit OS is the best option for you. Thinking for a hardware update? Before deciding, you need to know the tips are worth keeping your old computer.

What do you think about choosing a Windows-based 32bit and 64bit this? If you have additional tips, please participate in the comments field below to exchange insights.

Linux kernel Support Tablets and Smartphones More!

Great news! For you lovers of Linux, the Linux kernel version 3.7 will support more ARM processors with less coding. This means Linux will support more tablets and smartphones.
Kernel Linux akan Support Lebih Banyak Tablet dan Smartphone!

Kernel 3.7 kernel will also be the first to support ARM architecture 5 in the kernel:
- Calxeda's ARM server Higbank processor, used in the project Moonshot Hewlett-Packard servers.- ARM Versatile Express.- Marvell ARMADA SoC processor, is used in almost every device from server through internet TV.- Altera ARM processors, including the Cortex-A9. Used by Samsung Galaxy Note and Galaxy SII.- Picohip PicoXcell chip.

 With these features, Linux will be easier to use on mobile devices. Even Kernel 3.7 will support multitouch, the features available in the current range of tablets such as the iPad, Google Nexus 7, and Windows tablets.

Each Would be Free to Quickoffice in Android Tablet?

QuickOffice is the alternative to Microsoft Office applications that have long been in the mobile world. PG remember when they first Symbian heyday, QuickOffice has also become an idol. Now, in the heyday of Android, iOS and other mobile platforms .. QuickOffice is still a step ahead of other Office applications for mobile.
QuickOffice Akan Digratiskan di Setiap Tablet Android?

And now .. I've bought QuickOffice! Yup .. enterprise office applications that have a high enough price that has now been bought by Google. Will this be a sign that will be integrated in all QuickOffice Android tablet?
Could be ..

Steps taken Google this seems to be a precaution against Microsoft with its Microsoft Surface. Yes .. in each tablet Microsoft Surface, Microsoft's flagship Office application integrates Microsoft Office. It may be a threat to its own Android-based tablet that is not bundled with Office applications. Yes .. although in Android itself there are also many free applications to open or edit Office documents, but in terms of features still far behind Microsoft Office.

Mobile Office application for deemed qualified to fight Microsoft Office is QuickOffice Pro. For the record, Android users had to pay about $ 14.99 to buy QuickOffice Pro.
This is probably the underlying Google to buy the company QuickOffice. It is not possible QuickOffice will soon be integrated in the Android tablet. The goal? Of course that the Android market is not undermined by the Microsoft Surface.

Hmm .. this is the beauty of competition for consumers. More choices, "price war" producers, and various other things * beautiful * .. ^ ^
If you choose my friends over where ya? Android Tablet or Microsoft Surface? : D

Tips on Keeping Smartphone Batteries Stay Apartment.

Some time ago, me had giving tips on keeping your laptop battery to last. This time we turn to smartphones. This one device, either operating system Android, BB, Symbian, or iOS, we should keep them to accompany us to the next few years. Especially when you've already 'in love' in smartphone options that you do not want another device to replace it.
Tips Menjaga Baterai Smartphone Tetap Awet

Here are tips from me to you to keep your smartphone battery durability that besides durable, also will continue to distribute power fairly well into your favorite smartphone.

1. Keep your smartphone from sunlight One of the most important tips for keeping your smartphone battery durability is to prevent your smartphone from exposure to direct sunlight or left in a hot car dashboard. Hot environment may not only lead to reduced battery power, but also shortened his.

2. Install Operating System (OS)
Your smartphone OS, either from iOS, Android, RIM or Windows Phone is one of the key battery performance. If the phone you are running an older version which contains a lot of bugs, then this will cause the battery dries out quickly, even when not in use. So, I hope you always update the latest version of the OS that fits on your smartphone to avoid bugs.

3. Lower the brightness (Brightness) on the screen
Reasonable indeed if the battery life can be increased by reducing the screen brightness levels. Depending on the lighting situation, if the level of brightness (brightness) is set too low or too high, it will hurt the eyes. It is best to turn on the Auto-Brightess that would be beneficial to change the lighting to suit the environment in which your eyes will be comfortable in seeing the display on your smartphone screen.

4. Using Ringtone, instead Vibration
Unless you're in the middle of a movie theater, library, or other quiet place, it would be better to use as Ringtone notification messages or calls. This is because the vibration or vibration mobile consumes more battery power than turning ringtone.

5. Disable Notification Application
Another effective way to preserve battery life is to turn off the notification application. Applications such as instant messaging (IM) has been dependent on immediate notification which makes your battery heats up quickly. To save battery life, see "Notification Center" to disable various notifications variety of applications running in the background.

6. Turn off the "Push New Data"
If you do not need to check your email regularly from accounts such as Gmail, Yahoo! or Hotmail, you better disable Push feature to save battery life. When Push is off, then all your message will be received in the "Fetch New Data" Depending on how often you check email. Usually short anyway. only 15 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour or maybe more.

7. Set "Fetch New Data" manually or more often
Similar to the Push, "Fetch New Data" to be the main reason why your battery runs out of energy quickly. Email accounts and apps you may adjust the continuous data coming every 15 mins into account your smartphone. To save battery power, adjust now or maybe you need to change the settings to adjust the data was done manually in accordance with your wishes.

8. Turn off features "Location Services"
Location Services is another feature that can affect the performance of your smartphone. map and compass are some of the applications that can be used actively. If you do not frequently use the application, then turn off "Location Services" to save your battery life.

9. Turn off 3G/4G Network, WiFi and Bluetooth When Not used
One of the best ways to save battery is turn off the 3G/4G network, Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity when when I no longer need it. When the signal reception is bad and the connection is active, then the battery you will quickly run out. This is because the phone is constantly looking for a good connection and it's a waste of energy!

10. Close Unused Apps
Some people love to open up a lot of the app at the same time and never shut it down. It is a bad habit because the app running in the background will make the battery that supports passage of such applications come exhausted!

11. Auto Lock Mobile Phone You!
It would be better to do auto-lock so that if you do not use a cell phone, it will be in stand-by position automatically. You alone can set the interval (1 min, 2 min, 5 min).

12. Turn on Airplane Mode in Areas without signal
It would be nice to go into Airplane mode if you do not get a signal, because the smartphone will keep you connected to the cellular network (provider) and the other is of course takes a lot of battery power!

13. Charge Battery with Regular
Most smartphones use Lithium-ion type batteries are re-charged easily. to extend battery power, then you need to perform any type of regular charge your battery. In a sense, you have to specify a specific time, such as early morning to make a charge, even if your battery may still not finished. This will help the electrons in Lithium-ion battery to move around so support 'health' your battery.

