Blackberry 10 | Spesifikasi Lengkap Blackberry Z10 dan Blackberry Q10. RIM resmi merilis Blackberry varian terbaru yakni Blackberry 10. Blackberry 10
terdiri dari dari 2 varian Smartphone yakni Blackberry Z10 yang
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menggunakan QWERTY Keyboard. Blackberry Z10 memiliki spesifikasi yakni :
Processor : Qualcom Snapgragon MSM 8960 (ada
Kamis, 31 Januari 2013
Hasil Pertandingan Jordania vs Indonesia 31 Januari 2013
Hasil Pertandingan Jordania vs Indonesia 31 Januari 2013. Timnas Indonesia melakoni laga persahabatan jelang Pra Piala Asia 2015 menghadapi Jordania di Jordania hari ini 31 Januari 2013. Bermain di Amman yang bersuhu sangat dingin ternyata memberi efek kepada permainan Timnas Indonesia. Terbukti ketika 45 menit pertama berakhir Timnas harus sudah tertinggal 2 gol atas tim tuan rumah. Di awal
Jadwal Timnas Indonesia vs Yordania
Jadwal Timnas Indonesia vs Yordania. Setelah simpang siur akhirnya laga uji coba antara timnas Indonesia vs Yordania terselenggarakan juga. Ya, setelah sempat tersiur kabar bahwa laga ini akan ditunda namun akhirnya laga ini tetap dilaksanakan. Dan jadwal pertandingannya pun tidak berubah seperti jadwal semula yakni 31 Januari 2013 atau nanti malam.
Rombongan tiba di Amman dan kota terbesar di
Rombongan tiba di Amman dan kota terbesar di
Rabu, 30 Januari 2013
Update Hasil Skor Persiram vs Persib ISL 31 Januari 2013
Update Hasil Skor Persiram vs Persib ISL 31 Januari 2013. Buat kamu para bobotoh berikut ada kabar mengenai Update Hasil Skor Persiram vs Persib ISL 31 Januari 2013. Ya, hari ini Maung Bandung melakoni laga tur papua menghadapi Persiram Raja Ampat. Dan berikut adalah Update Hasil Skor Persiram vs Persib ISL 31 Januari 2013 sementara
Update Hasil Skor Persiram vs Persib ISL 31 Januari 2013
Update Hasil Skor Persiram vs Persib ISL 31 Januari 2013
Canon EOS 650D, DSLR Berbasis Layar Sentuh
Canon EOS 650D, DSLR Berbasis Layar Sentuh. Apa jadinya kalau interface layar sentuh diterapkan pada kamera
jenis DSLR? Itulah yang coba diterapkan Canon pada EOS 650D, model
teranyar dari seri kamera populer pabrikan asal Jepang ini.
EOS 650D melanjutkan tongkat estafet dari pendahulunya, EOS 600D yang
dirilis pada 2011 lalu. Kedua kamera ini tampak sangat mirip, tetapi
sebenarnya Canon
jenis DSLR? Itulah yang coba diterapkan Canon pada EOS 650D, model
teranyar dari seri kamera populer pabrikan asal Jepang ini.
EOS 650D melanjutkan tongkat estafet dari pendahulunya, EOS 600D yang
dirilis pada 2011 lalu. Kedua kamera ini tampak sangat mirip, tetapi
sebenarnya Canon
Selasa, 29 Januari 2013
Oezil Kenakan Kalung Berlafaz Allah
Oezil Kenakan Kalung Berlafaz Allah. Gelandang Real Madrid Mesut Oezil selama ini dikenal gemar melakukan praktik ritual sebelum bertanding. Oezil biasanya selalu memanjatkan doa atau membaca surat Alfatihah
sebelum peluit dibunyikan wasit. Hal itu dilakukan penggawa der Panzer
itu agar bisa tenang dan fokus selama 90 menit bermain di lapangan.
luar lapangan, tidak ada yang tahu persis
sebelum peluit dibunyikan wasit. Hal itu dilakukan penggawa der Panzer
itu agar bisa tenang dan fokus selama 90 menit bermain di lapangan.
luar lapangan, tidak ada yang tahu persis
Disappointed Windows 8, Acer Chromebook Praise
Acer President Jim Wong, judge notebook Acer Chromebook with Google produced, marketed successfully in the United States. Quoted from page Digitimes, Tuesday (01/29/2013), contributing Chromebook contributes 5-10 percent of total sales in the U.S. Acer notebook.
According to Wong, the number 5 -10 percent earned Chromebook is somewhat large. Moreover, Acer has been more aggressively promote the sale of tablets based on Windows 8, rather than promoting the Chromebook.
"You look at all the marketing and promotion are not as big as Windows 8. So can achieve success like this is very satisfying," said Wong, quoted from Cnet page.
Wong even disappointment to unveil Windows 8. Before its launch, many are hoping Windows 8 PC could re-make the market excited. But Windows 8 fails to fulfill that mission.
"The overall market is not growing back after the release of Windows 8. This is the easiest way to determine success or failure," he said.
Non-US Markets
Because it reveals Wong Acer plans to release a Chromebook on the market other than the U.S.. But Acer's target market is a mature market. Possible Acer eyeing the European market to sell Chromebook.
Chromebook is a laptop produced by Google with a number of vendors. In addition to Acer, Samsung and Google also took Lenovo to launch laptops based on Chrome OS operating system.
Google Chromebook into a laptop design that integrates with the Internet and a number of Google services, like Gmail, YouTube, and Google search engine. (GAL)
Expand the "Blogs", Google Gelontorkan USD1 Billion
Search engine giant Google, spend billions of dollars to expand its office in London, England. Reportedly, Google expanded to 2.4 acres of land office in Kings Cross Central, UK.
Reported TomsHardware, Sunday (01/20/2013), with more than 50 thousand employees spread across the globe as well as a diverse product portfolio, requires Google to extend its movement by buying land in London, England. To support its portfolio, the company has poured $ 1 billion fund.
Kings Cross Central Area will be home to Google's HQ with a width of approximately 1 million square feet. Reuters quoted sources as saying that Google is to invest 650 million pounds to buy and build his new stall.
After the development and construction of the Google office was completed, the total amount of funds expended worth 1 billion pounds. Google's new headquarters will be completed within three years.
After the completion of the Development of the new office, the company founded Larry Page will move from the current Londonnya office to the new building. Reuters reported that the construction-story building between 7 and 11 will begin later this year.
American storm, Google Android conference Cancel
GOOGLE Android decided to cancel a planned conference held on Monday (29/10) local time.
The event to be held in New York was forced to fail due to a number of areas in the United States Sandy storm.
The storm has claimed the lives of as many as a dozen people in the Caribbean and meteorological experts predicted the existence of three other storms will cross the Atlantic Ocean. The storm was dubbed "Frankenstorm" and is predicted to hit New York. Reuters reports, the government has announced a standby status.
