Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

Ubuntu for smartphones Has Present and Ready to Compete.

Finally came also a new contender for the mobile operating system for smartphones has emerged especially among Apple, Google and Windows. Right on January 3, 2013 and then, formally presenting the Canonical Ubuntu Operating System which is devoted to smartphone devices.

Ubuntu untuk Smartphone Telah Hadir dan Siap Bersaing (Video)

Of course, with the presence of Ubuntu for smartphones will become an additional alternative for mobile phone manufacturers worldwide smartphone available. According to Canonical, Ubuntu for smartphones provides unique capabilities, such as the convenience in connecting devices between the phone and computer.

Ubuntu Canonical hopes will be popular in the market, which will allow consumers to have a single device that is safe and can be connected with various devices more easily.
Ubuntu name derived from South Africa's philosophy is generally known only to the extent the Linux operating system that is widely used in desktop computers only, with users that include and focus on the aspects of security and management.

arties claim that Canonical Ubuntu Smartphone version has some features that would distinguish it from Google's Android operating system. Differences can be found in terms of the navigation can emerge from each side to touch the thumb. With the navigation of the four sides of the course will make it easier for users to search for content, both locally and content available on the internet.
Ubuntu version of this smartphone also offers a fast movement from one application to another with the support of HTML5 and display a customizable welcome screen.

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