Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

New Year Resolutions for It Workers

The new year has arrived. Do you have performance much better than the previous year? Stagnant? or even backwards?

What! You do not even know? Ckckck ... If you are not aware of the progress of the new achievements or setbacks, then you need to learn to make a resolution! Resolution is the target for this year which will serve as an indicator of achievement we achieved during the year. At the end of the year, we will be happy when it managed to achieve a lot of targets, and if not achieved, then we need to introspect and set new targets.

Resolution should be specific and realistic to achieve, so that you can measure your progress for next year! For example, a special resolution for PC users, Resolution for the job, and much more.

Resolusi Tahun Baru untuk Pekerja Bidang IT

Whether you're a worker in the IT field? Web Builder, an online business, writers, programmers, developers and apps forum? ... Is realistic resolutions that can support our achievement next year? I tried menyusunkan realistic resolutions for you to execute, and you make a goal if you are a worker in the IT field.

1. Understanding this field better
If you are engaged in IT field, then you need to know about this area in more depth. Therefore, it is not wrong to set the resolution that in 2013 you have to understand is this area in more depth.
For you who are on the move to create a website, then you need to explore the three best platform to create a website or to learn software for creating websites, making use of five online services to create a website.
For you who is a writer or blogger online, you need to understand more deeply about his writing career in the field of online, eg using dropbox to write. Maybe you also need to know more secrets to be a successful blogger.
If you work as a programmer, you need to learn what's new programming techniques, such as learning to use the typescript - a new programming language from Microsoft.

2. Doing Mapping career
To develop a career in IT, you need to do the name mapping career. The definition of career mapping is to specify what kind of IT practitioners be yourself, then what kind of profile you want to accomplish. All are arranged in detail so that you know exactly what the targets and steps would you go through and you have achieved during the year.
Personal career map you must include the following:

Employee profile that includes a list of jobs and roles you want to do (spesifiklah) The idea or goal positions include positions in and outside the company. Analysis of your skills and a plan to bridge the skill gap that you need to master the job. Network professionals can work with you and you can use to ask for advice when necessary. With a clear career map, you have certain steps that you want to accomplish in order to achieve career goals in 2013. Examples like this. Say you develop a professional website. Write down specifically what would you do to develop the website, then you need to analyze your strengths and weaknesses in developing websites - from here you can develop a plan to overcome your shortcomings in developing websites. Then as a final step, you join a network of professionals - people who worked together to develop the website for advice and sharing.

3. Updating CV You!
What is meant here is the updated CV for an additional achievement record your CV. If you are the employees of IT companies, such as a web developer, then you can include a list of websites that you test your design or to add value to your CV.
If you do not have anything to write on your CV or just started working as a professional in the field of IT, you can hunt for work in the IT field utilizing Resumonk.

4. Creating A Website Specifically for popularization name
If you are a professional working freelance in the field of IT, such as web or developer forums, of course you have to have a special website about you to improve your credibility in front of customers.
In the website, the course will be reflected skill and aesthetic you that you take appropriate professions in the field of IT.
If you are still having trouble in making a website, you can read the Versial tips about making your own website with ease!

5. Fixing Social Profiles You
Current social networking can not be underestimated strength. Even Jakarta called the world's most active cities in Twitter. Therefore, you need to fix your social profile, any social network you use. This course will support your credibility as a reliable professionals in the field of IT. If you really use Twitter, you can carry out the 7 tips that you become popular and exist in Twitter, among others, namely:
Try to Follow Follower less than the amount you Say things interesting Do not complain Give a specific theme to your followers Twit at the right time Follower cakaplah carry with you Grow your follower curiosity Later on Twitter, there are 4 things you need to avoid, namely:
Praising and selfish Not in touch with other people on Twitter Using Auto-responders or automatic answering machine Not provide value to your followers. When FB is a social networking gacoan you, then you need to know how to popularize your FB group. Among others:
Choose a cool name for your group Suggest / invite friends to your FB group Promote through group / similar pages Promote mutual groups that you follow Make your group active Create viral content Advertise your group Got tips for building credibility in social media? Add in the comments to discuss!

6. Build a New Social Network
Social networking is an important tool for developing your communication with others, especially your clients and customers. It is very important for you to develop your self to a variety of social networks. For example, you can promote yourself you through the New Kaskus Forum which is the largest in Indonesia. Do not be afraid to explore your self to a variety of networks to increase your popularity as an IT practitioner.

7. Characteristic for Creating Cover Letters that You Write
There is a proverb among business and management: If you can not be the first, be the best, and if you can not be the best, be different - it will give you your own market-share. (If you can not be first, be the best, and if you can not be the best, be different - because it will provide its own market share for you).
Similarly, if you work as IT practitioners. Introduce yourself differently. If you have plans to apply to the leading IT companies in 2013 or later, write a resolution that you will make a different cover letter! Which describes you and your creativity! It will give added value than anyone else!

8. Extending Insights You
Department of Information Technology is a dynamic field, Sodara Sodara! Never dive in IT if you broaden lazy! Every day there are hundreds of newly launched gadgets, new software is produced, opened a new website - You do not need to master all of them, but at least you do not close your eyes. Sesempatnya, try something new insights that you get every day. For example, if you're a practitioner Ubuntu, strive to gain new knowledge of Ubuntu every day by reading the ebook specifically about Ubuntu.

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