Worry about further casualties, a Google spokesman confirmed the event will be postponed until the time limit has not been determined.
"We canceled our event on Monday morning in New York in connection with the storm Hurricane Sandy. We'll let you know next plan in a short time, "Google said in a release party, as quoted by the Huffington Post recently.
Not yet known what will Google present at the conference this time. Some experts predict techno, Google will announce a new Android device that will rival the prestige of smartphones based on Windows 8. Apesnya, when Google canceled this event, just keep running Microsoft plans to release Windows 8 at the same time. Google also failed to start stealing.
"100,000 Stars", Artificial Space Google Map
DUEL Google versus Apple continues to track the navigation map. This time, I'm sure Apple can break the business into the number one provider of map applications.
More recently, Google released a 3D map of the solar system. The project, entitled "100,000 Stars" was done by a team of Google's Chrome Experiments, a team who also manage the application of Google's web browser, Chrome.
Any excess application map?
As reported by the Huffington Post, Thursday (15/11), through the application you can see the sights in outer space, complete with a map of the stars that dot the sky.
You can also view more freely through the zooming feature, so it looks more clear and sharp.
Google claims there are 87 stars that are labeled individually. If you click on one of them, you will find a description about this star, as well as drawing illustrations.
For added dramatic effect, composer Sam Hulick donate his work as background music applications. Previously, Hulick could fill the slot composer for video game "Mass Effect".
Google 2012 Revenue Reaches 50 Billion U.S. Dollars
Google on Tuesday reported that its annual revenue reached 50 billion U.S. dollars for the first time last year.
At the same time, the Internet titan reported a rise in profits.
"We ended 2012 with a strong quarter," said Google co-founder and chief executive Larry Page. "We reached 50 billion U.S. dollars in revenue for the first time last year, not a bad performance in just a decade and a half."
The fourth-quarter profit rose 6.7 percent from a year earlier to 2.89 billion U.S. dollars, and Google earnings for the full year grew 10 percent to 10.74 billion dollars.
Revenue in the quarter ended December 31, up 36 percent from the same period the previous year to reach 14.4 billion U.S. dollars.
For the year, revenue grew 32 percent to 50.2 billion dollars, partly helped by the acquisition of Motorola Mobility.
Google shares surged more than 3.5 percent to 730.03 billion U.S. dollars in trade "after market" that followed the release of earnings numbers, which exceeded Wall Street estimates.
Google Work On Smart Watches
Google is reportedly working on the latest project for the future. In addition to Google's smart glasses that are currently in the testing phase, the technology giant from the United States is also reportedly mengembakan smart watches project (smartwatch).
At least it was reported Business Insider claimed by some of the information obtained from the Google.
The rumors were further enhanced on Google's patent on the technology in its smartwatch, where the clock will use a processor, wireless connectivity, and other advanced technologies.
A designer named Adrian Macirbuko create design renderings Google SmartWatch, are staying digadang be challenging Apple iWatch is being worked on with Intel.
Unfortunately, until now there has been no official confirmation from Google about the technology. To be sure, they are smart glasses stretcher will first appear than these watches.
Google Revoke Patent Lawsuit over Microsoft
Google ended the war with Microsoft's patents in connection with the placement of video technology used in the Xbox 360. It remains unclear why the second revoke Google in the lawsuit.
According to the BBC page on Wednesday (9/1), Google has asked the United States International Trade Commission that handles patent disputes to repeal both the lawsuit.
Internet industry giants that also had accused Microsoft of using their wi-fi innovation. In a previous lawsuit, Google requires that Microsoft paid $ 4 billion or around Rp38, 5 billion a year to use the wi-fi system and video compression.
Microsoft says it's second use patents owned by Motorola Mobility Unit-who have purchased Google is only worth $ 1 million or Rp 10 billion per year. If the lawsuit is continued in court, the judge will decide whether the requested royalty Google is too high or not.
The awareness of all parties, because of concerns with the patent dispute. "It may be noted in two or three years, the pace of product development slowed because everyone is worried about the patent dispute," said Chris Green, technology analyst firm DMG konsulta.
Green added a lot of big companies as well as time spent in a patent dispute.
Wow, I Can Work Free Massages 100,000 Hours
Fortune recently released ranking companies with the best reputation for work throughout the year 2012. Google once again be at the top of the 100 companies in the world for four consecutive times.
Google may be in rank one as the company continues to build a work environment that makes employees love to work. In addition, Google has a business model and bonuses that make employees motivated and actively growing.
One proof of Google's commitment to maintaining employee comfort is by subsidizing a free massage for 100,000 hours. Fortune released they give this package to all employees during the year 2012.
"It also has built three such fitness pusah 7 acre sports complex that includes a hockey rink, basketball court, bocce, and horseback riding," read a statement Fortune.
However, this Fortune-style rating is more a look at how the company establish a comfortable atmosphere in the workplace and employee happiness. Fortune was ruled out of corporate profits.
Besides Google, the company entered the mobile industry which is Qualcomm's ranking at No. 11, Intel at No. 68, and Microsoft to-75. Ironically, Google's biggest competitors, namely Apple, not at all included in the rankings, even for rank-100. Well, so, who does not want to work at Google?
Google Hacker Contest title Million Dollar Prize
Google recently announced a contest for hackers held Pwnium titled third time. This contest requires the hacker to break or crack the operating system (OS) Chrome and won $ 3, 14 159 million.
Reported TheRegister, Tuesday (29/01/2013), this contest will be held on March 7, 2013. Hackers are required to penetrate the Chrome operating system on the Samsung Chromebook 550 basic specification that features WiFi.
We offer hundreds of dollars for certain categories of achievement hackers, ranging from USD110.000 and USD150.000. To be able to win a cash prize, a researcher should give Google a complete list of vulnerabilities that are used in the attack, and the code used.
"We believe a great gift reflects additional challenges. Challenge involves the defense and security of Chrome OS attacks, compared with traditional operating systems," said Chris Evans of Google Chrome security team.
Google has sponsored other conference hacking contest, Pwn2Own. This contest prizes as well as an additional $ 100,000 prize laptop for hackers who managed meretasnya.
The search engine giant is also offering a reward of $ 1 million for Pwnium contest. Reportedly, Google launched the Chrome OS strengthened with the strongest security capabilities.
The operating system comes with a combination of hardware and software modules are packaged in the machine, where the technique is currently difficult to attack exploited them.
Hacker Challenge, Google Prepare 3.14 Million Dollars
Google again challenged hackers to show off in the race paved Pwnium at a security conference next March. This time, the prize offered by the search engine giant was not half-hearted, 3.14 million U.S. dollars.
In Pwnium 3, the event is called, the hackers will be challenged for the first time for tinkering with Google's operating system, Chrome OS. For those who can hack, each was given a gift from 110 thousand to 150 thousand U.S. dollars.