So these tips to keep your smartphone battery to last. However, devices that have supported our performance deserves to get the award itself, that is the way to treat her well. Caring for the battery is one of them, and these efforts will ensure the performance you awake because it has a well-preserved smartphone devices and is always ready for use.

DMCA: Jailbreak or Root Smartphone is Legal, But Not Tablets.

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) eventually determined that the jailbreak or root your smartphone remains legal to do, at least up to 3 years. This is thanks to the victory of EFF, the agency that defends the rights of consumers in the digital world.
DMCA: Jailbreak atau Root Smartphone itu Legal, Tetapi Tablet Tidak

Previous jailbreak or root your smartphone is legalized by the DMCA, but rules out this year. That prompted the EFF to ask for an extension in order to jailbreak or root your smartphone remains legalized. With this victory, then everyone is free to do the jailbreak or rooting your smartphone up to 3 years. After 3 years? I believe the EFF would do the same again as this time ^ ^
Marcia Hofmann, EFF senior staff said:
"If you buy a gadget, the gadget is fully yours, you can install any software you want without fear of legal problems"
To jailbreak or root on a smartphone allows you to install the operating system or application freely. For example, by doing a jailbreak on your iPhone, you can install a variety of applications that do not exist in the App Store freely.

But unfortunately, this rule does not apply to the tablet. Owner tablet according to the DMCA, it is not allowed to perform the jailbreak or rooting on the tablet he had bought. Ouch!

What's the Difference Jailbreak, Root and Unlock?

Now many smartphones that you can choose from, ranging from iOS, Android or Blackberry. Each smartphone has a unique term and you may often hear, for example, which can be Jailbreak iOS, Android and Blackberry can be in the Unlock Root. Actually the function of Jailbreak, Root and Unlock essentially the same, namely to limit users. But for more details, will explain what it is PG jailbreak, root and unlock in this article.


#GeekLesson: Apa Perbedaan Jailbreak, Root dan Unlock?

Jailbreak is a process to eliminate the boundaries of mobile phone manufacturers. Jailbreak is actually a restriction remover specially mentioned for Apple iOS devices, like the iPhone or iPad. Jailbreak iOS eliminate existing restrictions and allow you to install third party applications outside the app store. It seems to ignore Jailbreak method towards piracy, but if users are aware of the actual jailbreak more than that. Jailbreak able to change the browser and email deafult on iOS. Essentially Jailbreak able to install applications that are not approved or allowed by Apple.

Jailbreak can be done to limit diperangkat other users as well as Microsoft Surface RT. By deafult Surface RT can only install applications from Microsoft itself, if it can install Jailbreak desktop application or a third party. But because the surface using ARM processor is still going to be difficult. To do the jailbreak one must find security holes of the device itself. Of course this is very different from that without a jailbreak Android can install third party applications.

#GeekLesson: Apa Perbedaan Jailbreak, Root dan Unlock?

Root is a process to gain root access to the device. It is just like Linux, yes it can be done on devices based on linux suppose Android or Symbian. Using Root is basically the same as you become Admin on Windows. So by doing Root users can do almost anything they want. Root on Android harm done if the user does not know what they are doing, because it's not in the Android market with Root by the manufacturer.

Unlock Phone
#GeekLesson: Apa Perbedaan Jailbreak, Root dan Unlock?

Many smartphones are already under contract with Sprint, Verizon, TMobile and many more come with locked. So the phone has been on the key or locked by some operators so that users can only use the service and can not be alternated by other operators. For example, you have purchased a phone that contracted with Verizon and you insert a SIM card from another operator, if the phone is not in unlocking the phone can not be used, even to open menupun difficult.

Unlock Bootloader
#GeekLesson: Apa Perbedaan Jailbreak, Root dan Unlock?

Android operating system is open source, anyone can tamper at will, such as ROM from CyanogenMod. CyanogenMod is based on code from Android but has been slightly modified. many phones come with locking the bootloader from the manufacturer. Unlocking boatloader will allow users to install another ROM such as CyanogenMod could even install other OS like Ubutu or WebOS. For instance Nexus 7 that can install Ubuntu or Galaxy Nexus with WebOS. As long as the operating system is supported by mobile devices, it is possible to do.

RIM Officially Changed Name - Releasing BlackBerry Z10 and Q10.

For those of you BlackBerry users this is probably the long-awaited launch of the latest OS from RIM (Research In Motion) and BlackBerry 10. If previously there is no clarity when the definitive release of BlackBerry 10, right end on 30 January 2013, RIM officially introduced its newest product.

RIM Resmi Berganti Nama Menjadi BlackBerry Sekaligus Merilis BlackBerry Z10 dan Q10

RIM now renamed BlackBerry, gives a different nuance in its newest product. BlackBerry 10 presents two models of the series as well as the Z10 and Q10. Z10 version with a touch screen that measures 4.2 inches and has a version of the Q10 has a size of 3.1 inches with QWERTY based.

BlackBerry CEO Thorsten Heins said, will provide a new experience while browsing the internet fast with directly integrated with social networking services such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Very different from the underlying OS on BlackBerry 7, BlackBerry 10 which now has a framework (the machine), the look and the color is really new. So it is not just launching a new design and color.

BlackBerry 10 has some very cool and interesting, as there is on camera Time Shift, Flow BlackBerry, BlackBerry Hub, Keyboard and Balance. Curious what is contained in the BlackBerry 10? Here are some details on the BlackBerry models Z10 and Q10: Specifications of the BlackBerry Z10:
 - 1.5GHz dual-core CPU plus the Qualcomm Snapdragon MSM8960 S4 - 2 GB RAM and 16 GB of storage internel - 48 GB by using micro SD storage - 8 Mega Pixel rear camera, capable of capturing 1080 pixel video - Front camera with 2 Mega Pixels capable video manangkap 720 pixels - 4.2 inch screen with 1280 x 768 resolution, 356ppi LCD - Free Talk (3G) can reach 10 hours
Specification of BlackBery Q10:
 - 3.1 inch screen with a 330ppi - Resolution of 720 x 720 pixels - ALMOLED with Capacitive Touch screen and Multi-touch - With 8 Mega Pixel Camera - Auto Focus Camera - LED Flash - 1080 pixel HD Video Recording - 16 GB of storage - Storage using a micro SDHC up to 32 GB As I preached in a previous article with the calculation of all the relevant numbers. Dated January 30, 2013, and the number "10" on the Blackberry is quite related. The results of such calculations is 3 +0 +0 +1 +2 +0 +0 +1 +3 = 10. Whether it's by accident what intentional by RIM, but clearly RIM or BlackBerry now renamed truly keep its promise to launch new products in early 2013.

Preventive efforts Facing Error Android: Safe Mode, Backup, Reset and Restore.

