Minggu, 27 Januari 2013

Wifox, Accelerate Internet Connection Up to 700%

A group of researchers from North Carolina State University (NCSU) has developed software to cope with the slow Internet access. WiFox, is a software that can be installed on the network and will address the issues slowing the connection speed of the Wi-Fi is being used a lot of people. Increased throughput can reach 700 percent.

The more users the more "crowded" traffic data on Wi-Fi channel used together, and getting down the performance of the network. To that end, this WiFox software monitor data traffic to Wi-Fi channel and give priority to the access point to send data if there is a backlog of data. Priority is given depends on the size of the backlog - the greater the higher the priority.

Acts like a traffic cop, WiFox keep data traffic to flow smoothly in both directions. Having tested to 45 users in their lab, the result, more and more users are using the network, the higher data throughput. Increase ranging from 400 percent to 25 users and up to 700 percent when 45 users utilizing the network. From the test results, the research team concluded that the response to user requests on average four times faster than Wi-Fi networks that do not use the software. As quoted by the press release NCSU, paper booklet tells you how WiFox work will be presented at the ACM CoNEXT 2012 in Nice, France, on 10 to 13 December 2012.

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