Google said in a statement on Monday (29/1) states, they will provide the prize money to $ 3, 14 million, or more precisely USD 3.14159 for this race. This means the opportunity to earn prizes open to more people.
Engineers from the Chrome security team, Chris Evans via his blog on Monday, said prize will be awarded 110 thousand dollars for any hacker who can "outsmart" Chrome OS or Chrome browser via a website exploit-serving (exploit-serving website) in the race.
As for those who can do what he called, "through the persistence of the" ("compromise with persistance device") or when hacking can survive a reboot in Chrome OS-based notebooks will be rewarded for a larger, 150 thousand dollars.
"We believe this reflects a greater reward additional challenges associated with the breaking of the defense and security of Chrome OS, the operating system rather than the traditional," said Evans.
Pwnium 3 will take place March 7, 2013 at the CanSecWest security conference, Vancouver, Colombia.
Egypt's Emergency Status Set Three Cities
President of Egypt, Muhammad Mursi determine the status of emergency for one month in three cities along the Suez Canal. The city was the site of clashes that killed 49 people last weekend.
Mursi declared a state of emergency by local television after clashes broke out for four days. The three cities are defined status Ismailia, Suez, and Port Said.
"I promise not to take the extraordinary step unless forced to," he said on Sunday (27/1) local time.
He said the state of emergency will start Sunday midnight. "Security is a shared responsibility of the state. Intend to fight any threat to the power of the law," he said.
Mursi also expressed condolences to the families whose family members were killed in the incident last week.
In addition, the Mursi invite politicians and other parties to dialogue to end the crisis of violence in Egypt. He said details of the dialogue will be announced soon.
Violence in Egypt last week triggered a death sentence convicted 21 people for football fans in clashes that killed 74 people in February in lalu.Nur Aini
France Leads Army Acquires Access Mali Timbuktu
Under the leadership of France, Mali military took over the access to the city of Timbuktu after securing the airport in the desert who became a legend as part of an effort to get rid of Islamist militants, a military official said in Paris and Bamako told AFP.
The soldiers did not have problems when they move to the city, one of the rebel stronghold of Islam that have occupied the Mali desert very wide for 10 months.
"We took over the airport in Timbuktu," said a senior military official told AFP Mali. "We do not have problems."
In Paris, a military spokesman said the army led by France now taken over the city and the access to the territory between Timbuktu and Gao, the main town which is under the control of militant Islam.
Super Heroes Fight Dirt Dog in the City
A super hero fight crime usually, but not with this hero. He even dog feces scattered fighting in the city.
Super hero complete with a tight clothes, helmets and masks to hide their identity is always on patrol in the city of Prague, Czech Republic.
Heroes are also always flush the smokers who do not comply with a bucket of water, said he began to worry about the dog poo capital nicknames in Europe.
"I was SuperVaclav, and I decided to take action against the indifference and hypocrisy going on in the community," he said on his personal website, as reported by Orange, on Monday (10/10/2011).
"I'm tired of just sitting and see injustice around us. This is my mission," he continued.
In a video uploaded via the YouTube site, she picked up her dog poop on the ground and threw the dog's owner.
"Strength is the superclass with lightning speed he ran, because the owner of the dog would have pursued as if it would kill him," said one observer.
Mali Army Acquires konna yet
Mali troops regained control of the town center yet konna, which previously controlled after French airstrikes that drove the insurgents, said French Defence Minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian on Tuesday.
"At this time, konna not be taken back by the forces of Mali," he said at a news conference, as opposed to the claims made by the Malian army on Saturday that it had taken "full control" of the city.
Scramble konna by Islamist forces last week sparked a military intervention in the former French colony, and the onslaught of the first air strike which started on Friday occurred in the city.
Mali army announced on Saturday night that they had taken over the city and up to 100 Islamist fighters were killed in the fighting.
Egypt are failing
Egyptian army commander General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said the current political conflict in Egypt could make the country broke. Efforts to defend the Suez Canal as a key task in a military town near the region will also fail.
"Battles of the recent political interest group can create a state dissolved," said al-Sisi, who is also Defence Minister, as reported by Reuters on Tuesday (29/1). The statement contained in military spokesman page on the Facebook site.
Egyptian police today shot dead a protester in the city of Port Said, after the previous day killed a demonstrator in the capital Cairo. Thousands of protesters marched for five days to protest the decision of President Mohammed Mursi enforcement emergency declared and a curfew for a month in the three provinces, Port Said, Suez, and Ismailiya.
"A young man named Mohammed Gharib was shot dead during clashes between protesters with police outside the police headquarters in Port Said," said a source. "The victim died on the way to the city of Zagazig."
Widespread demonstrations across Egypt resulted in 50 people killed since Friday.
In a television broadcast yesterday Mursi invite opposition groups in dialogue. They accused Mursi betrayed the revolution.
The opposition of the National liberation Front dominated by liberal and leftist movements to refuse dialogue Mursi. "We do not want to participate in the dialogue without content," said opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei.
Kill 60 Rats Prize Mobile
CITY Alexandra is located in Johannesburg, South Africa, has a big problem difficult to resolve: rat attack.
So many rats living in the city, as reported by the Guardian, people often bitten while asleep rats. To solve this problem, a charitable foundation held a contest called Lifeline berhadian phone for people who are able to kill 60 rats or multiples.
Difficult? Not really. A local resident, Joseph Mothapo, were able to catch 23 rats in just one night using traps.
"That's easy. Leave the rest of the food in the trap and the mouse would be coming. Mice will immediately caught a trap door closed, "said Mothapo.
After a few days of hunting mice, Mothapo has won two phones for capturing more than 120 rats. Mothapo plans to continue to hunt rats until all family members have a mobile phone each.
Unfortunately, the lure of this phone makes the intent of the citizens to be changed. Instead spirit eradicate plague of rats, Merea even more passion to win mobile phones. Huffington Post reports, not a few citizens who intentionally breed mice Alexandra and killed him in order to get gift phones.
Scary, is he City of Satan
In China, there is a town called Xinjian. In this city, there is a neglected area called "Moguicheng" or city of the devil (Devils' Town). There were some mysterious old castle.
Local people call it Moguicheng which means the city of Satan. Moguicheng, which is a desert located in the Xinjiang province of China. This area is an area that is dormant, no single person who lives here.
Called the devil town because the town is a mystery. If we walk on a sunny day towards the castles accompanied by the breeze, then we will hear the strains of melody that resembles a bell-and twang guitar strings are plucked gently.
But when the storm came, sand flying the sky instantly darkened. Strains of melody that will turn into a tiger's roar, the baby cries, the sound of animals being slaughtered, dying screams of women and in the end all will be changed to a shout, cry, and rage.
To date, this phenomenon remains a mystery. Nothing reveals the mystery of what exactly is causing the sound of that. Myth that they are the voice of the ghost.