One of the fun of Android is that you are free to fiddle with the kernel, ROM, OS and even his! This makes Android look and layout you really suit the taste you want. Concrete illustration, anime fans can express his fondness for anime with a variety of themes and supporting applications that make Android look (whatever his handheld type) according to the favorite. This is what makes many people choose Android. Freedom to experiment and express themselves!
Upaya Preventif Menghadapi Error Android: Safe Mode, Backup, Reset dan Restore

There is even a joke that says that the difference 'nunduk' his three users Handheld, iOS, Android, and BB are: iOS users bowed to finish the game he played, Android users bowed to jamming work a flash and ROM, while BB users bowed for ... BBM's. Hehe ...
However, problems occur when the time fiddling with your Android device something unexpected happens. These changes can sometimes make your Android device to crash. How is this?
Of course I can not discuss one by one case that may be experienced by you as an Android user since the case is diverse and in accordance with their respective typical handheld. However, I am here could discuss preventive measures you need to do before an error occurs on the Android. Namely, bringing Android into Safe Mode in case of driver error, do the factory data reset if the first step fails, and do Restore data. Of course here in preparation for the first preventive efforts is, you have to be diligent, industrious Android backup data you avoid confusion if anything happens to your beloved Android.

Safe Mode

Upaya Preventif Menghadapi Error Android: Safe Mode, Backup, Reset dan Restore
Upaya Preventif Menghadapi Error Android: Safe Mode, Backup, Reset dan Restore
Since Android has many kinds of ROM, then how to get into Safe Mode also sometimes different. How to enter Safe Mode is to know that you easily overcome if there is an error on the Android system. Usability enter Safe Mode is, if there are no suitable driver or crash (where possible Android devices you often difficult to restart or go to the main menu), then you just go into Safe Mode where most drivers are deactivated, so that you can go into your Android device without any difficulty.
Here's how to enter Safe Mode in Android:

For version 4.1 and above:
Hold the Power button on the smartphone to display a popup messageOn the menu that appears, hold down the "Power Off" to appear again following a Popup messageTap OK to reboot into Safe Mode.Then you will get into Safe Mode.

For version 4.0 down:
Turn your Android devicePress and hold the Power button to turn on.ethical boot logo appears, press and hold the Volume Up + Volume Down simultaneously until the boot is completeThen you will get into Safe Mode.For the record, to Android 4.0 down, how to enter Safe Mode is very diverse. There are several Android devices that require you to press the Menu button (left home) for 5 or 7 seconds when Reboot, there is also a switch on by pressing the Power + Home + Volume Up. So you need to check into our Forums to discuss your particular Android device to find out how to get into Safe Mode.

Factory Data Reset
Factory Data Reset is an action that reset the data back to the state as if it had just come out of The manufacturer (a state of the new OS and empty). This action is often done when the Android system problems that need to be returned to the initial version in order to function again properly.
 Upaya Preventif Menghadapi Error Android: Safe Mode, Backup, Reset dan Restore

Upaya Preventif Menghadapi Error Android: Safe Mode, Backup, Reset dan Restore
Factory Data Reset is the most recent way should be used when there is a problem on your Android. If the PC, the action is similar to the procedure to reinstall.

If your Android smartphone midst was turned on, then you can do the Factory Data Reset in the following ways:

Go to Android Settings.Choose Backup & Reset (If you're using Android OS 2.3 or older, tap the Privacy menu).Choose Factory Data Reset.If your Android device will not turn on, then you need to go into Recovery Mode. Such as Safe Mode, Recovery Mode is a special sequence that allows you to use your OS with different goals than usual. Recovery Mode is usually used for the purpose of administering or register the device below the level of the OS.

Unfortunately, the process of booting into Recovery Mode is not the same on different Android devices. As I suggested earlier, you need to look at the forum devoted to your Android device. Here are some common ways to enter Recovery Mode:

Hold down the Volume Up + Volume Down + Power.Hold down the Volume Up + Home + Power.Hold down the Home + Power.If not it could be, then you need to consult the official Android store or outlet for your device to get tips to get into Recovery Mode. If you have entered into Recovery Mode, you will see a menu that shows the "Factory Reset" or also "Wipe Data." You can navigate to select the menu by pressing the Volume Up or Volume Down.

Restore Favorite Applications You
When an error occurs on a system already which requires you to do a Factory Data Reset, then you will be helped if you have data that you've had to save (Backup). You just have to restore it again to return to normal function of your Android.

as a side note, if you have Android device with a large internal memory, never store your data backup results because of course there will be erased when done Factory Data Reset. This kind of data needs to be stored on the SD Card. If necessary, you also have to keep it in your PC or your Cloud account that your data safety.

Android applications are suitable for backup include GO Backup or Titanium Backup which can be obtained in the Android Market.

Once Restore, you will be saved from 'catastrophe' due to an error on your Android system and you can ... um ... Experimenting again with your Android device.

With the tips above, then you will know what you need to do if there is an error on your Android system. Simply go into Safe Mode to fix the problem, or if the problems faced severe enough, then inevitably you have to do the Factory Data Reset and Restore your data in advance so that you can use Android.
Complicated? Probably. But this is the privilege of Android. Inviting users to take advantage of the critical device has. Of course you will be able to maximize the proud if you have, at least do not know exactly how to take advantage of such devices

Finally, Windows seven OS Become the World's Most-Used!

If the most widely used OS in the world previously dominated by Windows XP, now the throne was switching to Windows 7. According to statistics provided by Netmarketshare, Windows 7 users now reach 44% of all users of the OS in the world. Followed by Windows XP by 41% and Windows Vista as much as 6%.

Akhirnya Windows 7 Menjadi OS yang Paling Banyak Digunakan di Dunia!

The decline of Windows XP users more or less because of the plan to end the support of Microsoft Windows XP in April 2014. That caused some XP users to upgrade to Windows 7.

Windows 8 itself is now used by 0.3% recorded computer users. Of course, this percentage will rise in line with the release of Windows 8 to the public on October 26, 2012.

What OS are you using? Are you among those who helped "contribute" sound in Windows 7 is up his throne?

Want to Make iOS Become Open Source? Signs Petition It Now.

Apple Computer Inc., is a giant computer company engaged in a wide range of industries, such as hardware (hardware), software (software), electronic devices and other digital distribution.

Ingin Membuat iOS Menjadi Open Source? Tandatangani Petisi Ini Sekarang

In addition to successfully take over the world with its products, Apple is the pioneer of the personal computer revolution in the 1970's was very popular once the level of security in keeping all of its products, including one of which is a software product in the form of Apple's operating system embedded in their famous digital products ie iPhone, iOS is the operating system.

iOS is basically a system that is a derivative of the Mac OS X operating system that was originally created exclusively for the iPhone hardware, but as the development of iOS also now be able to use on other Apple devices such as iPod Touch, iPad and Apple TV.

