Kamis, 04 April 2013

Award Time

Hello Friends, 
 I m extremely Happy that  Last month i received three liebster  award from three
 fabulous blogger first  Poornima Porchelvan from Poornima's Cook Book ,
 second from Preeti Jaipal from Kitchen  Delicacies,
 Third Rita  from rita-bose-cooking  
 yesterday i got Fourth one  from Chitz from Indulge, 

   Thank you all for your support and encouragement. please visit their blogs for
   delicious  recipe.
  There are some rules for this award:
   Write random facts about yourself.
   Answer the 11 question given by the person nominated you.
   set 11 new questions.
   Nominate 11 bloggers who have less than 200 followers and mention them in your post. 
  Tell the person who nominated you, along with the people whom you have nominated.
  Random facts about myself:
  ooh its tricky....

  I’m simple house wife, mother of two adorable kids 8years old son and 18th month old

  Daughter. Lives in USA,Minnesota with my caring,loving husband and kids.

  I am very positive person.

  I love shopping, cooking, of course blogging.
  I’m god believer and very good listener.

  I got four set of question so I selected Question randomly from all of them.

  1. What are your hobbies other than blogging?
     I'm trying to learn photography.
2.What is your favorite recipe in your blog?

3.Which is better chocolate/strawberry/butterscotch?

4.What is your favorite cuisine? 
   Indian, i like spicy dises.i like Italian and Mexican too.

5. If you were allowed to change something about yourself, what would that be?
   i don't want to change anything. i just go with flow. 

6. According to you which is most important in a blog, picture, presentation, or recipe?
7. Cooking is according to you is
    cooking is love for family and friends.
8. Do you watch TV show? If so, which is your favorite?
    i don't get time to watch TV, sometimes i watch Bang Bang theory,wheel of fortune
    Balika vadhu on colors. 
9. What four words would you use describe yourself?
     Happy, reliable,friendly and self consious .
10.How do you spend your free time?
     i play with my kids. 
11.your favorite dessert?
     personally i don't like much sweet. 

Blogs i nominate 
 Nilu A from Kitchen Serenity
 nisha s fromMY FOOD EXPRESS
 Amrita Roy from Motions and Emotions
 Pavithra R from Potpourri
 Reni from What's Cooking!
 Gayathri Ramanan from Foody - Buddy
 Ruxana Gafoor from From My Own Kitchen
 Beena.stephy from Beena's
 Priya Anandakumar from Yummy Foods
 Chandrani Banerjee from Cuisine Delights
 Surabhi from My Cook Book
I nominate the blogs, the 11 questions I want them to answer: 
Questions for you bloggers:

What is your favorite past time?
Are you quite or active person?
What is your idea for perfect breakfast?
Who is your favorite blogger?
What would you do keep your family happy?
what is your favorite time of the year?
what is your perspective of your life?
what is your favorite quote?
what is your dream vacation destination?
favorite beauty product?
who inspires you?

keep cooking and Happy blogging!!!


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