A bomb placed under a car exploded in the southern suburb of the Lebanese capital, inhabited by Shia Muslims on Monday night, without causing any casualties, a security source said.
"A bomb exploded under a car in the Hay al-Sellom, only result in material damage," the source told AFP without even mentioning his name.
The shootout occurred in areas controlled by Shiite groups Amal and Hezbollah, after the explosion occurred.
French-Malian troops forward to the City Diabaly
French soldiers and Mali Monday Diabaly advanced to the western city that has become the arena of air strikes and fighting since seized by rebels a week ago, a military source said.
A convoy of armored vehicles leaves the dawn of Niono city, located 60 kilometers (37 miles) south Diabaly in areas controlled by the government of Mali, the source said.
French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said Sunday that Diabaly, which is located 400 kilometers north of the capital Bamako, has not been retaken by the army Mali while conflicting reports emerged from the city, which is not accessible by independent observers.
"Everything indicates that the positive evolution will Diabaly
next few hours, "he added.
On Saturday Mali army patrol on the outskirts of town, where
the situation was "not very clear," according to a French officer based in Niono.
"In theory, rebel fighters had left the city," he said, but added that they are actually moving.
An army colonel in Mali said that residents comply with fringe theories Diabaly rebels and "we have to be very careful in the next few hours.
11 Yemeni Soldiers Killed in Car Bomb
A car bomb exploded at a military checkpoint in the city of Radda, Yemen, Monday (28/1). At least 11 soldiers were killed.
Local military officials said the explosion had rocked the town Radda, about 100 miles (160 kilometers) south of the Yemeni capital, Sanaa. A suicide bomber blew up his car. At least 11 people were killed.
The bombing took place on the same day when the military launched widespread attacks against the nearby province of Bayda, which became the headquarters of extreme movements. Al-Qaeda movement was besieged Radda year.
Government forces have been deployed to Radda for a few days, and tribal leaders asked the military to suspend operations for 48 hours. The military is expected to try to persuade members of the extreme to leave the city. If a peaceful solution failed, the army launched its assault.
Will Apple Release iPhone Version Offers
AFTER a tiny version of the iPad released some time ago, Apple forecast to make a cheap version of the iPhone. This is expressed observer Apple, Gene Munster, told Business Insider recently.
Munster predicts that the iPhone a bargain priced at $ 200 and will fill the gadget market starting 2014.
Munster said, the decision will be taken so that Apple can be penetrated market to small countries or countries with low-income residents who tend to be.
While not specify what features are expected to fill the cheap version of the iPhone, the Munster believes that smart phones can increase the revenue of Apple, especially from countries that has not dominated the label's Steve Jobs. For example, India's sales figures are still not satisfactory.
Unfortunately, these predictions by some observers cynically responded techno. As the company's premium gadget, it seems impossible that Apple will make the gadget at pocket friendly prices. Especially when the iPad Mini was released, the price was more expensive than other tablets that carries similar features.
Apple boss tepis news 'iPhone Math'
Related news Apple plans to refine iPhone with a large screen size 'iPhone Mate' directly denied the number one in the company. Apple CEO Tim Cook said, the screen on the iPhone 5 now offers the quality and comfort of the device.
"We have put a lot of thought into the size of the screen and we thought it was the right choice," he told reporters as quoted by Digital Spy, Friday (25/01/2013).
Comment Cook was responding to a report from China that show, Apple is preparing a smartphone with a larger screen, known as the 'iPhone Math'. Reportedly this smartphone will be released alongside the iPhone 5S.
China Times reports that Apple will launch the iPhone in three years, one of them carrying the 4.8-inch screen, dubbed "iPhone Math". sources said the 4.8-inch iPhone will be the "phablet" Apple.
Apple Ready to Launch iPhone Sail 4.8 Inches
Rumors about the iPhone's recent China Times media reported that Apple will launch a smartphone with 4.8-inch screen. Reportedly, the gadget will be available in June of this year.
The rumored device dubbed the iPhone Math. Besides sailed 4.8 inches, this smartphone also using the 8 MP camera. And Apple will release a higher specification version next year like the 12MP camera. Unfortunately, Apple has not confirmed the news.
However, this of rumors flying, iPhone Math is planned to coincide with the launch of the iPhone 5S. But the rumor is that his name not be believed the truth 100 percent. All that will be proven when Apple actually launched the device in June.
Samsung Galaxy Xcover2 Prepare Water Resistant
Samsung has just revealed the official launch of its new mobile phone called Galaxy Xcover2, which launched one month before Mobile World Congress 2013. Information about the launch of this device have been leaked a few days ago, along with details of Samsung's plan for the first year 2013.
Quoted from Softpedia, Sunday (27/01/2013), Samsung is likely to have other products that are prepared for MWC 2013, and many consider the Galaxy Xcover2 not eligible to appear in the title of it. However, let's wait for official information from Samsung about what will be offered at the MWC 2013.
Galaxy Xcover2 be equipped with Android 4.1 operating system-based Jelly bean. Integrated with Motion IU, this device will easily translate the movement of the user. Whether it's shaking motion to renew, or move it to turn on silent mode.
Another advantage is the Galaxy Xcover2, these devices have been optimized to withstand most outdoor conditions rough though. Samsung claims besides resistant to dust and sand, Galaxy Xcover2 able to survive in water up to one meter kedalama within 30 minutes.
That explains the users of these devices will be able to immediately take photos underwater, without requiring additional hardware. Supported also by measuring 4inci WVGA touchscreen display resolution of 480x800 pixels, the device has a camera of 5MP that comes behind autofocus, LED flash and video recorder. This smartphone is also laced with a secondary VGA camera for video calling.
Set of secret gadgets Samsung rumors
Samsung may be regarded as the leader of the smartphone market today. But they realize that the market always demands the latest products and better than him.
Some rumors circulating about a new Nokia smartphone. The first news about the Galaxy S3 replacement smartphone, code-named Project J. Rumors related to both the Galaxy Note 2 will come out thrifty version.
Project A is expected to be announced to the public in April 2013. Smartphones that will bear the name of Galaxy S4 is expected to carry the Samsung Exynos 5450 chipset with quad-core Cortex A15, 2 GB of RAM. Project A is expected to be confirmed 1080 pixel 5-inch display and 13-megapixel rear camera.
Samsung is also reportedly preparing a frugal version of the Galaxy Note 2. In exchange for cheaper prices, reduced number of features such as the absence of an AMOLED display and S-Pen stylus. Europe appears to be the first port of Galaxy Note this cheap before another market.
As a bonus, Samsung is also preparing tablets with extra jumbo sizes. Tablet with 13.3-inch screen is prepared to face the Asus Transformer. These tablets will also be equipped with an optional QWERTY keyboard. But there has been no further news about the launch jumbo Samsung's tablet.