And Because Apple is fairly strict in maintaining the security of proprietary operating system, not a few of the developers who sell apps in the App Store and the game often demands that Apple immediately crack down on jailbreak developers, because according to their actions and the jailbreak is a way to smooth the way an act of piracy against such applications are now rife.The term Jailbreak on iOS is basically a process of removal of the restrictions previously imposed by the vendor (Apple) perangakat hard on hers. On Android better known as rooting. With iOS men'jailbreak course those users will have full access (root access) to the iOS operating system, and the application is free to download both pirated and the original.

This also led to some of the developers became furious and a little desperate, and ultimately make such a petition requesting that Apple open access to proprietary operating system iOS. One is pod2g, Pod2g party wants Apple to allow the developer to sell or distribute the tweaks and themes through the App Store. Parties Pod2g promises that it is not harmful or potentially harmful because Apple before the application published in the App Store, of course, first tweak or theme that will be reviewed by Apple before being able to escape and published in the App Store.

Existing security system in iOS 6 itself claims is good enough, so up to now there is no jailbreak developers are able to create a jailbreak, particularly for devices with A4 processor above.
Do you also agree with the Pod2g and want the same thing? If you agree, it helps you come to sign the petition # WeWantAnOpeniOS visited the following link and sign in using your Twitter account is yours.
# WeWantAnOpeniOS: http://twitition.com/mdinc

Windows Eight Becoming Best Seller on Amazon

Windows 8 Becoming Best Seller on Amazon? Yup true, even though officially launch Windows 8 OS will be made by Microsoft on October 26, 2012. However, some retailers are located in the United States have started selling Microsoft's new operating system is a pre-order.

And, of course, is quite interesting enough to the high interest of the consumer OS Windows 8. It can be seen in the trend in the world's largest eCommerce sites, namely Amazon.Windows 8 Menjadi Best Seller di Amazon

Windows 8 Menjadi Best Seller di Amazon

On this site, OS Windows 8 in the category of Software managed to become the most sought after products by consumers alias became a best seller. This operating system is different from the previous version of the OS which is owned by Microsoft. However, the Redmond-based company said that consumers will feel the satisfaction as well as a significant difference when they use the OS Windows 8.

Microsoft itself has started pre-order service for Windows 8. This operating system was sold for $ 69.99 at some U.S. retailers. In addition, Microsoft also provides services through Windows.com upgrade by paying less, which is $ 39.99 USD.

What is Open Source Software That??

Hearing the words open source would have been familiar to you. For instance Linux and Android on the mobile computer. But do you know the real meaning of Open Source?? How does the software known as Open Source? Useful are the Open Source for you? This time I will discuss all about open source in the article. If you want to know about open source more in-depth, follow my article below.

Apa Software Open Source Itu??

What is Open Source Software?
When you download a piece of software you will get an executable or installer format. EXE. Well executable file is made up of hundreds or even thousands of source code that has been in though. When the source code has been completed and compiled into an executable file you will see the source code again, you will see the end of the program.
What about open source software? Actually, just the same as we discussed earlier, but the source code to the open source dikeluaran usually be obtained and can be modified (developed) by the public. While open source software is not freeware and shareware as its source is not distributed generally.

How is called Open Source Software?
Imagine if you bought a home along with prabotannya, chances are you will not know where kelistrikkan, water pipes, wooden structures and many more. If you want to fix the house or adding a little kelistrikkan, but you can not do it. You do not have access to do all that when you bought the house.

Just like when you install the software and you can not have access to source code. When there are bugs or things that you have to wait for update error from the developer. While open source software is not like that, you can fix it yourself if you have sklill programming. You can change or fix it at will, such as Linux distributions

What Advantages of Using Open Source?
Maybe you are wondering if you can not what good programming using open source? There are so many benefits, including: Community Building
When the source code is published, many programmers will try to, update or improve it. The better the program, the more users and will awaken a community, for example, just Ubuntu.

Faster Open Source
What is Open Source faster? Faster here is in terms of fixes bugs faster. With thousands of eyes watching open source software it will be many who find bugs and have been repaired. As for the software that the company should wait for workers to find bugs and fix them later issued version updates.

Appears Different Versions
Do you know how many Linux distros? How many browsers from Mozilla? Do you know Google Chrome is made of Chromium diopen sourcekan? when someone does a project and fix the open source software with its own ideas, it will be a lot of open source products.

Those are some of the advantages of Open Source is actually much, much more than people think. How do you think about open source? Of course, each has a different opinion. If you have the advantage of open source opinion leave a comment below.

List of Keyboard Shortcuts in Windows eight that Should You Know.

are you a user of Windows 8? I've been several times to preach and give tips about Windows 8. This time I will provide a list of keyboard shortcuts Windows 8 that you should know. This keyboard shortcut can be quicker and easier for you when working on the computer with the latest operating system from Microsoft.

List Shortcut Keboard di Windows 8 Surely you already know that Microsoft khan has done a massive overhaul in Windows 8's? Of course it also affects little shortcut functions of Windows that long, let alone Win + C in Windows long it does not work, but it works for Windows 8 bring Charm Bar.

The following list of keyboard shortcuts in Windows 8 that you should know:
Win + C to open Charm Bar.Win + D to open the Desktop.Win + E to display Windows Explorer.Win + F to open the File Search Modern UI.Win + H to open the Modern UI Share.Win + I to open the Settings panel where you can change vloume, wireless network, shut down and many more.Win + K to open the device, it serves to connect the computer to the projectorWin + L to lock the computer and back to the Lock ScreenWin + M to meminize all windows and return to the desktopWin + Q to open Metro Apps SearchWin + X to open the Start Menu Here's a complete picture of the list of keyboard shortcuts in Windows 8, to be able to see it clearly double-click on the image:
List Shortcut Keboard di Windows 8 yang Harus Kamu Ketahui

List Shortcut Keboard di Windows 8 yang Harus Kamu Ketahui
Many also so changes made by Microsoft, are you ready with the many changes that occur in Windows 8? Will the next generation of Windows 8 overhauled again or returned again like earlier versions of Windows? Give your feedback by leaving a comment below.

Find Photos of Facebook Friends You Using Bing Friends Photos!

Whether there is any collaboration between Microsoft and Facebook, but Microsoft through its flagship search engine: Bing, creating a facility that will pamper you all (especially boys singles were again hunting companion .. hihi). With this facility from Bing, you can find your friends' photos on Facebook with ease, so you live to select them as your friend (Okay, think positive! Do not think that 98% of them will probably turn you down - an important hepi!!!: D ...)

Temukan Foto Facebook Teman Kamu Menggunakan Bing Friends Photos!

