Senin, 28 Januari 2013

Could Microsoft Surface Sale by Price Less Than IDR 2 Million?

Some time ago we had shocked with rumors that Microsoft Surface tablet will be priced at less than 2 million rupiah ($ 199). Hmmm ... Tablet with topnotch quality hardware bundle plus plus Windows 8 .. tempting at all huh?

If the correct price is under 2 million .. PG would not miss to buy Microsoft Surface is: D. But could Microsoft Surface is sold for less than 2 million?

Mungkinkah Microsoft Surface Dijual Dengan Harga Kurang dari 2 Juta?

Microsoft Surface is equipped with high-performance hardware

Some analysts say that the quality and performance of Microsoft Surface tablet hardware more powerful than most because they have menjalanan Windows 8 operating system which of course .. a little heavy for low-performing hardware.

With the performance and quality of the hardware that is higher than most tablets, should still price is also a bit more expensive than the current tablet.

Microsoft had to pay a license to Apple

Apple sued Samsung for patent royalties of $ 30 - $ 40 for every tablet sold. This also seems to amount to be paid by Microsoft to Apple for each Microsoft Surface tablet sold.

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