7 Biggest Weakness iPhone 5
APPLE always successful release of advanced gadgets whose presence kept waiting. Including the newly released iPhone 5 some time ago.
Unfortunately, the new smartphone users has found a number of deficiencies that reduce the sense of comfort when using it.
Some of them quite serious, so prone to feed the stomach for Apple's competitors to create similar gadgets with better quality.
1. Too ringanPara gadget manufacturers compete to create a device the size of a compact, practical and easy to carry anywhere. Including the matter was the subject of weight calculation. iPhone 5 has a weight of only 112 grams, 20% lighter than its predecessor. However, the "diet" is actually backfire for Apple. Website Gizmodo claims iPhone 5 is too thin and too light, so easily fall.
2. Easy tergoresSelalu easily fall, the iPhone 5 is also easily scratched. Site AllThingsD notes, dropped some coins on the iPhone 5 has been quite successful in making the scratchy surface. This condition is suspected because of the material that wrapped aluminum frame casing.
3. Battery quickly dropSaat launch, Apple CEO Tim Cook, claiming the iPhone 5 battery can last up to 225 hours in standby mode. Seniors, the iPhone 4S is only able to survive for 200 hours. But not so in reality. A Huffington Post reader commented, within one hour after the rechargeable battery is immediately dropped to 40%. A number of other iPhone 5 users were also complaining about the same thing.
4. "No SIM Card Installed" Hearing this one really annoying. Imagine if you just bought the iPhone 5 is still new and sealed condition. When installing the SIM Card while hunted enthusiasm to try out the phone (that he) is sophisticated, even a warning appears that says SIM Card unreadable. To overcome this, the Huffington Post suggested to restart the phone by pressing the Home button and the Sleep. If the SIM card is not readable too, immediately take it to the nearest Apple Store.
5. Wi-Fi is not terdeteksiDibandingkan iPhone 4 or 4S, iPhone youngest child of the family is mentioned most annoying dalamurusa Wi-Fi connection. Connection is slow or even unable to detect Wi-Fi allows users at all to be annoyed.
6. Application navigation map berantakanAplikasi Apple Maps in iOS version is said to be the most widely protested by its users. Display a mess, one showing the location, so can not display at all locations, a deficiency that often occurs in this feature.
7. Siri often errorSalah displays search results is also often occurs in Siri app in iOS 6. MacRumors said Siri application in iPhone 5 is often incorrectly display search results by displaying the location of the city with the same name but different locations.
Samsung give weird nicknames for new product
In addition to news about the Galaxy Note 8 inch version, Samsung is also rumored to have other new products with a screen size of 5.8 inches.
Reportedly, Samsung will introduce a new product with a screen size of 5.8 inches. However, concerns some experts is the name of the South Korean company attributed this to the product rather strange.
During this time, many people use the terms phablet tablet or phone to a device with a screen larger than 5 inches. Rumors, Samsung will provide the initial product with the name fonblet.
As reported by the LA Times (18/01), Samsung also ready for patenting fonblet name as a trademark for their own products.
Leaving aside the new name, SamMobile reported that in addition to having a screen size of 5.8 inches, fonblet also be equipped with Jelly Bean Android operating system updates and other exciting new features and design similar to the Galaxy Player.
Other news says that fonblet this one dihelatnya be introduced at Mobile World Congress in February 2013 and will only be released to the South Korea alone.
This is Leaked Components for iPhone 5S & 6
Although there is no confirmation of the iPhone development related to 5S and 6 of the 'mouth' of Apple, but an image that is claimed as one of the components in these devices revealed in the virtual universe.
The leaked images purported speaker module components for Apple's upcoming smartphone, the iPhone 5S and 6. Thus quoted from Softpedia, Monday (01/28/2013).
French site located at illustrates the comparison component speaker module on the iPhone 5, 5S, and 6. From the pictures, it appears the iPhone 5S will use larger speaker module and strengthen rumors iPhone with a larger size - iPhone Math.
China Times reported, Apple will launch the iPhone in three years, one of them carrying the 4.8-inch screen, dubbed "iPhone Math". The source said the 4.8-inch iPhone will be the "phablet" Apple.
While some time ago, Apple CEO Tim Cook responded to the report, "We have put a lot of thought into the size of the screen and we thought it was the right choice," he said.
3 Only Galaxy Tab Available In Size 10 Inch
You could say the tablet market has been able to compete with the smartphone market today. Seen by many fans of the tablet in the community have been waiting for the arrival of any new tablet in their hands. Not surprisingly, Samsung increasingly prolific producing newest tablets.
As reported by PhoneArena, Samsung reportedly will make a new tablet Galaxy Tab series. Previous Galaxy Tab already has several versions, both of which measure 7 inches and a 10.1-inch. However, it seems in this version, it will not much change in size.
Yes, the Galaxy Tab 3 will reportedly only has the size of 10 inches for retail. This may be a consideration, too carrying the Samsung Galaxy Note tablet with a size of 8 inches.
For more details, we wait for the clear appearance of the Galaxy Tab 3 is diajang Mobile World Congress (MWC) to be held in Barcelona, Spain, next month later.
Apple Prepare iPhone 128 GB capacity
Apple reportedly is preparing the successor to the iPhone 5 rumored to be present in the third quarter of this year. Of course with better specifications than the previous generation.
Apple was hoping this premium smartphone devices would be number one in the constellation of the technology industry.
Recently said there is a glimpse of the range of capacity that will be used on the iPhone 5S, which is 128 GB. It is known through a special beta release of iOS 6.1 developer. In it, there is a code of 128 as released by 9to5Mac.
On the other hand the iPhone 5S will reportedly have a 13 megapixel camera and finger print sensor. Including the latest screens are better than now.
The last time Apple had a mobile gadget with a large memory capacity that the iPod Classic Video.
With such a large storage capacity, it looks like Apple is trying to reach a new title as the largest smartphone manufacturer of storage capacity.
The question, what would fill that much memory?
RIM Tablet Ready to Launch BlackBerry 10
Various rumors about the launch of Blackberry 10 by Research In Motion (RIM) on January 30'll decorate a headline and filling various media articles.
It seems people were carried to the development of the latest OS released by RIM via the Blackberry Z10 and X10 are often mentioned as the physical form of the Blackberry 10, so plan Blackberry tablet presence missed just 10 though. What? Tablet?
Yes, the Blackberry tablet 10 is itself a project RIM to compete in the tablet market after their previous product, the PlayBook tablet to compete with Android and Apple's iPad. Defeat is considered RIM lacking the momentum because often delay the release of the tablet.
As reported by Ubergizmo, RIM announced Blackberry promotion will run during Super Bowl 10. Keep in mind, the Super Bowl is the final Rugby match held at the end of the NFL season in the United States.