The collaboration between Microsoft and Facebook is called Bing Friends Photos. Today is still Beta stage, but you can already feel the benefits immediately.
When entered into Bing Friends Photos, you will be welcomed following views: It asks you to login with your Facebook account. Well after the entrance, you will instantly get the latest pictures on the News Feed your account.

So, which is part of looking beautiful photo? ... Patience ... With all of Bing's, you just write the name of one of your female friends from your Facebook account
Then you will get your friend's profile, and when you click it, you'll find the pictures on the page profile page.
So, this feature allows you to quickly get a picture of the scope of our friendship on Facebook. If you can write the name of the image or images to the right, you can also instantly get a photo or image without the need to log in to your friend.

Search photos can indeed be based on a particular keyword, but it is still in Beta stage, the results are not perfect. He said Microsoft does, you will get the following features:
Search by photos: Enter a word or phrase to search for photos of your friends and pages that you look like according to the search you want.
Search by name friends: Enter your friend's name and search through their albums. This way I do as the example above.

Search based on the current photo (recent photos): Recent photos in the menu, select the image you posted of friends or pages that you like before.
Browse your own photos: Your photos on the menu, select the image where you've been tagged or photo in your album
Like, share, or comment: You can do like, share, or comment on the photos you find without leaving Bing.
Well, if interested, you can visit Bing Find Friends are in:

By the way, why someone would rather find his photo through the search engines? Not go to Facebook directly? Perhaps Microsoft is a consideration, it could be the person is lazy for 'poking' someone's profile just to find a specific photo. Type a keyword certainly easier. The Singles, take advantage of this opportunity! Find photos gorgeous your friends on Facebook using Bing's facility! : D

Finally, do you Delete Photos on Facebook Will Really Deleted!

Did you know that before you delete photos on Facebook are not really deleted? Yup bener really .. when you delete a photo, the photo is gone from your account. But the actual picture is still there and can be accessed from its direct link. This is one of the privacy issues that had been debated since 3 years ago.

Akhirnya, Foto yang Kamu Hapus di Facebook Akan Benar-benar Terhapus!

In comparison, Twitter and Flickr only takes a few seconds to permanently delete pictures you delete. But the photo on Facebook you can still remove the direct access to more than 3 years after the photo was removed .. whew!

But now Facebook is fixing their systems to address these issues. After you delete the photos on Facebook, then your pictures will be lost permanently in less than 30 days. The average photo will be removed from their CDN servers in less than 2 days.

A good development after a long wait of more than 3 years old ^ ^

Two Year Again Enhanced Capacity HDD two Times Can Fold!

Good news for you who like to download various files from the internet. The Japanese company, TDK Corporation, has developed a technology to create a disk can store files 2 times more than can be kept current.

2 Tahun Lagi Kapasitas Hardisk Bisa Ditingkatkan 2 Kali Lipat!

They combine Stable Magenetic Platters and HAMR head to make storage capable of storing 1.5 terabit per square inch. It is 2 times the storage capacity of the hard drive that can be saved today.

With these technologies, TDK Corporation was able to make 2.5-inch hard drive with a capacity of 2 terabytes and 3.5-inch hard drive with a capacity of 8 to 10 terabytes.

With a capacity for it, you can save tens of thousands of movies, software, music, and various other files in it.

The plan is a large-capacity hard drive will go on sale late 2014

Here Jolla Sailfish - Mobile OS Artificial Former Employee Nokia.

Startup companies from Finland, Jolla, finally kept his promise. Companies are mostly composed of former employees of nokia has just demonstrated Jolla Sailfish, a mobile operating system based on MeeGo OS. They will soon smartphone OS market is Jolla Sailfish.

Jolla OS is rumored to be able to run Android applications directly without any modification.

Of features and looks, this OS seems quite promising also to engage compete with Windows Phone, BlackBerry 10, Android and even iOS. Remains to be seen just what its smartphone hardware specs later.

Billions of Year Again, Alien'll Find It Photographs on Satellite.

There is a unique project which is being produced by Trevor Paglen. He was named as The Last Pictures. Here he will choose 100 images depicting human life, save in the satellite, then flew out the space.

Milyaran Tahun Lagi, Alien akan Menemukan Foto-Foto Ini di Satelit

Milyaran Tahun Lagi, Alien akan Menemukan Foto-Foto Ini di Satelit

The goal?

Billions of years from now, if humans disappeared off the face of the earth, the satellite will remain in orbit in space. Therein will remain the photographs show that no man ever lived on this earth. Be evidence that there was once a real life on earth.

If billions of years after humans disappear, no new life again. Whether it's a new man, or beings from another planet (aliens), he hopes one day discovered satellites and a proof of the existence of human beings.

The challenge

To realize this project, there are some pretty tough challenges. First, the problem of a photo. Of the many photos of human life, they should be able to select the 100 photos that depict the life of human beings. It was not easy. The issue is a photo submitted to Anya Ventura. He must choose from 10,000 to 500 to see 100 pictures selected.

Second, the material image. It would be very difficult to find photo material can last up to billions of years. MIT Professor Brian Wardle, said that the movement of molecules slowly in time billions of years will make the picture loses sharpness.

But it can be overcome by using a single material, namely silicon. Photos will be engraved with nano technology in silicon, then covered with a gold-plated aluminum. That way the photos can last up to billions of years.

OS Firefox will Launched in February Upcoming.

One company that is the largest web browsers like Mozilla Firefox is now extending its reach into the world of smartphones. Mozilla is trying to plunge into the world of smartphones with the launch of Firefox OS that has the potential to become as popular as Android. As with any open source Android in the Firefox OS also done the same thing. Firefox OS using HTML5 programming language and standard Mozilla APIs, this makes it easy for developers to develop applications.

OS Firefox akan Diluncurkan Pada Februari Mendatang

OS Firefox akan Diluncurkan Pada Februari Mendatang
Mozilla said that Firefox running OS-powered smartphone will be developed by Telefonica Geeksphone and also to be launched in February. Mozilla also slightly infromasi about 2 specs leaked smartphone to be launched, the following info:
The Keon models
CPU 1GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon S12100/1900/900 UMTS (3G HSPA)GSM 850/900/1800/1900 (2G EDGE)Screen 3.5 "HVGA Multitouch3 MP Camera4GB of ROM, 512 MB RAMMicroSD, WiFi N, Light and Proximity Sensor, G-Sensor, GPS, MicroUSB1580 mAh batteryUnlocked SIM CardThe Peak models
CPU 1.2GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 x22100/1900/900 UMTS (3G HSPA)GSM 850/900/1800/1900 (2G EDGE)Screen 4.3 "IPS Multitouch qHD8 MP rear camera flash + 2 MP Camera depang4 GB (ROM) and 512 (RAM)MicroSD, WiFi N, Light and Proximity Sensor, G-Sensor, GPS, MicroUSBBattery 1800 mAhWith the announcement of the release of the specification and OS Firefox, Mozilla also hopes the application developers to create applications also for Firefox OS. More and more applications on Firefox OS course would be its own power for Mozilla. If you want to try Firefox OS, you can use a Firefox OS Simulator. How about you? Tertarikkah to have one Firefox smartphone OS?

