Kamis, 27 Juni 2013

Windows Eight Becoming Best Seller on Amazon

Windows 8 Becoming Best Seller on Amazon? Yup true, even though officially launch Windows 8 OS will be made by Microsoft on October 26, 2012. However, some retailers are located in the United States have started selling Microsoft's new operating system is a pre-order.

And, of course, is quite interesting enough to the high interest of the consumer OS Windows 8. It can be seen in the trend in the world's largest eCommerce sites, namely Amazon.Windows 8 Menjadi Best Seller di Amazon

Windows 8 Menjadi Best Seller di Amazon

On this site, OS Windows 8 in the category of Software managed to become the most sought after products by consumers alias became a best seller. This operating system is different from the previous version of the OS which is owned by Microsoft. However, the Redmond-based company said that consumers will feel the satisfaction as well as a significant difference when they use the OS Windows 8.

Microsoft itself has started pre-order service for Windows 8. This operating system was sold for $ 69.99 at some U.S. retailers. In addition, Microsoft also provides services through Windows.com upgrade by paying less, which is $ 39.99 USD.

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