On February 3, 2013, RIM will announce their BlackBerry 10 devices during an event in New York, after the release of BlackBerry 10. But in a press release, RIM uses certain words that affirm is planning BlackBerry Tablet 10, as follows:
"RIM confirmed that the BlackBerry 10, i is a new mobile platform that will strengthen generation of smartphones and tablets, will be introduced in the ad ahead of Super Bowl xlvii."
This special bowl Gadget enthusiast and Mi
If you're a fan of noodles as well as gadget-freak, would often eat noodles with your hands stay busy playing smartphone. It is certainly inconvenient, is not it? Do not worry, the 'magic bowl' is, you can still update Facebook or Twitter status despite being in full swing eating noodles.
The bowl is indeed named Dock Bowl presented for the gadget-freak who is also a fan of noodles. Created by Daisuke Nagamoto and Jan Minnie, who is dedicated to fans of the bowl of ramen has a special wedge or dock on the edges that is useful to put the smartphone.
Simply put it in the dock position of the front, then the user can eat noodles while watching the screen of his smartphone. Is that also have to be careful, do not let soup noodles splashed onto the phone.
Although Dock Bowl is still a prototype, it's a brilliant idea that allows fans mi can still communicate via his smartphone.
Record Video from Above Heaven by Android Smartphone
With the growing technological sophistication 'craze', it seems there is no work that can not be done with a smartphone. In fact, if you want to make a video that was taken from the air maybe you can do it from the Android smartphone.
In a video uploaded on Youtube under the name "Always inovating MeCam", it seems the little helicopter that is controlled by an Android smartphone application called MeCam.
MeCam can run on Android smarthphone equipped Cortex A-9 processor with 1GB of RAM, micro SD for storage media, and includes Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Used mini choppers made with precise calculations to keep the device in flight.
As in the video, streaming video MeCam can connect with Android smartphone and if you like, you can publish in any social networking preferred.
Astronomers Japanese Find TwoGiant Planet
TOKYO - Astronomers Norio Narita National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) discovered two giant planets and one star in a planetary system HAT-P-7.
In redorbit pages (25/1) said astronomers using the Subaru telescope to find the first evidence of the orbits of extrasolar planets were detected in 2008. They tried to explain the object of HAT-P-7b, which is located about 1040 light years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus.
They then took the imaging system with high-contrast instrument Subaru telescope latest generation adaptive optics (HiCIAO) to reveal a more complete picture of the object.
From measurements of the motion of objects during the three years up to 2012, they confirmed that one of the two candidate objects is the companion star HAT-P-7, known as HAT-P-7B.
On the other hand confirmation of the existence of giant planets orbiting other co-star, HAT-P-7 c which is outside or retrograde planet HAT-P-7b. It offers new insights into how the formation of the planets.
The team managed to confirm the long-term radial velocity of the system that shows the existence of the other giant planets, HAT-P-7 c, orbits between the orbits of HAT-P-7b and HAT-P-7B.
They believe that the existence of new stars and the outer planets may play an important role in shaping and maintaining the retrograde orbit of the innermost planet through the Kozai mechanism.
When a planet orbits tend to be pretty, HAT-P-7c changing inner planets orbit through Kozai mechanism, thus being backward. The evolution of the orbit of this planet is one scenario that could explain the origin of planetary retrograde / tilt / eccentric. (esy / JPNN)
This Man Managed to Make Transformer Robot in Small Size Comes True
Remember the movie Transformer? Or are you really a movie maniac robots that can change shape, the movie displays about robots from the planet Ciber tron. that has the ability to be transformed into cars, trucks, guns, tanks or aircraft.
Along with the development of Robotic technology is currently growing, it allows the development process of transformation of a toy robot to car and vice verse, and it can already be done but still in small scale, by BRAVE ROBOTICS originating from Japan.

Here you can see a display of photos and a robot car that is "Robot" is the same but has the ability to transform from one form to another. The brain behind all this sophisticated mini robot is Kenji Ishida, a great hobby with Robot and have managed to do so after his business for more than 10 years where he started the first leg of the transformation of a robot alone in 2002.
Kenji Ishida is still not stopped being able to make full-sized robot that can transform into a car that can be driven by artificial intelligence in 2030.
Richard Stallman said that Ubuntu is Spyware!
If you are the user of the penggunaLinux, must have been familiar with one distro is well known distro Ubuntu. The most popular Linux Distro is indeed widely used because of the features, convenience, and support a variety of applications in it. I myself am a Linux user and use Ubuntu as a second OS to move ahead komputer.karena ease many many people use ubuntu as early try linux distro.

But there is a pretty startling statement from the President of the Free Software Foundation, Richard Stallman. Stallman assume that Ubuntu is Spyware!Through the writings, Stallman Ubuntu dubbed as the Spyware. It is motivated by the latest Lens Shopping features contained in Ubuntu 12:10 can perform tracking through search queries in Dash.
At 12:10 Ubuntu users type a search query, the query will be sent to the server Canonical Ubuntu. Query is used to bring a product from Amazon that match keywords in typing in the search. 12:10 If Ubuntu users buy one of the products amazon through Dash, then Canonical will be a small commission from Amazon sales.
Response Canonical?
Canonical has explained that data collected from users is the data anonymous. This means that Ubuntu just send search queries alone without the identity of the user ubuntu. Canonical just take the data that is used to provide a bit more benefits to the users through the search feature.
In addition, this feature is the forerunner of a wider search feature. Later, at 13:04 Ubuntu search feature will also be given search results from various sources such as YouTube,, Amazon, etc.. Users can easily and freely activate the service which will be incorporated into the search feature.
American Defense Department Uses Windows Eight
When the United States Congress is busy debating the austerity, the U.S. Department of Defense (Department Of Defense) or commonly abbreviated as DOD, secretly has issued a statement to the press confirming that they will use a new product from Microsoft in the next few years . Wow great windows 8 weve just a few months already in use appear er American defense department
DOD party also added that Microsoft Office 2013 provides a super security and content management tool that has been better than before it. Additionally this software package has previously been customized to provide super-tight security needs specifically requested by the Department of Defense, well then what microsoft office 2013 security yah, wait wrote on the game.
Although the $ 617 million is not exactly small, but the Defense Department has claimed that the new contract is a Microsoft obtained the best price when compared to the previous contract with the microsoft.
Keep an Eye on Employee Productivity
Increasing productivity is an important thing. remember now many games that can hypnotize users. Especially if you are the owner of a creativity-based businesses such as Graphic Design, software vendors, Rental typing. If you have many employees, it will be very hard to make sure all your employees are productive and not wasting time in front of the computer just to play the game.
to help monitor employee productivity we can use the website activetrack.
ActivTrak is a software that can monitor desktop activity that can be used by computers connected via LAN or connected to the Remote. This kind of structure we can find easily on Graphic Design Services, Typing Services, and Translation Services.
When the employee-owned lot, then ActivTrak can be used to monitor the employees, whether they are actually working in front of a computer doing things productive or even not doing anything at all, and even playing games or being social network.