Selasa, 18 Juni 2013

Daftar Blog ke Google dan Bing Yahoo dengan Cepat

Daftar Blog ke Google dan Bing Yahoo dengan Cepat - Perlunya mendaftar sebuah blog kepada mesin pencari. Istilah ini biasa dikatakan Search Engine.Di internet, ada dua perusahaan besar yang berkecimpung di dalam pencarian kata (addword). Sebut saja Google dan Yahoo. Masing-masing situs raksasa ini selalu bersaing menarik penggunanya. Dan kebenaran, pengguna internet masih tetap setia menggunakannya.

Daftar Blog ke Google dan Bing Yahoo dengan Cepat

Kenapa Mendaftar Blog ke Google dan Bing Yahoo?
Alasannya adalah agar blog kita terindeks oleh google atau bing yahoo tadi. Artikel-artikel kita pun masuk dalam katalog pencarian situs. Disatu sisi membantu kita mempromosikan blog ke khlayak umum tanpa capek. Oleh karena itu, kita harus menggunakannya dengan baik.

Daftar Blog ke Google dan Bing Yahoo dengan Cepat

1. Google Search Engine

Mendaftar blog dengan Google sangatlah mudah. Langkah ini saya sarankan agar anda lakukan. Karena disamping kita menggunakan blogger bawaan google, maka kita kudu mendaftarkannya ke google. Disatu sisi, pengguna internet dalam pencarian artikel, lebih banyak menggunakan google search engine dibandingkan lainnya.

Silahkan masuk ke : https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/submit-url atau Klik Disini. Untuk lebih lanjut silahkan baca disini.

2. Bing Yahoo Search Engine

Bing adalah salah satu situs yang dimiliki oleh Microsoft dan berkolaborasi dengan Yahoo dalam search engine. Bing - Yahoo, mesin pencari terbaik di internet yang tidak kalah dengan google. Penggunanya pun banyak dan tetap setia. Oleh karena itu, saya sarankan anda untuk mendaftarkan blog ke dalam Bing - Yahoo ini.

Silahkan anda kunjungi disini untuk mendaftarkan blog ke Bing - Yahoo.

Demikianlah catatan Bos Tutorial mengenai Daftar Blog ke Google dan Bing Yahoo dengan Cepat. Selamat mencoba dan semoga bermanfaat, Salam.

Cara Terbaik Mendapatkan Backlink Gratis

Cara Terbaik Mendapatkan Backlink Gratis - Anda tentu tahu bawah backlink sangatlah penting dalam untuk sebuah blog. Bisa dikatakan juga Backlink menentukan nafas suatu blog, karena tanpa backlink sebuah blog akan terasa lemah tanpa daya. Seperti sayur tanpa garam... begitulah kata pepatah kuno yang mengatakannya. Hehehehe...malah bermain sastra.

Cara Terbaik Mendapatkan Backlink Gratis

Backlink bila di artikan ke dalam bahasa sehari-hari adalah umpan balik link. Adanya kepercayaan terhadap blog yang kita kelola dari beberapa situs tertentu. Bisa dari mendaftar di berbagai situs, bisa juga saling bertukar link sesama teman blogger. Disini saya tidak akan memaparkan lebih jauh mengenai kedua hal tersebut. Namun berbagi tentang bagaimana Cara Terbaik Mendapatkan Backlink Gratis.

Memang cara mendapatkan backlink gratis tidaklah mudah, tetapi ada beberapa cara yang bisa kita manfaatkan secara gratis untuk mendapatkan backlink tersebut. Slogan utama adalah, kalao ada gratisan kenapa mesti bayar... benar bukan.

Inilah Cara Terbaik Mendapatkan Backlink Gratis, Simak berikut di bawah ini.

1. Berkomentar di blog dofollow
Cobalah anda cari di google blog dofollow misalnya menggunakan kata kunci Daftar blog dofollow yang terbaru kemudian blogwalking dan berkomentarlah, saya sarankan berkomentarlah dengan menggunakan bahasa yang baik dan baku juga sopan, jangan hanya berkinginan mendapatkan backlink lalu dengan asal berkomentar dan meletakkan link lalu close. Gunakan kata kunci sebagai nama anda saat berkomentar. Jangan lupa meletakkan alamat blog anda di tempat url yang telah disediakan.

2. Join forum
Daftarkanlah ke forum forum terutama forum yang beraliran dofollow. Jika anda sudah join di forum, silahkan melakukan sedikit posting untuk bisa dikomentari oleh anggota lain, Dan pada saat anda mem-posting maka anda berkempatan untuk meletakkan link blog anda. Dan inilah yang akan menjadikan blog anda mendapatkan backlink tersebut. Tetapi tentunya anda harus berhati hati dalam meninggalkan link anda, biasanya suatu forum mempunyai ketentuan batasan jumlah postingan anda. Jadi anda harus mengetahui terlebih dahulu berapa syarat jumlah minimum postingan untuk bisa meletakkan link anda di forum.

3. Membuat Dummy Blog
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Memang waktu yang diperlukan membangun dummy blog tidaklah sedikit dan kerepotannya yang amat sangat mengganggu , Tetapi inilah yang paling efektif dan mudah untuk mendapatkan backlink gratis yang akan tertaut untuk selamanya.

4. Gunakan aplikasi
Pergunakan aplikasi aplikasi yang bisa anda install di alat browsing anda maupun di blog anda, misalnya SeoQuake, Alexa, Pagerank. Jikalau anda sudah menginstall alat bantu tersebut maka sejalan dengan penggunaan alat tersebut maka otamatis akan mendapatkan backlink gratis darinya.

Untuk sementara, itu dulu yang bisa kami bagikan. Anda punya pengalaman lain? Silahkan ditambahkan. Semoga tulisan mengenai Cara Terbaik Mendapatkan Backlink Gratis bisa bermanfaat. Salam.

Referensi : Abah Tips Blog

Senin, 17 Juni 2013

Cara Mengetahui SWIFT CODE Pada Bank di Indonesia

Cara Mengetahui SWIFT CODE Pada Bank di Indonesia - Mungkin anda bertanya apa itu SWIFT CODE Pada Bank. Perlu diketahui, bahwa masing-masing bank yang ada saat ini memiliki "SWIFT CODE" baik itu BCA, Mandiri, BI dan Seluruh Bank di Indonesia.

Cara Mengetahui SWIFT CODE Pada Bank di Indonesia

SWIFT CODE identik dengan terminologi “Bank Identifier Code” atau disingkat dengan BIC dalam wacana SWIFT. Salah satu peran SWIFT adalah menjadi “kantor pos global” bagi semua bank di dunia dalam mengirimkan dokumen transaksinya dari satu bank ke bank lain. Seperti layaknya kita mengirimkan surat melalui kantor pos, di sampul surat kita akan selalu memberikan identitas lengkap mengenai siapa penerima surat dan siapa pengirim surat tersebut.

Tiap "SWIFT CODE" pada bank berbeda-beda antar satu bank dengan yang lainnya. Kode-kode ini digunakan pada saat ada transfer uang antar bank, tentunya bagi yang sering melakukan pengiriman dan penerimaan uang pasti sudah akrab dengan SWIFT CODE ini tentunya sudah hafal.

Kesimpulannya bahaa Swift code adalah kode bank yang berguna untuk transaksi secara internasional. Jika anda ingin mengirim atau menerima uang dari luar negeri baik melalui transfer bank maupun kartu kredit maka anda memerlukan kode ini untuk memverfikasinya.

Anda mungkin bertanya kenapa Abah paparkan ini. Karena dalam dunia internet khusus bisnis online SWIFT CODE Pada Bank sangatlah penting. Jika anda ingin transfer uang ke Indonesia dari Luar negeri, pasti akan di tanyakan SWIFT CODE bank tujuan transfer anda. Berikut adalah SWIFT CODE Bank – bank yang ada di Indonesia :

SWIFT CODE Bank – bank yang ada di Indonesia

  • Hagabank: HAGAIDJA
  • Bank Artha Graha: ARTGIDJA
  • Bank Bumiputera Indonesia: BUMIIDJA
  • Bank Bumi Arta Indonesia: BBAIIDJA
  • Bank Buana Indonesia: BBIJIDJA
  • Bank Danamon: BDINIDJA
  • Bank Mandiri (not Bank Syariah Mandiri): BEIIIDJA
  • Bangkok Bank: BKKBIDJA
  • Bank Niaga: BNIAIDJA
  • Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI): BNINIDJA
  • Bank BNP Paribas Indonesia: BNPAIDJA
  • Bank Resona Perdania: BPIAIDJA
  • Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI): BRINIDJA
  • Bank Bukopin: BBUKIDJA
  • Bank Central Asia (BCA): CENAIDJA
  • Deutsche Bank AG: DEUTIDJA
  • Bank Mizuho Indonesia: MHCCIDJA
  • Hongkong and Shanghai Banking (HSBC): HSBCIDJA
  • Bank Internasional Indonesia (BII): IBBKIDJA
  • Bank Indonesia: INDOIDJA
  • Lippo Bank: LIPBIDJA
  • Pan Indonesia Bank: PINBIDJA
  • Bank Rabobank International Indonesia: RABOIDJA
  • Bank UFJ Indonesia (formerly Bank Sanwa Indonesia): SAINIDJA
  • Bank Swadesi: SWBAIDJA
  • Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN): BTANIDJA
  • Bank UOB Indonesia: UOBBIDJA
  • Bank Permata: BBBAIDJA
  • Bank Maybank Indocorp: MBBEIDJA
  • Bank Chinatrust Indonesia: CTCBIDJA
  • Woori Bank Indonesia: HVBKIDJA
  • Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia: SUNIIDJA
  • Bank Finconesia: FINBIDJA
  • Bank OCBC Indonesia: OCBCIDJA
  • Bank Kesawan: AWANIDJA
  • Bank Commonwealth: BICNIDJA
  • Bank Ekonomi Raharja: EKONIDJA
  • Bank DBS Indonesia: DBSBIDJA
  • Bank CIC International (formerly Bank Century Intervest Corp): CICTIDJA
  • Bank Ekspor Indonesia: BEXIIDJA
  • Bank Mega: MEGAIDJA
  • Bank of China, Jakarta Branch: BKCHIDJA
  • Bank Syariah Mandiri (not Bank Mandiri): BSMDIDJA