Well, after getting into the dashboard ActivTrak, look on the right of the screen, you will see the "Download Agent ActivTrak". This is software you need to install to a computer that is connected to you, either through remote desktop and LAN connections to later be observed. ActivTrak later will issue a report on how many computers are connected and you can monitor all of them.
PC already installed "Agent Activity" will send report to the host computer related activities and the activities carried out within a certain period, complete with details of time, productivity assessment, as well as a desktop screen shot evidence.
Productivity report can be viewed on the tab "Reports" and will be displayed in the form of diagrams and details of any applications or web pages that are opened by your employees while using the computer. From here, you can assess their productivity.
By using this method, you can better assess which employees are really productive, and which are merely using work computers to do things like browsing, playing games, chatting, social networks and more.
Visit Web
Advancement of Robotics and Technology World Today
advancement of the world of technology and Robotics at this time are very rapid and highly developed, of course, with all this progress has led to almost all human work easier because getting help that is quite efficient from Robot and technology.

In addition to robotic lawn mowers and vacuum cleaners and other, this time there is again a AndyVision robot that can help and very useful for someone owner of the store, which this robot has the ability to carry out checks on stocks that are still available, and immediately sends the data to the the database owner.
Robots are being developed by the MIT Technology can surround your stores to do checks on all stock items in the store at once Robot will scan all existing products in the store, and if there is a stock of goods that was already exhausted, then AndyVision will automatically notify the owner of the store.
The Ability to Test Your Typing Speed with 10 Fastinger
Are you often learn typing diligently utilizing 3 software typing like a master? Or are you using TI PP 10 to improve your typing speed? Or are you utilizing Type F? Whichever software you choose, I'm sure your ability to telahmengetik been growing rapidly! Now it's time to test your typing skills are. Like a warrior who released the Grand Master of the Jungle martial, now you can also wander in the Jungle typing.
A feature of the website is 10Fast Fingers they have a system like Social Networks, where you can go and sign up, and can also interact with others who are also adventure type there. In fact you can hold an event for racing competitions specific Ly using the 10 finger typing your own language. Anyway, 10Fast Fingers has a feature to type using any language, because of course the introduction of the language also affected a person's typing speed.
Interface of 10Fast Fingers is as described below. There is a panel on the identity, then the main panel in the present quiz from 10Fast Fingers, is also a challenge to follow the event being held. Usually 10Fast Fingers automatically redirect you to the organizers of the event are the same as you are right now.
Visit Website
Nine ways to save battery life on laptops.
One of the advantages of using a laptop instead of a desktop computer is that you can use it anytime and sajatanpa heavy loads. Laptop battery allows you to use the laptop for several hours without being connected to electricity. The duration of battery life depending on the age, type, and magnitude of energy use in the battery. However, there are some things you can do to conserve laptop battery life in order not to run out quickly. In this article I will give you 10 ways to conserve laptop battery laptop battery in order to remain durable and longer lasting.
1. Clean Laptop Regularly
Many laptop users are lazy to clean the laptop. This often makes the air vent on the laptop clogged by dust etc.. Blockage of the ventilation holes makes your laptop heat and forced fan (fan) to work harder. Of course this makes your laptop 0baterai energy faster. To avoid this, make sure you're diligent in cleaning the laptop especially in the area around the vent hole.
2. Turn off Wireless Card
Wireless card is very draining power from your laptop battery, even when you're not connected to the Wi-Fi connection. If it is not currently required, make sure you turn off the Wireless Card in order to use your laptop battery does not run out quickly.
3. Lower Screen Brightness
Laptop screen brightness takes quite a lot of energy consuming power in the battery. Lose your laptop screen brightness level even though one or two could make your laptop battery last longer.
4. Use Sleep Mode
The process ignites laptop takes quite a lot of battery power. To outsmart you can use sleep mode when the laptop shut. When the laptop is in sleep mode, the laptop uses the energy of the energy in the battery is very low. All files and programs that are currently open will be stored in temporary memory. When you turn it on again, and the program files will be immediately ready for use. In addition to saving time, sleep mode can also save battery usage. But remember, this trick is only effective if you plan to use the laptop some time after the laptop is turned off. If you want to turn off the laptop for a long time, use the shutdown menu as usual.
5. Perform Setup Power-Savings
Almost every operating system there must be a power-savings settings menu. Arrange all power-savings features and customize to your needs. For example, when the display will be dimmed or turned off, when the hard drive will be turned off, etc.. Setting appropriate to their needs can make the laptop battery to be more durable and long lasting.
6. Clean Batteries
The batteries are often dirty due to a variety of dust and dirt. This can reduce the effectiveness and efficiency of the battery. Clean the metal poles of the battery by using a cotton swab moistened with alcohol.
7. Close Unnecessary Programs
Often we do not open a lot of programs that we use. In fact there may be too many processes that we do not need running in the background. Turning off programs and unnecessary processes can help reduce the use of laptop battery significantly.
8. Defrag your hard drive
Fragmented files to make the hard drive work harder. Notebook must find a fragmented file and put it together when it is accessed. As a result, the hard drive will require a larger battery power. To fix this, you could do a defrag your hard drive when the laptop is connected to AC power. Remember, do not defrag when the laptop is not connected to electricity. Defrag process requires considerable power and could make laptop battery power runs out in no time.
9. Unplug the USB device
Make sure you unplug a USB device that is no longer needed. For example, you copy files from flash or an external hard drive, unplug the device immediately after copying the file. Any USB devices require power and can make your laptop battery life.
Secrets and Tips to be a Successful Blogger
the era of the internet, the blog is now growing very rapidly. According to the report there, every second appeared about 1 billion new blogs in cyberspace. So many new bloggers are scattered in this virtual world. Some are successful and some are blogs run aground in the middle of the road due to intense competition blogger. But the ways in which we can survive in the virtual world with our artificial blog??
1. Show me who you really are.
Do not be afraid to be known by many people. There is no point in writing a post or comment you are qualified, but you hide your identity. Being anonymous can be a disadvantage, especially if you provide benefits to many people. Show me, so everyone knows that you're that has a lot of good through the writings on your blog it.
2. Focus
Focus on each content and topics you discuss. Remember that blogging = sharing, the more useful and sharing your gifts through your post blog.maka you have another step closer to becoming a successful blogger.
3. Blogging with heart
Our blog will be read by tens, hundreds, or even millions of visitors every day. Therefore suguhilah them with content that you prefer. If you yourself do not like what you are discussing, it will be difficult for readers to understand your writing and like the content of your blog.
4. Consistent to continue writing
Diligent is one key to success in all areas of life in the world, as well as blogging. In the world of blogging, diligently writing is one thing that determines the future success of your blog. Fill out the blogs that you create with the writings continually updated consistently and bergkualitas. By diligently writing on a blog, you can be loved by the search engines as well as the millions of visitors worldwide.