Kode Bank di Indonesia
Apabila ingin mengirim uang antar bank di Indonesia, biasa disebut Kliring maka diperlukan kode bank. Silakan anda pilih kode yang sesuai dengan Bank tempat anda menabung :
1. ABN AMRO Bank: 052
2. American Express Bank LTD: 030
3. Bank Of America: 033
4. Bank Of China Limited: 069
5. BPD Aceh: 116
6. BPD Bali: 129
7. BPD Bengkulu: 133
8. BPD Jambi: 115
9. BPD Jawa Barat dan Banten: 110
10. BPD Jawa Tengah: 113
11. BPD Jawa Timur: 114
12. BPD Kalimantan Barat: 123
13. BPD Kalimantan Selatan: 122
14. BPD Kalimantan Tengah: 125
15. BPD Kalimantan Timur: 124
16. BPD Lampung: 121
17. BPD Maluku: 131
18. BPD Nusa Tenggara Barat: 128
19. BPD Nusa Tenggara Timur: 130
20. BPD Papua: 132
21. BPD Riau: 119
22. BPD Sulawesi Selatan: 126
23. BPD Sulawesi Tengah: 134
24. BPD Sulawesi Tenggara: 135
25. BPD Sulawesi Utara: 127
26. BPD Sumatera Barat: 118
27. BPD Sumatera Selatan: 120
28. BPD Sumatera Utara: 117
29. BPD Yogyakarta: 112
30. Citibank: 031
31. Deutsche Bank AG: 067
32. JP. Morgan Chase Bank: 032
33. Anglomas Internasional Bank: 531
34. ANZ Panin Bank: 061
35. Bank Agroniaga, Tbk: 494
36. Bank Akita: 525
37. Bank Alfindo: 503
38. Bank Antardaerah: 088
39. Bank Arta Niaga Kencana: 020
40. Bank Artha Graha Internasional: 037
41. Bank Artos Indonesia: 542
42. Bank Bintang Manunggal: 484
43. Bank Bisnis Internasional: 459
44. Bank BNP Paribas Indonesia: 057
45. Bank Bukopin: 441
46. Bank Bumi Arta: 076
47. Bank Bumipetera Indonesia: 485
48. Bank Capital Indonesia: 054
49. Bank Central Asia: 014
50. Bank Century: 095
51. Bank China Trust Indonesia: 949
52. Bank CommonWealth: 950
53. Bank Credit Agricole Indosuez: 039
54. Bank Danamon Indonesia: 011
55. Bank DBS Indonesia: 046
56. Bank Dipo Internasional: 523
57. Bank DKI: 111
58. Bank Ekonomi Raharja: 087
59. Bank Eksekutif Internasional: 558
60. Bank Ekspor Indonesia: 003
61. Bank Fama Internasional: 562
62. Bank Finconesia: 945
63. Bank Ganesha: 161
64. Bank Haga: 089
65. Bank Hagakita: 159
66. Bank Harda Internasional: 567
67. Bank Harfa: 517
68. Bank Harmoni Internasional: 166
69. Bank Himpunan Saudara 1906, Tbk: 212
70. Bank IFI: 093
71. Bank INA Perdana: 513
72. Bank Index Selindo: 555
73. Bank Indomonex: 498
74. Bank Internasional Indonesia: 016
75. Bank Jasa Arta: 422
76. Bank Jasa Jakarta: 472
77. Bank Keppel Tatlee Buana: 053
78. Bank Kesawan: 167
79. Bank Kesejahteraan Ekonomi: 535
80. Bank Lippo: 026
81. Bank Mandiri: 008
82. Bank Maspion Indonesia: 157
83. Bank Mayapada Internasional: 097
84. Bank Maybank Indocorp: 947
85. Bank Mayora: 553
86. Bank Mega: 426
87. Bank Merincorp: 946
88. Bank Mestika Dharma: 151
89. Bank Metro Express: 152
90. Bank Mitraniaga: 491
91. Bank Mizuho Indonesia: 048
92. Bank Muamalat Indonesia: 147
93. Bank Multi Arta Sentosa: 548
94. Bank Multicor: 036
95. Bank Negara Indonesia: 009
96. Bank Niaga: 022
97. Bank NISP: 028
98. Bank Nusantara Parahyangan: 145
99. Bank OCBC Indonesia: 948
100. Bank Permata: 013
101. Bank Persyarikatan Indonesia: 521
102. Bank Purba Danarta: 547
103. Bank Rabobank Internasional Indonesia: 060
104. Bank Rakyat Indonesia: 002
105. Bank Resona Perdania: 047
106. Bank Royal Indonesia: 501
107. Bank Shinta Indonesia: 153
108. Bank Sinar Harapan Bali: 564
109. Bank Sri Partha: 466
110. Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia: 045
111. Bank Swadesi: 146
112. Bank Swaguna: 405
113. Bank Syariah Mandiri: 451
114. Bank Syariah Mega Indonesia: 506
115. Bank Tabungan Negara: 200
116. Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional: 213
117. Bank UIB: 536
118. Bank UOB Buana: 023
119. Bank UOB Indonesia: 058
120. Bank Victoria International: 566
121. Bank Windu Kentjana: 162
122. Bank Woori Indonesia: 068
123. Bank Yudha Bhakti: 490
124. Bank Centratama Nasional: 559
125. Bank Halim Indonesia: 164
126. Bank ING Indonesia: 034
127. Korea Exchange Bank Danamon: 059
128. Bank Liman International: 526
129. Bank PAN Indonesia: 019
130. Bank Prima Master: 520
131. Bank Standard Chartered: 050
132. The Bangkok Bank Comp: 040
133. The Bank Of Tokyo Mitshubisi UFJ: 042
134. HSBC: 041

Catatan : Untuk kode cabangnya silahkan tanya ke Customer Service masing-masing bank. Ingat kode cabang adalah 4 digit. Jika CSnya memberikan 2 digit atau 3 digit maka tambahkan saja angka nol didepannya untuk menggenapkan menjadi 4 digit. Sebagai contoh, kode cabang bank anda adalah 59 maka tambahkan saja dua nol didepannya menjadi 0059.

Contohnya : Untuk BCA bisa dilihat di: http://www.klikbca.com/individual/silver/network.html

Nomor account BCA = 4560717xxx
Bank Code = 014
Branch Code = xxxxx
Bank Name = Bank Central Asia

Sumber Original Artikel : Abah Tips Blog

Sabtu, 15 Juni 2013

Spesifikasi dan Harga Mito A355 Terbaru 2013

Spesifikasi dan Harga Mito A355 Terbaru 2013 - Mito Sebagai produsen ponsel lokal, kini semakin marak digandrungi oleh masyarakat tanah air. Smartphone hasil karya anak bangsa besutan mito ini tak kalah saingnya dengan produk dari luar. itu terbukti dengan dirilisnya produk terbaru MITO A355.Smartphone ini dipersenjatai oleh prosesor quad-core ARM Cortex-A5 yang memiliki kecepatan clock

Kamis, 13 Juni 2013

Ini Dia Daftar Harga BlackBerry Terbaru di Pameran ICS 2013

Ini Dia Daftar Harga BlackBerry Terbaru di ICS 2013  - Blackberry yang merupakan salah satu dari sederetan merek smartphone ternama didunia. Belum lama ini telah merilis produk terbarunya blackberry Z10 dan disusul kemudian blackberry Q10 yang kabarnya akan dirilis pada 27 Juni mendatang. Meski pangsa pasarnya telah tergerus oleh smartphone Android, Smartphone BlackBerry ini masih banyak

12 Aplikasi Gratis Wajib Untuk Smartphone Android

12 Aplikasi Gratis Wajib Untuk Smartphone Android - Smartphone yang berbasis sistem operasi android untuk sekarang ini sudah mulai menjamur dikalangan masyarakat. Namun Tak banyak dari mereka yang tahu aplikasi apa saja yang wajib ada di ponsel pintar khas robot hijau ini. Terutama bagi mereka para pengguna yang masih baru saja memiliki smartphone bersistem operasi android ini.


Rabu, 12 Juni 2013

Download Aplikasi Android Gratis Norton Mobile Security

Download Aplikasi Android Gratis Norton Mobile Security - Aplikasi Norton Mobile Security merupakan salah satu dari sekian banyak program antivirus mobile yang diberikan secara gratis. aplikasi yang berfungsi sebagai pelindung perangkat sistem operasi android khususnya dari serangan para cyber crime ini memiliki berbagai fitur yang cukup bagus untuk keamanan bagi smartphone anda.


Selasa, 04 Juni 2013

Idli Upma

This is the perfect way of using leftover idli. It is very yummy in taste and very quick to
 Make as well. It can be made for school snack for kids.

  • Idli-5-6
  • Onion-1(chopped)
  • Bell pepper-1/2 cup (chopped all color)
  • Mustard Seed-1/4tsp
  • Hing- a pinch
  • Curry Leaves-few
  • Turmeric powder-1/4tsp
  •  Salt-to taste

Cut idlis in to small pieces. keep aside.
Heat oil in pan add mustard seed let it crackle, add green chilli
hing saute for few seconds then add onions fry for few minutes
add bell pepper fry for couple of minutes add turmeric powder
and salt mix everything properly.
add idli pieces mix well again. turn off the heat.
garnish with chopped coriander leaves.

You can crumble the idli instead of cutting.
You add vegetables of your choice like carrot,  peas etc.