5. Diligent exchange links.
Exchanging links with other blogs is very profitable. Blog you can be known by visitors as well as your friend's blog on the contrary, it will increase the readers on your blog.
6. The comments on other blogs
By filling out the comments on other blogs, you might as well put up free promotion for your blog. That way your blog will be better known and more rapidly booming with ease. But do not spam yaa.Komentar that is both useful comments for others.
7. Have fun
Do not make blogging a burden. Blog is pleased to mencurakan having the thoughts. If you think of the blog as a burden, over time the blog will be stranded in the middle of the road.
8. Ping after creating a new post.
By pinging the latest information available on our blog can be immediately known by the search engines. One of the services made wordpress is ping ping-o-matic.
9. Use feed.
Feed used to subscribe for free. By utilizing feeds, then visitors you will get your recent article2 via feed reader or email them.
10. Choose an interesting post title
Interesting title is a title that can make visitors curious and want to read your article more. Articles of interest can not be read by visitors if not given proper title to the article.
10 Ways to Keep Durability Laptop
Laptop is an electronic item that is needed at this time, especially by students and practitioners working because the laptop has a small form that can easily be brought to work, study, and hang out with my friend.
Damage to the laptop user can interfere with productivity, messy work, data - data missing ddan forth. Oddly enough, one of the results of a survey of the leading laptop in korea states that 68% of laptop damage caused by improper use and care. Therefore, the following will give you 10 ways PG maintain the durability of laptops that can avoid premature damage to your laptop
1. Always keep your laptop
No matter how small the dust that enter the area inside the laptop could cause serious damage. Dust can cause corrosion on the metal conector laptop and potentially cause a short circuit on the laptop. If it happens .. buuum .. bye dear old laptop, let alone a laptop clog the air vent
2. Do not use the laptop on a soft surface
Carpets, sofas and beds are a favorite place that we often use as a base when air-ria laptop. But do you know if the laptop could heat faster if used in a tender? That's because the laptop vents will be blocked so that the hot air from inside your laptop can not be transferred out. If you're going to use your laptop in places such software, make sure you give a hard base under the laptop so that the laptop vents are not covered.
3. Use stabilizer
If you're using a laptop without a battery, then use stabilizer so that the laptop is not damaged by voltage changes in tiba2.
4. Istrirahatkan laptop for a few minutes
If a task or work is being piled up, often laptops have to come to work hard all night. Ditch your laptop 15-20 minutes every couple of hours before using it again so that conditions remain optimal laptop.
5. Do not bring a laptop with indiscriminate
beware if you're carrying a laptop. Try not to get parts that are scratched or even fall when you take it.
6. Do not drink, put a beverage or other liquid bahan2 danger next to laptop
Drinking or put liquid ingredients next to the laptop can be quite risky. It is feared that the liquid is accidentally spilled on the laptop and make your laptop crashes even totally dead.
7. Do not place anything on the keyboard and laptop screen
Make sure that you do not put anything on the laptop keyboard because if you get forgotten and close the laptop, it might be making a serious scratches on the laptop screen.
8. Never try to disassemble your own laptop
Except for you who are familiar with the hardware settings on the laptop, PG recommends that you do not break your own laptop. Laptop is an electronic item that is quite vulnerable. One small mistake you do can be fatal to the age and condition of the laptop. If something happens to your laptop, the wisest action is to take it to the authorized service center laptop.
Raffi Ahmad Positif Menggunakan Narkoba
Raffi Ahmad Positif Menggunakan Narkoba. Sebuah situs berita, memberitakan bahwa Artis, Raffi Ahmad Positif Menggunakan Narkoba.
Setelah lima orang ditetapkan positif narkoba, pihak Badan
Narkotika Nasional (BNN) mengumumkan lagi dua orang positif narkoba,
yaitu dua pria berinisial R dan RJ.
Setelah menjalani
pemeriksaan secara maraton sejak Minggu (27/1), Kabag Humas BNN,
Setelah lima orang ditetapkan positif narkoba, pihak Badan
Narkotika Nasional (BNN) mengumumkan lagi dua orang positif narkoba,
yaitu dua pria berinisial R dan RJ.
Setelah menjalani
pemeriksaan secara maraton sejak Minggu (27/1), Kabag Humas BNN,
Sinetron Kinara - Sinopsis dan Pemeran Sinetron Kinara Global TV
Sinetron Kinara - Sinopsis dan Pemeran Sinetron Kinara Global TV. Buat kamu para pecinta sinetron pasti tahu tentang Sinetron Kinara, sinetron baru yang tayang di Global TV ini memang sedang menjadi perbincangan karena ceritanya yang menarik. Sinetron Kinara ini sudah mulai tayang semenjak 7 Januari 2013 lalu.
Sinopsis Sinetron Kinara Global TV
Kinara merupakan seorang gadis cerdas
Sinopsis Sinetron Kinara Global TV
Kinara merupakan seorang gadis cerdas
Beware of The Free Hosting Site
Hosting free websites has become a cheap solution for some people for the first time or just trying to make a website. Many parties that provide the means for free file hosting for promoting them. Even unisex free hosting with specifications that "wow" and very tempting.

To the extent that we often hear the slogan hosting free "if there is a free, why should I pay??" Indeed it is true, but do you know if a free hosting also has a lot of weaknesses. This weakness is crucial and you should be aware, without intending to denigrate the provider of free web hosting. The following are the things you should be aware if you want to choose a free hosting site as a place to shelter you.
1. Avoiding rejection by spider
Some sites search engine or the more commonly known search engines generally will refuse to index the sites placed on free hosting. You will get a lot of error messages as if you had registered too many pages. For example, if you register your site to atavist, atavist site despite saying that "your URL has been submitted for processing" when you register, but in general the site atavist a spider will not index the web sites hosted by free hosting sites.
2. Easing indexed by yahoo
Indeed yahoo would never say never to index a page with a free hosting site, but in fact the site or hosting domain free will be very difficult to indexed in Yahoo. It took a very long time or even might not indexed by Yahoo and other search engines.
3. we do not know when and how long the free hosting will serve our own
The most concern is if suddenly a free hosting service is over and you have not been backing up your site. Then you will lose your own site.
4. Internet is not forever
Logically, there will never be business are willing to serve you free constantly. If your site is already crowded and has been considered a burden to the server, usually the hosting will give you a warning that you need to upgrade to a paid package. Do not be surprised if the cost is more expensive than other paid hosting. This business trick, if you have started to depend on the parties, the package must be purchased in order to pay your site remains.
5. You can not complain on existing services
If at any time the server goes down or other things, you will find it hard to complain to the service provider hosting. This is because of the service you are using is a free service. It would be different if we use a paid service. Complaint is our right as we had paid our duty.
6. Management more complicated
If you seriously want to create a free hosting site, then the management will be more complicated because you must often backup your data from loss if the free service is closed.
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